Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2343: pumice

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Ghost Knife looked at Ye Hong, and his eyes were full of murderous opportunities: "I was born as a Yan Guo, but I hate Yan Yan most."

He patted the matador's shoulders, his eyes flashing coldly: "Wait, watch your sword brother revenge you."

He flipped the dagger in his hand, stepped down from the audience, and walked towards Yehong.

He pulled up his hood to reveal a vicissitudes of the Yan Guo man's face.

Sticking his tongue out, he licked it with delight at the dagger.

"My knife has been stained with the blood of many Yan people. Haven't tried the taste of the blood of a temple consultant?"

Ye Hong was expressionless and said lightly: "You are not worthy of being a Yan national."

"I don't want to be a Yan national at all!"

The ghost knife roared snarly, and his body suddenly accelerated.

As a black lightning, Chao Yehong quickly rushed away.

Ye Hong shook his head, silently patting the head of the bull below him.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level ability to control the beast, trigger the guru-level effect [beast surrender]!"

The bulls beneath him roared sharply, and the bulls who stayed in the field raised their heads together and gave a roar in response.

For a time, the group of cows mooed, and the ghost knife hurt his ears.

"what's the situation?!"

He stopped and looked at the bulls in surprise.

At this moment, the bull under Ye Hong roared again.

After seeing the bulls digging the ground, it is like preparing for acceleration.

Then the head of the cow was slightly lower, and the horns were aligned with the direction of the ghost knife.

The scene of herds of cattle appears again!

Seeing this scene, the king of bullfighting recalled the scene of the nightmare just before, suddenly looking bloodless, pointing at Yehong in horror: "It is him, he must be the one who did it!"

However, the ghost knife at this time has been deeply surrounded by herds of cattle.

One bull after another, launched a violent pinch towards him.

The horns of the sky make it dazzled and tired of coping.

"Flower-faced owl!"

The ghost knife snarled in anger.

The side-faced owl immediately shook his eyes: "Well! You men don't have a bit of brain when they are impulsive. They can't beat them before they call out for help."

She shook her head and her palms suddenly lifted into the air.

Thousands of flowers bloom together in the air.

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that these flowers were not entities, but aura.

No, to be precise, these should be thoughts of God.

"Do you think our forty thieves slogan screaming for the world?"

The flower-faced owl surrounded by petals smiled brightly: "Our forty thieves are all divine masters!"

Her hands pointed to the herd beside the ghost knife, and the petals above her head flew towards the herd together.

It looks like a sea of ​​colorful and pleasing petals, but it is like a sharp blade, flashing a little cold.

"[The God of Flowers · The Flower of God]!"

After chanting, it was a sip.

Countless petals have come over the bulls.

Ye Hong's eyes were light, as if there was an invisible breath spreading around him.

After seeing the bulls as soldiers who obeyed their orders, they quickly evacuated and let all the petals full of murderous air fall.


The flower-faced owl couldn't help but stay in place.

The rest of them did not expect these bulls to be so miraculous, they were all amazed, and the scene fell into a brief silence for a while.

Yehong used the ability to control the beast to let these innocent bulls walk back into the pen.

He landed on the ground and said lightly to the flower-faced owl: "As a Yan Guo who believes in a foreign god, how is this different from betraying souls?"

"You know what a fart!"

Resentment sprang up on the face of the flower-faced owl, gritted his teeth and said: "If you know my story and know how badly I was hurt by Yan Guokeng, you won't understate it.

After all, I am not as happy as you are, so young as a temple consultant!

How miserable my past is, not what you can imagine! "

Ye Hong shook his head and sighed, "The story is the story of the past. People live for the present.

All men are born equal and have the right to chase happiness. "

The flower-faced owl could not help but stunned.

Ghost Sword shouted, "Don't listen to his nonsense, go together and kill him!"

After talking with the dagger, he rushed over again.

This time on the dagger, there was a faint reflection of the look of a snake.

An evil sneaky breath emanated from the ghost knife.

"[Snake God Read · Ghost Snake Blade]!"

A hoarse voice emerged from the ghost knife's throat, as if the viper screamed.

The flower-faced owl gave Yehong a complicated look, and his hands began to gather petals.

Ye Hong watched the two attacking bravely, but he was immobile.

Today, he has discovered an interesting thing.

Although the whole thing was planned by the forty thieves in the back, they seemed to only know that the Shennianshi Association had had a conflict with Yehong, and did not know the strength that Yehong specifically demonstrated in those conflicts.

In other words, Forty Thieves does not know Ye Hong's true strength!

So Ye Hong smiled faintly, and simply extended a finger.

"In the name of the night god, [The Spirit of Ice·Glacier Palace]."

The icy voice appeared along with the snow and ice.

The running owl owl and ghost knife suddenly found that they did not know when they had fallen into the glacier cage.

Before and after, the ground above the head is all a world of ice and snow.

Under the extremely low temperature, they can't do anything, let alone attack!

Two horrifying glances focused on Ye Hong.

"Shenyi, the high-level spiritual master...how is it possible?!"

Ghost Knife shouted angrily.

The flower-faced owl seemed to think of something terrifying, desperately said to himself: "So this is why Axiu is speaking for you..."

"Tell me, who instructed your forty gods to steal the highest secret treasure and splash dirty water on me?"

In the palace, Ye Hong walked slowly.

Like an emperor of ice, everything that passes through becomes a glacier.

Both the face of the flower-faced owl and the ghost knife changed.

"I, I don't understand what you are saying..."

The flower-faced owl turned his head to the side.

"Your expressions have already told me the answer."

Ye Hong smiled coldly.

The reason why he asked the question just now was not just asking it casually, but because he had a guess in his heart.

With only the forty thieves, these little hairy thieves living in the dark, it is impossible to have such a huge energy to provoke the hatred of Yehong from the Shennian Association.

So, there are still people behind the forty thieves!

And that existence is the one behind the scenes who has been secretly targeting Ye Hong!

Just as Ye Hong was about to launch his torture ability, his eyes moved slightly.

Reaching for the void, just hit a pair of hard palms.

A pair of emotionless eyes, and Ye Hong were in the air in the air.

It's the gray prairie man who hasn't moved by the side, the forty thieves [Pumice Stone]!

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