Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2382: Mausoleum

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"Retrieve information?"

Professor Ge stayed for a while.

Shan Ruqing will talk about Professor Ge's findings at Jiangda University.

Professor Ge enthusiastically brought Ye Hong to a computer after listening.

After a crackling operation, a database was brought up from the encryption system: "Idol, about all the fossil files in the past decade.

Look slowly, I'll do something else first. "

With that, he turned back and looked at the microscope.

A small song hummed in his mouth, looking very happy.

Ye Hong looked at the computer in front of him, feeling a little dazed.

Even people who don’t have common sense know that this precious archive can’t be shown to outsiders.

Professor Ke Ge, without hesitation, transferred it to Ye Hong.

Perhaps because of the confusion in Ye Hong’s heart, Shan Ruqing snickered beside him and said, “Professor Ge and Dean Lei Ming of Beijing University had a deep holiday.

So I heard that you were so devoted to Dean Lei in Kyoto that Professor Ge would adore you and treat you as an idol. "

Ye Hong realized that this is how the idol came from.

He sat in front of the computer, crying and laughing, fetching the information he wanted.

That bone bell fossil is named as "mausoleum stone 031" in the archive.

Only after Ye Hong's careful search did he understand the source of this number.

In the deep mountain area southwest of Haoshan City, there is a broad group of tombs.

In that mausoleum, many ancient noble lords were buried.

In recent years, the activities of tomb robbers have been rampant, and they have broken into the tombs to carry out tomb robbing.

The bone bell fossils were brought out by the tomb thieves and spread to the market.

And fossils like this have already circulated 30 pieces before.

So when Lingnan University bought the fossil, it was named Mausoleum 031.

It is worth mentioning that all these fossils were led by Professor Ge and applied to Lingnan University before they were bought from the market.

Ye Hong couldn't help but take a deep look at the old man next to him, admiring his love for fossils.

However, Ye Hong was a bit surprised. He didn't expect the bone bell fossil to come from the tomb.

In this way, he had to go to the mausoleum group.

It may just be that he was influenced by ghost films and horror films since he was a child. Even if Ye Hong is now powerful, he feels a little hairy in this kind of place.

Before Ye Hong was about to withdraw from the database, his eyes moved slightly, and some records were scanned.

His eyes flashed slightly, and after writing down the contents, he exited the database silently.

When he heard that Yehong was going to the mausoleum group, Professor Ge was shocked.

Lianlian persuaded: "That place is very dangerous, don't go!"

However, Ye Hong insisted on going, Professor Ge could only give up.

In desperation, let Shan Ruqing lead the way for Yehong.

Shan Ruqing was naturally happier than anyone else, and pulled Ye Hong out of the laboratory with joy.

I didn't know that she thought she would go shopping, but she never thought she would take Yehong to see the grave.

However, Ye Hong did not set off immediately, but chose to stay overnight in a hotel near Lingnan University.

The next morning, under the leadership of Shan Ruqing, went to the mausoleum group.

By the time the two came to the interior of the deep mountain, the tomb group was almost noon.

At the entrance of the mausoleum group, relevant cards are set.

However, after Shan Ruqing presented the student card of Lingnan University, the two were allowed to enter.

Ye Hong finally understood why Professor Ge let Shan Ruqing bring him.

The reason why the group of tombs is a group is because the tombs are all over the mountains.

At the end of each road is a tomb of an ancient nobleman.

What made Ye Hong a headache was that Lingnan University only knew that the fossil came from the mausoleum group, but did not know that it came from that tomb.

And because the fossils changed hands several times, Ye Hong couldn't track the remaining breath.

In desperation, he could only go deeper with Shan Ruqing, planning to take a look at the scope of the mausoleum.

Walking on the mountain road, Shan Ruqing kept telling Ye Hong who tombs were all around.

Although the tuberculosis girl talked a lot, she knew a lot.

After her introduction, Ye Hong also knew a lot about this tomb group.

It was just that there were no more than half of them for four weeks. Only a young girl who was talking about the legend of the mausoleum beside him made Ye Hong feel weird.

"When it comes to the most famous tomb in this group of tombs, it is naturally Haoshan Houzuo.

The rumor of Haoshan Hou was the first Houshan in Haoshan City in ancient times, and even the name of the city came from it.

It is just strange that there is very little record of this Haoshan Hou in the history books, which is about equal to no. "

Speaking of this, Shan Ruqing said with regret, "Somehow, the road leading to Haoshan Houzuo collapsed someday, otherwise I can take you to see the tomb."

Hearing this, Ye Hong somehow moved.

Inexplicably, he always felt that these four words of Haoshan Houzuo were calling him.

Straight along the mountain road, walked for about half an hour, and finally saw the location of the landslide.

Large and small stones rolling down from the mountain walls on both sides completely blocked the way.

Several wrecker cars were parked next to it, empty inside. It should be that the person responsible for cleaning the road had not yet gone to work.

"Professor Ge also contracted out the project to clean up the road section."

Speaking of here, Shan Ruqing showed a respect.

Ye Hong moved his eyes slightly, and flashed a hint of fineness imperceptibly.

"Let’s go, maybe when it will collapse again."

Shan Ruqing glanced anxiously at the sides of the mountain and pulled up La Yehong's sleeves.

Ye Hong silently said nothing but his eyebrows suddenly picked up.

"Be careful!"

Shan Ruqing hugged him, and in his exclamation, the figure quickly flashed aside.


After the two left the place, a round stone fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

"Wow wow wow!"

Shan Ruqing whistled and looked at Ye Hong with admiration: "Idol, did you fly just now?"

Indeed, at the speed of Ye Hong, Shan Ruqing really experienced the general feeling of flying.

But... it’s too weird to focus on!

Ye Hong didn't take care of the girl with a lack of roots in her head, just glanced around.

"Ding! Trigger guru vision..."

Under the vision magnified a hundred times, Ye Hong's eyes suddenly caught a white figure quickly approaching the two!


With a slight snork, Ye Hong guarded Shan Ruqing with his left hand, and his right hand quickly waved a palm toward the front of his body.


The shot was cold and biting, as if hitting a block of ice at minus 20 degrees.

And that figure also appeared.

A light jump, floating like a ghost, standing on the rock, watching Yehong quietly.

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