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When he saw the totem mark light up, Ye Hong's eyes flashed again.

"Ding! Realize the power of totem, breath ability +1, current progress: 100100.

Mastery level breath awareness upgrade, current level: guru level.

Obtain the master effect [Shen Xian Qi Ding]: Quickly perceive any breath type ability, the current acceleration factor: 100 times. "

Suddenly, Ye Hong's body swelled for a while.

The vast sea-like breath rolled in between the meridians, converged into a breath of torrents, and entered the mind, as if to rise to the sky.

The four ancient warriors around Yehong suddenly changed their faces, looking at Yehong in amazement.

Because at this moment, they actually found that the breath in their body was operating inexplicably, as if they were under some kind of threat.

The source of the threat is naturally Yehong!

Ye Hong didn't know the reaction of the four companions, but felt that his head was filled with warm spring breeze.

At the same time, it is more sober than ever before.

Many cruxes that were previously unclear have also been solved.

The breath running inside the body is smoother than ever.

"Ding! Trigger the master-level breath perception ability, trigger the mastery-level copy strengthening ability, and the power of copy strengthening totem..."

Similar to when he first realized the idea of ​​God, what appeared in Yehong's mind this time was a huge golden wolf-shaped beast.

The huge boundless body seemed to span a whole desert.

To Tian Changhao's expression, revealed a rich nobility and majesty.

Ye Hong knew that this should be the projection of the Wolf God condensed from the seal of Pieru Totem!

The image in the brain quickly disappeared, but Hong overnight found that there was a strange force in the body.

The corner of the mouth couldn't help but slightly.

The abnormalities in the body disappeared, and Ye Hong returned to his normal appearance.

But Pieru, who was leading the way, seemed to be aware of it, and he turned around and looked at Ye Hong with doubt.

Then he shook his head, muttered something silently, and continued to lead the way ahead.


In ancient times in Nanzhou, there were two of the most powerful tribes, dividing north and south, and wars often occurred.

These two tribes are the Gatawang tribe and the Guyi Kipte tribe.

One of the two tribes believes in the crocodile **** and the other believes in the wolf god, and uses this as a tribal totem.

However, the de-tribalization of the Gatawang tribe is more obvious, and it has developed towards an industrialized country and has become the current Dawang country.

Because of this, in the present kingdom of Dawang, almost no totemist exists.

However, the Ikiput tribal state still retains tribal customs, retains many tribal traditions, and also has a large number of totem masters.

For example, the status and prestige of today's king is not as high as the tribal high priest in Pieru's mouth.

The high priest commanded the totem masters throughout the country, and possessed an extremely high status and prestige throughout the South Continent.

But somehow, the high priest did not make any sound during the chaos in Nanzhou.

Affected by this, many totem masters in Southern Zhou Dynasty did not act rashly, but waited for the high priest to speak.

The reason why Ye Hong finally accepted the invitation was to see exactly what medicine was sold in the gourd of the high priest.

The Ikiput tribal country is a peculiar country where half of the country is in the desert. Even the country is also called the desert capital, or sand capital for short.

The sand city itself is covered in the wolf soul desert.

So Yehong did not go long before they entered Shadu.

Due to chaos caused by strange animals, the people in Shadu rarely go out.

The streets were deserted, and most of them were Ikiput fighters who passed on and off.

Occasionally, totem masters in cloaks can be seen.

It's just that after seeing Pieru, the totem masters all retreated to the roadside in awe.

The whole sand has a square structure, and most of the buildings are earthy yellow desert.

All kinds of original ornaments hanging outside the buildings on the street side are full of strong Southern European style.

Many ancient ruins are preserved in the city, the most of which is the golden yellow cone tower.

The largest pyramid tower is 100 meters high and stands proudly in the center of the sand.

According to Pieru, the pyramid tower is called the Wolf God Tower, and it is the soul building of the entire Shadu and even the Ikiput tribe.

The direction of the crowd was the tower of the wolf god, because the high priest lived there on weekdays.

But because it was too late today, Pieru took the crowd to rest in a hotel near the Wolf God Tower, preparing to take them to the high priest the next day.

At night, in the hotel, Ye Hong listened to Jackson and Istiah talking about the reason for coming to Nanzhou this time.

It turned out that in the current chaos in Nanzhou, although the country of Ikiput was not on the front line of the beast disaster, it also sent requests for assistance to countries around the world.

However, compared to the Dawang State mainly seeking help from the Yan State, the Ikiput State seems to rely more on the United States.

After receiving the request from Iquiput, the United States handed over the matter to FCI.

FCI's chief executive Olivier sent a total of three senior inspectors and a number of agents to Nanzhou.

The moment I set foot on Nanzhou, I scattered to Nanzhou to explore the details of the beast.

Jackson and Isia are just one of them.

Then the two didn't care about the FCI's organization regulations, they just shared the information they found along with Ye Hong.

They probed all the way and found that although the beast appeared in the crack in Wangnan Cape, it did not invade from south to north.

Instead, they often concentrated eastward and wandered in that area.

East side?

Regarding the east side of Nanzhou, Yehong's first thought could only be that incomparably huge primitive rift.

Could it be that there is something that the beast is particularly concerned about?

However, the information is still not enough, and Ye Hong can't analyze it.

Can only go to bed early and prepare to see the high priest the next day to see if other information can be provided there.


Early the next morning, Pieru came to greet the crowd and took them to the Wolf God Tower.

But because this time the high priest only invited Ye Hong and five other Yan nationals, Jackson and Istiah waited in the hotel.

Under the Wolf God Tower, no one was unexpectedly guarding.

To this, Pieru explained confidently: "In Nanzhou, no one dared to break into the Wolf God Tower privately, and no one could hurt the high priest, so he didn't need any defense force at all."

Seeing such self-confidence as he said, Ye Hong's people increasingly wanted to see the high priest himself.

The 100-meter Wolf God Pagoda is a pointed pyramid tetrahedron composed of a rectangular base and four triangular outer walls.

The space is smaller the further up, until there is only one room at the top of the spire.

Following the elevator in the center of the tower, everyone came to this room.

The door of the room was open, and a different figure was waiting for them in silence.

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