Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2400: High-level Totemist

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It was as if Istia remembered the matter of the five gods at this time, and looked at them with doubts: "Everyone, the evil Yan Guo you said is Mr. Ye Ye?"

Jackson's brows also frowned, and said indifferently: "Have you concealed anything from us?"

Ye Hong did not speak, but looked at the five with a sneer.

You see me, the five gods, and I look at you, looking at each other for a while.

They couldn't think of breaking their heads. The two senior FCI detectives turned out to be revenge friends with old friends.

Still looking for Mao's hatred?

Don't hurry up and wait for death here?

With just one look, the five people ran out without saying a word.

Ye Hong did not mean to catch up, but glanced thoughtfully into the distance.

There was a slight movement in the ear, and a faint voice came from the wind.

Just when the five **** masters thought they were about to escape to birth, the desert beneath them shook suddenly.

A rusty desert wolf suddenly drilled out of the sand and rushed up, throwing five people on the ground.

Unlike ordinary wolves, these desert wolves are extremely robust and fast like thunder.

The powerful force made those five people unable to move.

In a series of screams, a group of desert wolves mercilessly divided the five.

After eating five people, the group of desert wolves looked towards Yehong and others.

The cold, bloodthirsty eyes flashed full of wildness.

Jackson and Istiah were startled. They immediately tried to fight against the wolves, but Yehong extended his hand and stopped him.

A man in an earthy cloak slowly walked out from behind the wolves.

Under the shadow of the cloak is a dark and vicissitudes of the local middle-aged face.

And after he appeared, the wild wolves disappeared in the eyes of the desert wolves, lying at the feet of men like obedient puppies.

It seems that these desert wolves should be raised by this man.

The man came slowly, stopped ten meters away, and raised his hands, indicating that he was not malicious.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Pieru, and I am a high-level totem division in the Ikiput tribal kingdom."

This man speaks Yan Guohua. Although it is a bit lame, everyone understood it at once.

As he spoke, he lifted the corner of his cloak to reveal an earthy pattern resembling a tattoo on his arm.

The shape of the pattern is a majestic desert wolf head.

Ye Hong's eyes suddenly moved slightly.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]."

"Ding! After reading through, the target type: high-level totem division.

The target is good at totem power: wolf totem.

Ability characteristics: controlling wolf, transforming wolf, etc.

Target weakness: insufficient data, temporarily unable to analyze. "

Ye Hong saw the strength of this person at a glance, but was thinking about the totem master in his head.

The four continents have their own powers beyond ordinary people.

Dongzhou is mainly represented by the ancient martial arts, Xizhou is the spiritual master, Beizhou is the alienator.

As for Nanzhou, it is the totem division.

When there were humans on this land in Nanzhou, there was already a totem faith.

Different tribes have different totem beliefs and totem marks.

Only some extremely powerful tribes can develop the use of totem power.

The so-called totem force is essentially a means of using breath.

Through certain ceremonies, a totem mark is carved on the body.

This imprint stimulates the inside of the body, creating conditions for using breath.

The means formed by these breaths is the power of totem.

According to different totem marks, the power of totems is different.

The person who is branded with the totem mark is the so-called [totem master].

Like the mark on Pieru's arm, it is the famous wolf **** totem on the ground of Nanzhou.

In short, the totem mark can be understood as a single attribute alienated awakening device.

The content on the totem can be understood as the deity believed by the Divine Master.

Therefore, the totem teacher is a special occupation between the spiritual master and the alienator.

Like the alienator and the spiritual master, the totem master is divided into primary, intermediate, and advanced.

In front of the high-level totem master Pieru, the breath from his body was close to the ancient warrior of the Yan Kingdom.

That's why Jackson and Istiah are so nervous. After all, they are only intermediate alienators.

And Pieru's words continued.

"I was instructed by the high priest of our country of Ikiput tribe, and I specially invited the night consultant of Yan Guo Temple, and..."

While looking at several other tents, he smiled and said, "And the four respected Yan Guoqiang, go to Shadu together to discuss how to deal with the "alien" in your mouth."

Four figures stepped out of the tent silently.

It was Sima Zhengming, Qingmei, Wu Chi and Ge Dan.

The moment Jackson and Istiah appeared, they were already aware.

I just believed that Ye Hong would handle this little thing, and it didn't appear.

However, when Pieru pointed out that the four of them existed, they could not help but show up.

All four frowned and looked at Pieru without a word.

Ye Hong knew what the four of them were thinking.

Piero's strength is obviously not as good as the five ancient warriors present, and ancient warriors are recognized by Sizhou as the most hidden existence, but in this case, Pieru could even find four of them in the tent, which is enough to explain that Pieru There is some powerful means of exploration.

Yehong didn't agree with Pieru's invitation, but just glanced far away with a blank expression.

The white robe cracked by the five gods was still on the ground.

Pieru seemed to know what Ye Hong wanted to ask, with a murderous voice in his voice: "Now the chaos in Nanzhou is a time when mankind should unite with the outside world.

Such a scum that is greedy for property and hands on human companions, of course, cannot allow them to continue to live in this world. "

"But..." Ye Hong narrowed his eyes and smiled meaningfully, "I remember it seems that I haven't told you the crimes committed by the five of them?"

"Of course not, all this was told to us by our great high priest."

Pieru still smiled.

Ye Hong knew in his heart that it was necessary to meet the so-called high priest.

"Lead the way."

Hearing Ye Hong’s words, Pieru smiled at everyone, and then said to the violent Jackson and Istiah: "These two lords from FCI, please follow me back to Shadu.

The wolf soul desert at night is in danger. "

Jackson and Istia looked at Yehong subconsciously, and when Yehong nodded, they followed him.

Pieru looked back and whistled at the group of desert wolves.

From the perspective of Ye Hong, it happened that the totem mark of Wolf God on Pieru's hand was slightly bright.

The desert wolves suddenly stood up together and dispersed in all directions. It should be to check the surrounding environment and lead the way for everyone.

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