Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2381: You are my idol!

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It's ridiculous that no one believed Ye Hong's words before.

After knowing the truth, a group of people lowered their heads awkwardly.

Guo Yan suddenly raised her hand to cover the middle-class ancient doctor's logo on her chest.

The thing that made him very proud before was so heart-warming at the moment.

There was a sudden shock in his head, and he suddenly remembered the relationship between Ye Hong and Guo Huang.

In such a horrible identity as Ye Hong, if he supports Guo Huang, it will inevitably affect the attitude of Grandpa Guo, then the family property of Guo is not just...

Thinking of this, Guo Yan's face suddenly looked like a mourning test, but she was secretly annoyed by the previous bad attitude towards Guo Huang.

Other members of the Guo family also thought of this matter.

Guo Yan's parents' faces suddenly became uglier than their son's.

People with two bedrooms and three bedrooms looked at Guo Huang eagerly.

The happiest is Guo Huang's parents.

As for Guo Huang himself, he has already stayed in place.

As a member of the Guo family, even if he is no longer interested in Dr. Gu, he also knows what the words "Super Doctor" mean.

In the ancient medical world, the weight of these words is no different from the gods!

Guo Huang smiled secretly in his heart: Fifth man, old man, how many terrible things are you hiding from us? !

Xiaohuan looked at it all in surprise.

Even with a sweet heart, he secretly rejoiced that Guo Huang could make friends like Ye Hong.

Grandpa Guo's lips suddenly dried up, trembling to the side: "Water...Water..."

"I haven't seen you in a while, you are a lot stronger again."

In the hall, Wan Xuan patted Ye Hong's shoulder and grinned: "Right, do you want to call Guo Tang's kid together, the three of us have not been together for a long time!"


Grandpa Guo, who had just drank two sips of water, was suddenly sprayed all over.

His eyes rolled, and he clutched his chest.

"Old man!"

The hall suddenly became chaotic.

Fortunately, there are ancient doctors such as Ye Hong and Wan Xuan, which didn't leave Mr. Guo any danger in the end.

But obviously Father Guo was terrified, and he went to rest restlessly.

Ye Hong was not surprised by this.

When Grandpa Guo spoke about the origin of his Guo family, Ye Hong knew their relationship with the Guo family in Anchang Province.

That is the connection between the branch and the family.

Later, I asked Guo Huang to find out, and then I learned that strictly by seniority, Guo Huang had to call Guo Tang a little uncle.

But these are not the key points. The key point is that Guo Tang is also a good friend of Ye Hong.

And those of them, they were quite rude to Yehong before!

If this matter is pierced to Anchang province, their branch will certainly be punished by their family.

No wonder Wan Xuan inadvertently scared the old man like that.

Wan Xuan did not expect that things would become like this. After Ye Hongyi explained, he knew what had happened before he came.

Feeling guilty, she decided to give Guo a little compensation.

Ye Hong introduced Xiaohuan to her.

So the small ring with a look of stunnedness was taken away by Wan Xuan and went to Lingnan Province Ancient Medical Association to practice.

With Wan Xuan taking care of her, her future is certainly not bad.

This is Ye Hong's preparation for Xiaohuan.

Guo Huang was also very happy about this, but the thing that made him most happy was that after this incident, no one at home had forced him to study ancient medicine.

After that, Guo Yan didn't dare to provoke Guo Huang any more. When Da Lao Yuan saw him like a cat, he fled immediately.

The position of the two in the family is directly reversed.

Ye Hongwan rejected Guo Huang's parents' enthusiasm and left Guo's house to go to Lingnan University.

As for Guo Huang, he will spend some time at home before returning to Jiangda University.

"Ding! The pressure is on the family, the pressure is +1, the momentum is +1..."

"Ding! Help roommates lift the crisis, interpersonal skills +1, charm +1..."


Lingnan University is located on the west side of Haoshan City, close to the Xicheng Gate.

The whole university follows the style of Haoshan City and looks antique.

The school is not strictly controlled, and a large number of tourists come to visit. It also avoids Yehong from going through the cumbersome admission procedures and entering with them.

Before coming, he had contacted Shan Ruqing and went straight to the agreed meeting place-Lingnan University Archaeological Research Association base.

The fossil was sent here as soon as possible.

Therefore, to explore the origin of fossils, you must first go here.

When he came to the base, Da Lao Yuan saw Shan Ruqing's figure in the doorway.

Ye Hong smiled helplessly and greeted him.


A scream made the students passing by look sideways.

Ye Hong shook his head and pulled Shan Ruqing into the base quickly.

Perhaps it is near the exam week, most of them go to the library, so there are not many people in the base.

According to Shan Ruqing's introduction, hundreds of research rooms are distributed in the base, and the research objects are different.

And the place they are going to is the Ancient Fossil Research Laboratory.

Along the way to this research room, Ye Hong discovered that it was filled with fossils of various ages.

An old man in a research white robe is holding a microscope and observing what he is serious about.

The sparse head gleamed slightly under the laboratory lights, but a thin face was extremely serious.

"That's Professor Ge in our laboratory."

Shan Ruqing seemed to be a little afraid of Professor Ge, and whispered it to Ye Hong.

Seemingly aware of the movement behind him, Professor Ge turned around, and the sharp eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

"Shan Ruqing, why are you bringing people into the laboratory indiscriminately?

Wait, if you accidentally touch the fossil, can you afford it? ! "

The severe look made Shan Ruqing anxious for a while, and waved his hand repeatedly: "Professor Ge, he is..."

"I don't care who he is, get out of the lab!"

Professor Ge seemed to be quite impatient, and did not give Shan Ruqing the opportunity to speak. He rolled up his sleeves and looked like he was going to rush out.

Ye Hong frowned, and said lightly: "I am Ye Yun."

Just four words, but overshadowed all sounds.

Professor Ge suddenly stunned, suspiciously said: "Yeyun?

Why is this name familiar? "

Shan Ruqing reminded weakly next to him: "Professor Ge, he is the chairman of the Archaeological Union, Ye Yunye."

Professor Ge blinked, rushed back to the table, groped, took out a photo, compared with Ye Hong, and exclaimed, "Is it really a nightclub leader?!"

He rushed in front of Yehong, holding Ye Hong's hands tightly with both hands, and looked excitedly: "The night clubmaster, you are my idol!"

Yehong only felt his head hurt even more.

Are the people of Lingnan University so wonderful?

Why is it that any person appears as an idol? !

He said a little helplessly: "Professor Ge, I want to get some information this time."

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