Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2324: I am my own god!

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"The **** of fire born from flames, please give me the power to burn all things..."

"The **** of water that nurtures all things, please give me the power to summon the flow of water..."

Every divine teacher, holding the starlight symbol tightly in his hand, prayed piously.

If there is no wrong guess, this artifact may be an auxiliary tool like alienated wristband, which can help the spiritual masters to quickly complete the chanting process.

Although Ye Hong could interrupt their tribute instantly, he did not do so.

Instead, they looked at them with interest.

It is rare to encounter a spiritual teacher once, and do not take the opportunity to study and study the principles in it, and you may not have such a good opportunity next time.

".......Your most loyal believer, here pleads to bring down the fire (water) of God's thoughts and exterminate the demon in front of you!

"[God of Fire · Fireball]!"

"【Water God Nian·Water Gun】!"

It can be seen that although these spiritual masters belong to the spiritual masters association, they believe in different gods, and their moves are naturally different.

After Fangcai's wind blade, things like fireballs and water guns flew in front of him.

Ye Hong finally understood why these people had to stun people on the viewing platform before starting.

Ordinary people see this strange scene and may cause huge commotion, maybe they will make headlines tomorrow.

Faced with a new round of attack, Ye Hong was still in a hurry.

Stretching his finger like a bubble, it is easy to poke all these flying things apart.

"How could this be......"

"What the **** is he?"

The five gods were suddenly desperate.

Feeling desperate for the deep strength gap between himself and Ye Hong.

Their most proud means, they can't even get in three feet in front of Ye Hong!

Akryd was deeply remorseful.

Knowing that Ye Hong was so strong, he should wait for the support of the association to act together.

Ye Hong felt the breath remaining between his fingers, and there was a playful smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Should it be my turn?"

Hearing Ye Hong's demonic words, the five men looked up in horror.

I saw Ye Hong stopped at the same place and closed his eyes silently.

"Ding! Trigger the entry-level mind-reading ability, feeling in mind..."

The consciousness in my brain seemed to enter a gray and mysterious space.

Above the space, there is a figure of Zun Daweian.

Some brave men with red iron hammers and fire.

There is a beautiful woman dressed in a long blue dress that is entangled by a hurricane.

There is also a looming blue woman in the shower mist.

Ye Hong knew that these figures were the projections of the gods believed by the few masters who had just shot.

This belief is conveyed into Yehong's mind through the remaining breath in the air.

At this moment, Ye Hong felt that these figures were calling him strongly.

"Believe me, worship me, and I will give you great power!"

With a majestic voice, it seemed to ring in my ears.

But Ye Hong smiled coldly.

"God? Does not exist!"

"If there is a **** in the world, I am my own god!!"

All projections disappear.

In the chaos, there is only one projection.

That is exactly what Ye Hong looks like.

Ye Hong refused all the temptations of the gods and resolutely chose himself to be the god!

"Let's call you the night god..."

Looking at the projection in front of him, Ye Hong smiled to himself.

At the same time, Ye Hong in reality opened his eyes sharply.

A mysterious and mysterious aura condensed around him, making those magical masters instantly open their eyes.

At this moment, they seemed to be in front of a **** with a strong urge to bow down and worship.

Ye Hong's mouth was already whispering a rhythm similar to those of the Divine Master.

But the pace is much faster than them!

"In the name of the night god, order you to obey me out!

[Wind God's Thought · Wind Sickle]! "

Hearing Ye Hong's words, the spiritual masters were instantly dumbfounded.

In the wide-eyed eyes, all are incredible.

They swear that they have lived their entire lives, and have never heard anyone call this God's idea with such an overbearing tone!

Also, the night god... what kind of god?

But what they did not expect was that a full wind blade appeared in the air!

The familiar appearance was exactly the wind sickle that Aklaud had just summoned.

However, the number of these wind blades is densely packed, far exceeding the number summoned by Aklyd.

Is this okay? !

Akryd roared in his heart, and saw the wind blades flying towards him.

"Master, be careful!"

"The **** of water that nurtures all things, please give me the power to summon the flow of water... [Water God and Water Shield]!"

At the critical moment, a spiritual master who believed in the water **** condensed a shield made of water in front of Aklyd.

"Does the God of Water read...?"

Ye Hong showed a faint smile on his face, and continued to shout into the air: "In the name of the night god, don't you get out quickly?!

[Water God, Water Gun]! "

It is a similar water gun, but it is also an enhanced version.

The water gun, which is thicker than the arm, easily penetrates the water shield.

The figure of Akryud was also exposed to the sky.

"Uh, uh--"

The dense wind blade left a scar on Akryud.

In the constant howling, the white robe of Akryud was already shaved.

This is due to the ruthlessness of Ye Hong's men, otherwise Aklyud's injury will be more serious than it is now.

"Senior Director!"

The remaining four spiritual masters were suddenly panicked and concentrated next to Aklyud, looking at Yehong with a frightened face.

This kind of panic is far more than just now.

Just because they actually saw a person who summoned two attributes at the same time in their lifetime!

Ye Hong was somewhat satisfied with the effect just now.

After understanding the principles of the Divine Nian, imitating similar means is a breeze.

As for why it is possible to summon two attributes of mind at the same time, perhaps it is quite incredible in the eyes of Xizhou people who only believe in one **** in their lives, but for Ye Hong, there is no problem.

After all, he is also a person who has mastered the Taoism of the wind and the Taoism of water at the same time. It is quite easy to control the breath of these two attributes and form the mind.

Achilles strong endured the pain, stared at Yehong with a disgusted face: "You unfaithful who believe in two gods at the same time!

No, you are a demon from Yan Kingdom!

You who desecrate the gods must be punished by God! "

Ye Hong frowned impatiently.

Even if he wanted to teach this person a lesson, he never expected that this Akryd would dare to threaten him.

Ye Hong hates the threat of others!

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