Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2326: Romantic snow

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Ye Hong, entangled with flames, stood proudly on the viewing platform like the **** of fire.

Akryd and others narrowed in fear in the corner, not daring to look at the bright figure, and no longer had any thoughts about Ye Hong in their hearts.

Even the means of high-level spiritual masters were useless to him, which made Akryud and others suffer a great blow.

"Want to know my identity?"

Yehong looked at the amazed Camille, suddenly amused.

The lips are slightly hooked, pointing at the platform under your feet: "You kneel down and beg me, I'm in a good mood, maybe I can tell you."


Camille's eyes flashed with a thick murder, his hands folded, and his mouth silently chanted.

"...【The God of Ice·Ice Castle】!"

Endless wind and snow suddenly appeared on the observation deck.

At this moment, near the God Tower, people in the square pointed to the snow at the top of the tower and exclaimed.

This strange snow scene appeared only on the top of the tower.

On the square, it didn't make a difference.

This miraculous scene made people kneel down and pray piously.

On the observation platform, Ye Hong felt a **** ten times stronger than before, and appeared around his body.

The sensitivity of the body is reduced a lot at once.

The falling snow and snow gradually built an ice castle around him.

Not only that, the air will fly from time to time to attack.

Outside the castle, the sound of Camille's relentless sound rang into Yehong's ears along with the snow and snow.

"Indecent and shameless heretics, under the will of the **** of the glacier, fall into eternal freezing!"

Ye Hong suddenly scratched his chin.

Yes, in this case, he still has the leisure to make this action, obviously the pressure in his heart is not great.

Although Camille is powerful, it is only equivalent to the average ancient warrior level.

Ye Hong has experienced the tempering of the heart and the mind, and after prying into the edge of the Taoist realm in Kyoto, his strength has already surpassed the ordinary ancient warriors!

Camille also didn't look enough in front of him.

At this time, Ye Hong was thinking about another thing.

Since Daoism can be transformed into Divine Will, in turn, can the so-called belief be converted into sentiment, can it be converted into Divine Will?

Just try it.

In the sky and snow, Ye Hong closed his eyes silently.

The enveloping sense of ice all around became the raw material for Ye Hong's perception.

The Kamir faith that remained in it was also absorbed by Ye Hong and became an understanding of Bing.

He seemed to be in the ancient glacier, sitting and watching Bing Jiebing scattered.

He saw that the fish were frozen by the ice, and he also saw the white bear smash the ice with one palm.

He saw the wind and snow solidify the sky, and saw the snow ooze from the ground.


Ice, ice at the beginning, water at the tender time!

Another form of the Tao of ice is the Tao of water.

And Ye Hong, already possesses the meaning of water.

Ye Hong, who had learned about this boundary wall, successfully understood the meaning of the ice!

"Ding! Successfully converted the spirit of ice into the spirit of ice, the ability to perceive +10, the ability to perceive +10, and the ability to strengthen +10..."

Another series of rare data spikes.

It seems that under the systematic judgment, this is a difficult achievement.

Yehong did it!

Ye Hong in the snow and snow opened his eyes in due course.

"The old saying in Yan Guo is called "Return to others with their own ways"."

A bitter voice came from the ice castle, and Camille outside the castle was startled.

Suddenly, Camille discovered that the Ice Castle in front of her had undergone a change in shape without her order.

One brick at a time, it began to move quickly, and gradually formed a new form.

"this is......"

Camille stared at the castle with a big change...

No, it should not be called a castle now, perhaps it should be called Ice Palace more accurately!

That's right, what appeared in front of me was an ancient palace with the characteristics of Yan Guo built of ice cubes.

The gate of the palace, Ye Hong's figure slowly stepped out of it, like a noble emperor.

The sky and snow completely avoided him.

Not only that, but instead changed the wind direction and entangled towards Camille's body.

"The expression of ice! This is the expression of ice!"

The ice-blue eyes are no longer calm, showing a similar shock to Akryud.

She has completely lost control of the Ice Castle!

But even more shocking to her, she didn't expect Ye Hong to have both fire and ice at the same time!

"You are wrong, this is called Daozhiyi."

Ye Hong was expressionless, and stepped lightly on his feet.

Behind them, dozens of ice guns flew out together, stabbing towards Camille's body!

Camille hurried to another chant, and also called out the ice gun.

The ice guns on both sides collided in the air, exploding the snow and mist.

The fog gradually thickened, gradually covering the surroundings of the viewing platform.

Ye Hong's eyes flicked suddenly, looking at the fast-moving figure in the snow and mist.

Sure enough, when the snow fog disappeared, Camille and the five Divine Masters were gone.

Camille's voice was left in the air.

"I will go to the headquarters of the association to ask clearly.

If you are wronged, I will persuade the association to stop.

But if it proves that the theft of Supreme Secrets is indeed related to you..."

The following words seem to be swallowed by the snow.

Yehong frowned slightly, so she raised her feet to catch up.

But his eyes moved slightly, but he saw the tourists on the observation deck showing signs of waking up.

Thinking of the players who were still on the second floor at this time, Ye Hong gave up the plan to follow.

Glancing around, he lifted his feet back to the stairs and walked to the second floor.

The snow and snow in the sky gradually stopped.

The huge ice palace has melted into snow.

After Ye Hong left, the tourists woke up one after another.

But when they woke up, they found that they were soaked in the snow, and they screamed in shock.

The light gradually lighted up from under the iron tower and enveloped the whole tower in turn.

The power supply facility was finally repaired.

That night, everyone found a hotel near the square to stay.

Early the next morning, Ye Hong was awakened by a chatter of excitement.

Opening the door, the girls of Phoenix Rose suddenly pulled Ye Hong to let him watch the news on his mobile phone.

The centered news headline was the magical snowflake that landed on the God Tower last night.

The local media have declared that this is the emergence of miracles, it is the gospel of Paris City and the entire Lanxi country!

As for the reason why the little Phoenixes are so excited, it is natural to feel that they have climbed the Jinshen Iron Tower for the first time. As a result, this peculiar scene occurred on the top of the tower, which made them feel romantic and romantic.

It's just a pity that I didn't witness the romantic snow yesterday.

"Romantic snow?"

Ye Hong looked at the girl with a longing look and smiled secretly, and couldn't bear to break their fantasy.

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