Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2313: Dead duck

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In the background, it was also in a strange silence.

Apart from the excited Yonezawa, as well as the smiling Yang Jingqi and the shoe king, the others' faces are a bit ugly.

How did these people mock the Phoenix Rose team just now?

Especially those of YPL, their faces are overcast.

Say sarcasm, but they first looked down on the Phoenix Rose team.

However, a hearty victory made their faces sore.

When the Phoenix Rose members returned to the background, this strange atmosphere reached its extreme.


It was the three of Yonezawa who smiled and came in front of the team members, not hesitating to bless themselves.

But there are people who are not interested in trying to interrupt this peaceful atmosphere.

A member of the extremely imperial team said with a sour mouth: "Humph! Good luck, what is worth showing off?"

"That is, it's just that it beat Beizhou's weakest team. What's so great about it?"

People passing by the team immediately caught up with the gang.

The two big teams have reached unanimous opinions as never before.

Not only that, the members of the other teams also expressed their opinions indifferently.

"That Blue Thunder team had that incident before, and it must have been more or less affected."

"This Phoenix Rose is so lucky that they have met the Blue Thunder team in a very poor state, and they are lucky to win."

"Huh? Is this a plot of Phoenix Rose?"

"Damn, sinister and cunning Yan nationals!"

Previously, the official staff member also said, "Please invite both teams to prepare for the next game."

Indifferent tone, as if nothing happened just now, then the first game.

The happy phoenixes were very frustrated, but when they couldn't help but want to pay back, they walked in the background.

When he saw the figures, the official's face suddenly changed, and he greeted him diligently.

"Mr. Kafman, why are you free to come here?"

That's right, it was Kafman and his bodyguards.

The bald and strong Han Rabati also followed Kafman, waving at Ye Hong and others, beckoning.

"Let me congratulate my friends."

Kafman nodded lightly at the official staff member.

He immediately crossed his figure and came straight to Ye Hong and others.

"What a wonderful game, congratulations.

I've got someone to set up a feast for you, come with me. "

Kafman's movement directly made the staff member's face ooze with cold sweat.

He never expected that this little Phoenix Rose team would have such a good relationship with the Sith State tycoon Kafman.

Deep regret, suddenly biting his heart like a poisonous bug.

Those of YPL naturally closed their mouths immediately, and there was deep jealousy on their faces.

When the rest of the team heard about Kafman's identity, his face also stiffened, and he closed his mouth honestly.

Just as Ye Hong was about to agree, two more people came in the background.

The most advanced is a family of three.

Seeing this family of three dressed as ordinary people, the staff member just straightened his waist.

Stepped forward, said coldly: "This is the backstage of the game, ordinary people are not allowed to enter."

"Sorry, we are here to find someone..."

The mother of a family of three apologized in the slightly unfamiliar Glan language.

This flamboyant Glan language made a contempt flash in the eyes of the staff.

So the mother's words were quickly interrupted by the staff member's cold voice: "No one can be found! Hurry away..."

His voice did not fall, and behind him suddenly came a cry of surprise: "Aunt!"

"Aunt, aunt?"

The staff member's expression suddenly stiffened and turned around with difficulty.

As a result, he saw the captain of the Phoenix Rose team, the night phoenix who just killed the Quartet on the field, and he was walking towards the family of three with joy.

Is the person they are looking for the Phoenix Rose team? !

At this moment, the staff wanted to die.

"Please let my friends' relatives come in."

Kafman said to the staff member unpleasantly.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Kafman..."

The staff turned pale and quickly gave way to a family of three.

Ye Hong also greeted him with a smile and the team.

This family of three, of course, is Yehong and Yezhinu’s aunt Yejuan, uncle Yue Qingsen and their son Xiaohu.

When Yehong went to Zhanghe County last time, it happened that Xiaohu wanted to watch the S10 game, and Yehong gave them a few tickets.

Obviously, they only recognized Yehong and Yezhinuo under the stage, and then they came to the background.

"Really you two!"

Ye Juan and Yue Qingsen saw Ye Hong and Ye Zhinuo in close proximity, and there was still surprise on their faces.

And Xiao Hu doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic as he usually sees Ye Hong Shi, and hides behind the couple a little head and head.

"Xiaohu, this is..."

Ye Hong glanced at the little tiger who didn't dare to look directly at him, and asked aloud.

"Ah, this little guy has no face to see you now."

Ye Juan burst into tears to explain the future.

It turned out that before the game, a hundred tigers were not optimistic about Phoenix Rose.

But when he knew that his most cousin was in the Phoenix Rose team, he was already depressed.

When Phoenix Rose won, Xiaohu was ashamed.

Now the little guy is unhappy, but he thinks he will be hated by Ye Hong and Ye Zhinuo.

Ye Hong laughed dumbfounded when he knew it, and reached over and patted Xiao Hu's head: "Then punish you to support our team in the future, okay?"

Xiaohu stunned his head for a while, and then came out incredulously: "Cousin, don't you hate Xiaohu?"

"If you know your mistakes, you can change them. You are a good boy. Why do you hate them?

On the contrary, some ducks that have hard mouths until they die will be annoying. "

When Ye Hong said this with a smile, many of the other team members present twitched.

People from other countries even experienced the skills of the Yan nationals scolding people without using dirty words.

Although Xiaohu couldn't understand Yehong's second sentence, he immediately smiled at the smiles that the members of Phoenix Rose showed to him.

"Then, can you sign me?"

Xiaohu looked up at some little phoenixes and asked with a look of admiration.

This lovely expression suddenly made it difficult for several girls to parry, and they all agreed to Xiaohu's request.

And behind them, another obese figure walked into the background.


The official raised his chest again, blocking the door aggressively.

After suffocating, he gritted his teeth and gnashed his teeth, secretly said: I don't believe it is related to Phoenix Rose this time!

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