Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2325: Circling

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"You said I believed in two gods at the same time, right?"

Ye Hong smiled sarcastically and snapped his fingers in the air: "In the name of the night god, you should get out together!"


A round fireball gathered above Yehong's index finger.

In the firelight, five faces that doubt life are reflected.

"God of Fire..."

"how is this possible?!"

"Does he believe in three gods at the same time?"

Looking at the five ignorant faces on the opposite side, Ye Hong held the fireball and walked towards them step by step.

On the expressionless face, Morihan's killer flowed.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"This is Xizhou. If you dare to move us, the Association of Divinity Masters will chase you to the end of the world!"

Ye Hong pulled out his ear with another hand, and looked bored, "Can you change your rhetoric?

Back and forth are such naive threats, are there any new ideas? "

The five people no longer spoke immediately, all staring at Yehong with their teeth clenched.

At this moment, a cold sigh came from the air.


This sigh seemed to let the air fall several times in an instant.


An inexplicable coolness made the fireball in Yehong's hand instantly extinguish.

He frowned and glanced under his feet, and found that layers of ice gradually appeared from the bottom of his feet to his body.

The hard ice seemed to freeze Yehong completely in place.

At the same time, if there is a euphoria, it also comes from one direction.

"Even the winter is frightened, even the snow and ice surrender to you...

Powerful glacier god, please give me the power to freeze this person!

[The Spirit of Ice·Glacier Cage]! "

It’s not Shen Nian, but [Shen Yi] that Ye Hong never heard of!

The intensity of this attack in front of us is far greater than that of the five gods who are just thinking about it.

The ice block is extending faster and faster, and has spread to Ye Hong's waist.

The five spiritual masters, including Achliud, also looked at not far away with surprise.

"The spirit of ice... must be a high-level spiritual master of the Lanxi country branch, and Miss Camille, the honorary vice president of the general association, is here!"

An elegant figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

Ice blue curls hang down to the waist.

The crystal clear face seemed to become transparent.

The same ice-blue eyes as the hair color, like two charming gems.

Outside the hot body, she wore a white robe of the same style.

However, there are three blue diamond marks on the chest's vertical and horizontal diamond star logo.

This imprint represents the noble status of the vice president in the Association of Divinity Masters.

This beautiful woman has no shoes on her feet.

Where the tender white jade feet passed, there was a road of ice that automatically condensed, paving a frosty road for it.

"Have seen Vice President Camille."

The five Divine Masters struggled to get up and greet this beautiful woman respectfully.

Akryd was even more excited about Ye Hong: "Vice President, please show your dignified and magnificent sense of ice to completely freeze this demon!"

Camille did not respond to Akryud, but directed the ice-blue pupil straight to Yehong.

The beautiful eyes are full of doubts.

Ye Hong was also observing the sudden appearance of the woman, who was called the vice president by several of them.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: high-level spiritual master.

The target is good at the ability: the spirit of ice.

Ability characteristics: Divine will attack.

Target weakness: fear of fire. "

It turns out that this person is a high-level spiritual master.

Compared with their mid-level psychic masters like Akryud, Camille possesses a means called divine intention.

Ye Hong, who was blocked by ice, did not hurry to break free, but silently sensed these ice cubes.

Compared to those divine thoughts, these ice cubes condensed by divine will undoubtedly have a more pure breath concentration.

This concentration instantly reminded Ye Hong of the difference between Gu Dao Wu and Gu Qi Wu.

Because of the difference between Taoism and breath, one is perception, and the other is concentration!

If the perception is replaced by faith, everything will become well understood.

The so-called divine intention is precisely under the firmer faith, the advanced control of divine thought!

This is the principle of Divine Will!

"Ding! The principle of enlightenment, +1 ability of enlightenment, current progress: 110, current level: entry level."

Camille didn't seem to find anything wrong, but just asked Ye Hong lightly: "The strong man from the ancient kingdom of the East, why did you set foot on this land in Xizhou?"

The crisp voice is like her pure and noble appearance.

Yehong hadn't spoken yet, and Aklyd couldn't wait to say: "Vice President, this man is a companion of forty thieves, and the highest treasure is in the hands of his companions!"

"Be quiet."

Camille glanced at Akryud gently, but Akylud felt cold in the back and closed his mouth tightly.

"Answer me, foreigners."

Camille saw Yehong's eyes closed all the time and frowned a little impatiently.

"I don't want to waste any more saliva, and you guys who have been brainwashed by gods have nothing to explain."

Yehong opened his eyes, looking bored.

"Indecent assassin!"

Camille's face flashed with anger and cold voice: "Since that is the case, I can only send you to the heretic court!"

After talking, it urged the mind and accelerated the progress of freezing Ye Hong's body.

Akyleud's eyes flashed with a deep sense of pleasure, and she smiled silently and fiercely at Yehong.

However, Ye Hong's mouth was slightly tickled, and he said with a smile: "What's this card called... You should be afraid of fire?"

"My name is Camille!"

Camille repeated his name in exasperation, and said coldly: "How is it?

Do you think you now have room for resistance? "

Ye Hong didn't speak, a flash of red light flashed in her eyes.

In all the meridians in the body, the breath of the Dragon and Tiger Dao Jing is running together!

Dragon and Tiger Dao Jing, the meaning of fire!

But the Taoist idea of ​​fire at this moment is already different from the original Taoist idea, and it is also mixed with Ye Hong's understanding of divine will.

Replace the perception of fire with the command of the night god.

The so-called conception of fire is transformed into the expression of fire!

The blazing fire burst out of Yehong's body, letting the six people on the opposite side subconsciously cover their eyes with their hands.

In the blazing flames, Ye Hong's icy voice sounded: "Want to judge me?

Just because you stinky fish rotten shrimp, not enough! "


All the ice blocks frozen outside him suddenly turned into scum.


Camille threw the five psychic masters behind him, his heart exclaimed, his face even more incredible.

"How could you be the **** of fire?!

who are you? ! "

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