Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2380: Don't ask, asking is Superman

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The whole hall was so quiet that you could hear a needle falling.

Numerous stunned eyes, all looked towards Yehong.

Even Guo Huang was a little caught off guard, and secretly admired: "Five, or what can you blow!"

"Crazy crazy, this person must be crazy."

Guo Yan sneered and shook his head again and again, sneered at Guo Huang: "Look at you, and get acquainted with this kind of madman when you go out, it is ridiculous!"

The others in the hall also looked at Yehong like a fool.

Grandpa Guo shook his head and was not going to take Li Yehong again.

Ye Hong saw that no one believed him, shrugged, and shouted at the door: "Sister Xiaohuan, borrow your mobile phone."

Xiaohuan was taken aback, but she didn't know why Yehong knew she was eavesdropping.

She shyly revealed her head and dared not look up into the hall, but handed her cellphone to Yehong carefully.

As for why Ye Hong had a mobile phone but wanted to use Xiaohuan, it was because she had a good impression of this little girl, plus Guo Huang's sake, she was going to give her a makeover.

Pick up Xiaohuan's mobile phone, dial the number according to the number in memory.

"I am in Guoshan, Haoshan City."

In a simple sentence, he hung up again and returned the phone to Xiaohuan.

Everyone was confused, and then sneered again and again.

"So it's mysterious!"

Xiaohuan sneaked a glance at the strange number on her phone and wondered who Ye Hong called.

Seeing the terrible atmosphere in the hall, she was so scared that she was hiding behind Guo Huang and was afraid to move.

After Ye Hong made a phone call, he stood leisurely on the side, occasionally looking at the layout in the hall.

The other members of the Guo family did not seem to want to take care of him, left him aside, and began to criticize Guo Huang, letting him give up archaeology.

In this way, about an hour later, a man dressed as a family hurriedly came to the lobby and exclaimed: "Master, President Wan came to visit!"

The voice in the hall paused, and Mr. Guo wondered: "President Wan? Which President Wan?"

"Who else?" Jia Ding shot his thighs anxiously. "Of course it is our president of the Ancient Medical Association of Lingnan Province, Wan Xuan, President Wan!"


As soon as the words came out, everyone in the hall stood up in shock.

Immediately afterwards, he ran out of the hall scrambled, fearing that he would slow down half a step.

Grandpa Guo didn't get up, but looked at Yehong with horrified eyes.

Ye Hongfang's words suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Even if Wan Xuan, the president of the Lingnan Provincial Ancient Medical Association, came here, he would not dare to talk to me like you!"

This sentence was regarded as nonsense by everyone, but at this time, it was to let Grandpa Guo chill for a while.

Ye Hong still stood silently, but the corner of his mouth was slightly ticked.

In the distance, the footsteps are getting closer and closer.

Mixed with a pleasing voice, it seemed to be welcoming a big man to the lobby.

It didn't take long for a middle-aged beautiful woman wearing a water-blue dress to step into the hall.

Seeing her for a moment, Grandpa Guo's eyes suddenly turned black, and his body shook even more.

The rest of the people did not seem to have noticed any abnormalities, and they still laughed at the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"President Wan, did you come to see our old man this time?"

"President Wan has worked hard, please sit down please sit down!"

"President Wan, this is Guo Yan, our intermediate senior physician..."

How do you know that the middle-aged beautiful woman was pushing away the bunch of people in front of her, looking anxiously in the hall.

When she saw Yehong's moment, Xiu eyes immediately lit up, and came to Yehong in three or two steps, she was pleasantly surprised: "Xiao Ye, really you!"

Ye Hong smiled slightly and gave a soft hug to the middle-aged beautiful woman in front of her.

This scene, however, made everyone present have wide-eyed eyes, full of incredible.

Guo Huang was stunned first, and even with a wry smile on his face, he secretly said: I really have you, the fifth!

Xiaohuan's mouth opened into a lovely O-shape, and he rubbed his eyes several times in a row, only to be sure that he had read it correctly.

"Master Huang, who are you, your roommate?"

Guo Huang spread his hands helplessly: "Don't ask, asking is Superman."

The reason for the collective loss of voice in the entire hall is naturally because of the enthusiastic attitude of this middle-aged beautiful woman towards Yehong.

The reason is that everyone present knows the identity of this person.

Especially the ancient medical family like the Guo family is even more respectful and afraid of this person.

She is the president of Lingnan Ancient Medicine Association, Wan Xuan!

What everyone wondered at the scene was, what exactly is Wan Xuan and Ye Hong? !

Ye Hong looked at Wan Xuan in front of him, and he was very happy.

He led a team to Dongting Province to participate in the ancient medicine competition, met three friends, and also visited Qingwu Mountain at night.

The three friends are Xiao Jing, the president of the Ancient Medicine Association, Guo Tang, the president of the Ancient Medicine Association of Anchang Province, and Wan Xuan, the president of the Ancient Medicine Association of Lingnan Province.

Wan Xuan, who is gentle and atmospheric, makes Ye Hong always treat it as a big sister of intellect.

Since the division of Dongting Province, Wan Xuan has also invited several nights to travel to Lingnan as guests.

However, Ye Hong was too busy and could only refuse Wan Xuan again and again.

This time when he came to Lingnan, he also wanted to see Wan Xuan in the past.

It's just that because of today's events, this meeting has been advanced.

Grandpa Guo covered his twitching heart and broke the strange silence in the hall: "Dare to ask... President Wan and this..."

He thought for a long time, but remembered that he and others had never asked the names of others, and could not help embarrassingly said: "...Relationship with this little friend?"

"Ah?" Wan Xuan was also surprised, "Grandpa Guo, could you not know Xiao Ye's identity?"

Father Guo's uneasiness grew stronger and he shook his head.

"Haha, let me introduce you to this great genius in our ancient medical world!"

Wan Xuan proudly took Ye Hong's hand, like a mother showing off her child in front of others: "Xiao Ye is a super old doctor of our General Association of Yan Guo Ancient Doctor Association!"

She smiled and said, "I thought you knew Xiao Ye's identity and invited him specially."

The hall was silent, and everyone was immersed in Wan Xuan's words.

"Special and super-class ancient doctor?!"

Guo Yan's tongue seemed to be knotted.

The expressions of the other members of the Guo family are as exaggerated as Guo Yan, and his eyes are full of horror!

If other people say this, they are ten thousand unbelievers.

But this sentence came out of Wan Xuan's mouth, so they could not believe it!

When I looked at Yehong again, it was like looking at a monster.

It is no wonder that such a young super-class ancient doctor dare to say that kind of words before.

Isn't it, let alone a middle-level ancient doctor like Guo Yan, senior ancient doctors dare not say anything in front of this!

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