Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2341: Bullfight

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That afternoon's game was a passing team against a Beizhou team in the YPL division.

Unexpectedly, the passing team defeated the opponent and, like Phoenix Rose, also entered the semifinals.

However, because the opponents they defeated are not as weighty as the En Jing team, and there are Phoenix Rose Beads in front, the results of passing the team do not seem so dazzling.

The sensation in the country is not as huge as in the morning.

This caused people passing by the team to gnash their teeth and scold Phoenix Rose to grab their limelight.

At this point, the top four teams in the S10 contest have all been decided.

They are the Dongzhou Qianguo Team-Seven Star Team.

Xizhou Xidian National Team-Glory of God of War.

Dongzhou Yan National Team-Phoenix Rose.

And Dongzhou Yanguo team-passing the team.

It is worth mentioning that the Xizhou God of War glory team eliminated the other Qianguo team in the quarterfinals in yesterday's game.

Therefore, the strength of this team is not to be underestimated.

But somehow, the people in this team always gave Ye Hong a strange feeling.

But the strange thing was that I couldn't tell for a while.

Of course, so far, the record of the Yan Guo Division is not glorious.

Of the four top four teams, two are from the Yan Kingdom.

The entire Yanguo Division seemed to have raised its head in the orphan league.

Division director Yonezawa had already laughed like Hua'er, and could not keep his mouth shut.

However, Ye Hong knew that only by finally holding up the Canyon God Cup could he really make a name for the Yan Guo Division.

Runners-up, runner-up, quarter-finals, quarter-finals...all these glory gathered together, in front of the champion, all was lost.

After the game was over, all teams stayed in the sun for a few days.

A few days later, the four teams boarded the plane and headed to the location of the next game.

The place where the semi-finals are to be held is located in the capital city of Madrid-Madryu City.

This city is located above the plateau and is a world-famous city on the plateau.

But for the entire East Banya, the most familiar to outsiders is their bullfighting culture.

For Ye Hong, the only thing he knew about Dong Banya was his uncle Yue Qingsen.

Because Yue Qingsen has a gem business here.

Yue Qingsen originally planned to go to East Banya to lead Ye Hong and his party to visit his gem factory.

But because of the Sith country, they can only helplessly.

When the plane arrived in the city of Madry, it was exactly in the afternoon.

Because the entire Madryan city is built on the plateau, the air is relatively thin.

It took a long time for the members of several teams to get used to it.

After entering the city of Madry, I felt a completely different style from the previous cities.

Wildness is Ye Hong's first impression of Madry City.

Whether it is architectural style, transportation, or the appearance of people, it seems to bring a heroic and wild nature of the people of the plateau.

The competitive atmosphere in this country is much stronger than in other countries.

Sure enough, even the players who came to pick them up were far more enthusiastic than the previous cities.

The hotel where the members stay is one of the best hotels in Madeira City.

In addition to this, the event personnel also warmly invited everyone to experience the local bullfighting culture during the rest of these days.

Faced with this overwhelming enthusiasm, everyone could not find a reason to refuse.

The next day, the event was convenient for sending cars early in the morning to take them to the suburban bullring.

The management of the bullring has long heard that at this time, they enthusiastically arranged the best position for them.

It's just that the so-called best position is the front row.

According to the locals, the wildness of the bull and the matador's momentum can be best felt at this location, which is naturally an excellent location.

When the bull was released from the pen, the audience in the bullring all boiled and yelled.

The atmosphere on site was extremely warm!

However, for many of the team members who witnessed this kind of scene for the first time, their faces were already pale.

The fierce bulls jumped in front of them from time to time, rushing into the room, as if flying towards them at any time.

Ye Zhinuo and others were so scared that they hid behind Ye Hong.

Ye Hong looked at it with relish.

The matador is also very personal.

The knight responsible for conquering the bull today is a middle-aged man with a strong figure.

A quaint tricorn hat and a blue tight-fitting suit are extremely spirited.

At this time, he was firmly grasping the bull's back, and issued a wild cry with the bull's violent shaking.

As the bulls galloped on the field, the thick smoke began to circulate around.

Especially their positions in the first row are coughing constantly, and they can't see the scene clearly in their eyes.

Ye Hong narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the thick smoke, he saw a pair of red eyes.


Pushing the people around to him, Ye Hong jumped into the air.


With a loud noise, a huge figure rolled over the front fence and crushed it.

It's the bull!

However, the bull's condition was very wrong at this time. His red eyes stared at Yehong, as if Yehong was the bullfighter who bullied him.

At this moment the bullfighter on his back also showed a strange smile in the corner of his mouth.

He reached out and rubbed slightly on the bull's head, and then saw the bull go back and returned, striking towards Yehong again!

Yehong frowned slightly, and his figure flashed into the dust.

At the beginning, the audience in the bullring thought it was the effect of the program, and they kept howling with excitement.

But soon they discovered something was wrong.

"Look at the circle!"

Someone exclaimed, pointing at the off-court pen holding the bulls.

I saw that the bulls in the pen had some reason to rampage violently, and each bull seemed to have a huge destructive power in an instant.

Under the collective collision, he directly struck the hurdle and rushed into the field.

The management is also ignorant, and this is the first time in his life he has seen this situation.

But soon they reacted, using the broadcast on the venue to know: "Everyone leaves the bullring immediately! Quick!"

The audience reacted, and something serious happened.

In a burst of exclamation, the audience poured out of the bullring like a torrent.

However, the people of Phoenix Rose were surprised to find that Ye Hong did not follow him out, and could not help being anxious.

At this time, Ye Hong was standing still in the dust.

The angry bulls went nowhere, just rushed towards him.

If you look down from the sky, you can find that Yehong has been surrounded by countless bulls.

The bullfighter stood in the outer circle, staring at Yehong surrounded by herds.

Yoza pushed the triangle cap on her head and disdainfully said, "Yehong, but that's it."

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