Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2399: Reunion in the desert

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Looking at the wooden sword that had penetrated deeply into the stone slab, the five men looked pale and fell to the ground.

Ye Hong slowly came to the five people and looked at them blankly.

It was he who caused Qingmei to stop them.

The five people, Fang Cai, obviously had their heart killed because of greed. If they were changed to other people, they might have already died in their hands.

Ye Hong was never a Virgin.

Even if these people are very weak in his eyes, he will not let these people easily.

In fact, if they had just arrived in front of Yehong just now, they would have already fallen by this time.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Seeing Ye Hong's indifferent expression, the five people felt anxious for a moment.

The corner of Ye Hong's mouth ticked slightly.


five minutes later.

Ye Hong and others left the alligator monument.

As for the five people, Ye Hong was stunned and thrown inside.

Oh yes, there are still many wandering crocodiles in the monuments.

Whether the five people can survive depends on their character.

Soon after leaving the monument, Ye Hong crushed the crystal and absorbed the breath.

After breath entered the body, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in my mind.

It is very similar to his ability to control animals, but it is completely different.

It was a sense of absolute dominance that was high above all, and controlled life and death.

Could this be the leader aura?

In order to try this feature, Ye Hong caught a canine beast nearby.

Sure enough, the strange beast flicked his tail at him when he saw Ye Hong, licking the dog faithfully.

Others could not see the characteristics in the crystal, so they were shocked to see this scene and asked how Yehong did it.

After hearing that this ability came from the crystallization, several people regretted it for a while.

But precisely because of this, they also aroused their interest.

After discussion, the people decided to continue to the north.

All the way to the north, corpses can be seen everywhere on the road.

Paralyzed traffic, empty towns, bleeding earth, gray sky...

Everything is like the end of the world in the movie.

The recent things about Nanzhou continue to ferment all over the world.

Worries about the future of mankind have begun to spread to all parts of the world.

The confusion brought about by this also appeared in different places.

The unrest factor is taking root silently.

If the chaos in Nanzhou has not subsided, the great turmoil will soon be produced in other continents.

Ye Hong sometimes thinks, is this the real disaster?

On the way to the north, everyone also encountered different beasts, but no longer found a powerful existence like the leader of the giant crocodile, and naturally there was no valuable crystallization.

Of course, there are also many people who want to **** the crystallization.

It turned out that no one could take advantage of this combination of the top men's group in the ancient martial arts community of Yan Guo.

More was the anti-robbery, and the crystallization of his body was handed over to Ye Hong and them in anger and terror.

In a few days, everyone unconsciously had arrived at the Wolf Soul Desert in northern Nanzhou.

To the north of the Wolf Soul Desert is the largest country in the north, the Ikiput tribe.

It is also the most powerful country in the entire South China except Dawang.

However, compared with the Dawang country, the country of Iquitp is not so bad because it is farther away from the southern corner of Wangwang.

But the warrior brigades on alert are still patrolling the borders in batches.

From time to time, gunshots came out, it should be fighting with the beast.

Ye Hong and others are not planning to step into the country of Iquip, but are preparing to continue to search for traces of strange animals in this Wolf Soul Desert.

As night fell, Yehong took out the camping tent brought from the Dawang Kingdom from the car, preparing to sleep in the desert with everyone at night.

The night in the desert is much colder than the day.

Suddenly, the wind was blowing the tent.

Under the cover of the wind, some shadows approached several tents quietly.

In the distance, behind a sand dune, a group of people were standing with their teeth clenched.

Five of them were scarred and looked at the tent in the distance, showing hatred.

It was the five deities who were thrown by Ye Hong in the crocodile **** monument.

In addition to them, there are two figures of a man and a woman.

The man is less than thirty, with an unruly face, and a large pair of frog mirrors on his short blond hair.

Under the beach pants is a pair of white flip-flops.

The woman is also quite young, with a pair of bi-coloured pupils and a brown trench coat over her proud figure.

The two are obviously from Beizhou, and they seem to be a couple.

"Mr. Jackson, Miss Isia, the evil Yan nationals I said are in those tents!"

The young Divine Master gritted his teeth, and looked at them with respectful expression.

Because he knows the position of the couple in FCI, and also knows their powerful strength.

"Relax, Louis, our FCI and your association of spiritual masters will be revenge for you from generation to generation."

The man named Jackson grinned his teeth and moved the five gods.

The woman named Istiah smiled proudly: "Several Yan nationals, the old lady let them kneel for mercy for a minute."

A group of seven people gradually approached the tents.

The tent in the tent was dark, and the people inside must have fallen asleep.

Standing outside one of the tents, Jackson and Istia looked at each other and were about to rush into the tent with five spiritual masters.

But at this moment, there was a lazy and sarcastic voice from the tent.

"Jackson, Istiah. I haven't seen you in a while. You seem to be getting stupid."

The voice stiffened Jackson and Istia.

Then he burst into incredible eyes and exclaimed in unison: "Mr. Ye?"

Yehong walked out of the tent and looked at the two of them in a smile.

That's right, these two are the couple of FCI alienators that Ye Hong met in Yan Guo before and went to the United States together.

And in the United States, the two sides have formed a deep friendship.

In that change, the two were disappointed with the FCI because they were betrayed by their mentor and once wanted to leave.

However, Ye Hong later heard them say that FCI's chief executive Olivier strongly begged them to stay and offered them various compensations, which barely left them.

Ye Hong did not expect to meet them here in Nanzhou.

Obviously, Jackson and Istiah were also pleasantly surprised. They were not averse to Ye Hong's mockery, but scratched their heads embarrassedly.

Like two employees reprimanded by their boss.

This is the sequelae they left after seeing the overnight strength in the United States.

Several of them were immersed in the surprise of the reunion, but the five gods were completely dumbfounded.

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