Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2342: Trace of Thief

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Amidst the dust, Ye Hong silently looked at the bulls around him.

The light flashed in his eyes.

"Ding! Trigger Grandmaster-level medicine, trigger Grandmaster-level seeing ability...

The current target consciousness is chaotic, and the analysis is the state of drug manipulation. "


From the moment the bull hit the bullring just now, Ye Hong discovered something was wrong.

Although the bullfighting project is already thrilling and exciting, the bulls are even more irritable and irritable, but they are also in control, and there will never be a situation where the bull is completely out of control.

In other words, someone intentionally guided these bulls to launch an impact!

As for the goal of the impact, it is obvious that it is Ye Hong himself!

And the goal of controlling everything behind is even more obvious.

The only way to plan such kills when Ye Hong just stepped into Madryan City was the power that kept staring at Ye Hong.

It is also the man behind the scenes that controls the conflict between the Shennian Teachers Association and Ye Hong!

Looking at the red bulls, Ye Hong sighed silently: "It's also pitiful to you, even turned into a tool."

His eyes flickered, looking at the figure behind the dust, and an unsmiling smile was raised in the corner of his mouth: "Why not give you a chance for revenge?"

"Ding! Trigger mastery beast control ability, control target..."

The bulls who were nearing Yehong's red eyes gradually regained their clarity.

The manic pace has also become normal and orderly.

Coming to Yehong, he licked his palm gently.

Where Ye Hong's eyes were, the bulls gradually calmed down.

"Ding! A lot of animal control, animal control ability +1, current progress 100100."

"Ding! Beast control ability upgrade, current level: Grandmaster level.

Obtain the master effect [Thousand Beasts Submit]: Allows beasts within a certain range to obey the host's commands.

Current range: 100 meters. "

The matador was still waiting for Ye Hong to be lifted by the angry bulls, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

How did those bulls become so quiet?

The matador lifted the cocked cap and looked into the smoke, but suddenly shrank.

Seeing countless angry eyes, Qi Qi looked at him from the dust.

The torero looked blank for a moment, murmured: "Is there something wrong..."

At the next moment, a strong bull figure stepped out of the dust.

Herd of cows rushing out of the sky!


The first bull who arrived was already picking up the unexpected bullfighter with horns.

There was a mumble, and it sounded from the bullfighter's mouth.

However, this is only the beginning of his nightmare!

On the way of his body falling from the sky, another bull rushed out from the side, and the bull horn was also lifted into the sky by the same horn.

One bull after another stood on the ground, taking turns fighting the matador.

Amidst the miserable wailing, the matador had no chance to come down from the sky.

Ye Hong sat quietly on the back of a bull and looked at the scene with cold eyes.

Suddenly, his eyes lifted slightly and looked into the air.

A grey shadow stepped through like an eagle bird, pulling the matador away and landing in the auditorium beside the bullring.

The matador at this time was bleeding all over, and there were wounds poked out by the bull horns everywhere.

A pair is even worse, only a few pieces of cloth remain.

After being rescued, he paralyzed on the ground in horror, as if he had not been freed from the scene of the nightmare of Fang Cai.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Ye Hong looked quietly at the figure that rescued the matador.

I saw it was a mysterious man wearing a gray feather mask, a gray cloth hat on his head, and a gray cape all over his body.

The cold eyes are silently staring at Yehong from behind the mask.

"Forty Thieves?"

Ye Hong raised his eyebrows and asked aloud.

The mysterious grey man's eyes narrowed, but he didn't mean to respond.

Instead, another voice slowly came from the entrance of the bullring.

"It is worthy of being a consultant to the Yan Guo Temple, and his intuition is really sensitive."

Ye Hong's eyes moved slightly, looking towards the source of the sound.

Two familiar figures emerged from the shadows.

One of them was dressed in black, wearing a black mask, and playing with a black dagger in his hand.

As for the other person, it was also the one who just spoke out, with a beautiful face, smiling lips, and chewing gum in his mouth.

This team combination is the black man and Xiaorou who had previously stolen the highest secret treasure in Rand City and poured dirty water on Zhou Hao!

Also two members of Forty Thieves.

"Night consultant, I'm really curious, what exactly did you fix Ecstasy for Naya.

I heard that after he returned to the Emperor God's collar, he asserted that you have nothing to do with the theft of the Supreme Secret.

All those who disagreed with him were beaten by him. "

Hearing Xiaorou's words, Ye Hong couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

This is really something that Ashura can do.

His eyes narrowed, and he looked at Xiaorou in a flash: "You forty thieves admit that everything was planned by you in secret?"

"Of course, there is nothing to dare to admit." Xiao Rou shrugged indifferently. "We are little mice living in the dark, don't quietly use some tricks, can we still fight with the fair and honest people?"

Ye Hong asked with a blank expression: "Xiao Rou... isn't it your real name?"

Xiaorou vomited the chewing gum in her mouth to the ground, and her expression gradually became serious: "Blessing the **** to steal the world, punish evil on behalf of heaven.

Forty Thieves [Flower-faced Owl], as for the real name..." Xiao Rou laughed at herself, "The real name is too long to be useful, I forgot myself. "

She pointed to the black man who was walking towards the auditorium and introduced: "He is [Ghost Knife], both of us were Yan nationals."


Ye Hong's eyes flashed slightly, and captured these two words.

"The stupid fork who has acted in a hurry without us is [King of Bullfighting]."

"As for that guy..."

Xiaorou, no, the flower-faced owl glanced at the gray-robed man, and then pouted: "[Pumice Stone], a very boring person."

Ye Hong's slight movement in his head was also recalling the information about the forty thieves that Kafman gave him before leaving the Sith Kingdom.

The data mentioned that these names were mentioned, it seems that the flower-faced owl did not lie to him.

At this time, the ghost shadow knife had come to the bullfighting king, with two twirls, with a sneer: "You king of bullfighting, have you been bullied by the bull?"

The bullfighting king's expression was loose, and he kept muttering: "I don't know what happened..."

Suddenly he looked up and looked at Yehong in the middle of the field, riding on the bull. He shouted in disbelief: "Don't he be the ghost he made?"

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