Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2608: Legendary contrast

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In that corner at this time.

Wu Xian was squatting on the ground, tears rolling in his eyes, and his face was wronged.

All the majesty of the weekdays was gone, and it seemed to instantly become a poor little girl who was robbed of the lollipop.


"Today, the people underneath should be disappointed again, they will betray me for lack of ability..."

"If this matter is heard in the ears of the father, will it be disappointing?"

"But people have worked hard too!"

"Don't sleep and forget to eat and practice, don't dare to relax!"

"Every day I'm exhausting for the development of the guild, and my hair is almost bald..."

"Why am I so tired?"

"People want to enjoy the game, they want to go out shopping, they want to..."

"I blame the **** Yehong...but...but..."

Wu Xian sobbed for a long time, and finally cried out with a wow: "But people can't beat him!"

Not far from the side, Ye Hong stared at Wu Xian, who was crying, stunned.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could never have imagined that Wu Xian, who was cold like an iceberg, would secretly cry like a child here.

Could it be that this is the legendary contrast?

I have to admit that Wu Xian is still more lovely.

It seems that the majesty and arrogance of ordinary days are all supported by her.


Ye Hong coughed, and when he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed.

"Ding! Trigger the proficient level of crisis-sensing ability and notice that a large number of people are approaching the host's location, please pay attention to the safety of the host."

what's the situation? !

Could it be that fairy dog ​​city is back?

Do not! impossible!

In the current defeated state of Fairy Dog City, the players collectively weaken their attributes, and it is tantamount to finding death again.

That could only be a reason!

Someone wants a cardinal!

On the other side, Wu Xian, who heard the movement behind her, also stood up in a panic.

When he saw that the person behind him was Ye Hong, his face suddenly fluttered like a red apple.

"How could it be him?!"

Wu Xian now wants to die.

It’s good to be seen by anyone, but it’s because one of the most hated people sees his softest side!

Wu Xian's entire head was in chaos, and he was helpless and said with a smile: "Hah...then...you also come out to appreciate the moon..."

"Wu Xian, what the **** are you talking about!" Wu Xian completely collapsed in his heart, just want to slap himself to death.

Ye Hong didn't care about Wu Xian's embarrassment, but said with a solemn expression: "Hurry up to summon the players in the city to go online, and a strong enemy is approaching Xianhe City!"

Most of Wu Xian's attention was attracted by Ye Hong's words, but he just forgot the embarrassment of Fang Cai.

She frowned and asked, "Where are you from?"

"Don't worry about so much, let someone go online quickly!" Ye Hong roared impatiently.

"No." Wu Xian seemed to restore the majesty of her weekday, and she said with a cold face: "Everyone has just experienced a war, and they are resting in reality.

Without accurate information, I can't disturb them. "

Ye Hongdun felt helpless. For a moment, she wanted to grab the stubborn woman in front of her and pumped her **** to see if she could wake her up.

"What time is it, and are still tangled with the rules, are you tired?"

Ye Hong shook his head and did not want to continue to waste his saliva. He pointed to the wall and said: "If you don't believe it, go to the wall and see for yourself."

Wu Xian glanced at Yehong without a word, and walked up to the city wall.

At this time, only some NPC soldiers were stationed above the city walls.

But because of the previous war, these NPCs had no spirit and leaned against the wall in twos and threes.

It was only when Wu Xian appeared that he stood up slightly.

Wu Xian glared at the soldiers with dissatisfaction, and looked out of the city.

Nearby, there are still potholes when fighting the fairy dog ​​army.

Looking further away, it was dark.

In the secluded wilderness, there was no sign of the "strong enemy" Ye Hong said at all.

Wu Xian sneered, just about to turn back and mock Ye Hong, but his pupils shrank suddenly.

A little light suddenly appeared in the darkness at the end of the field of vision.

Then, these lights are getting closer!

Until flying into the air, Wu Xian did not see that it was a ball of fire!


The bleak voice suddenly spread throughout the whole crane city.




The fireballs in the sky fell one by one in the crane city.

The fire erupted in an instant.

Silent Crane City suddenly fell into chaos.

And under the city walls, there were also dense figures.

At a glance, it is impossible to tell how many people there are.

I saw everyone wearing grotesque robe, each robe shone with different colors.

Some people still have long staffs in their hands.

There were **** of fire flying out of those staffs.


"This is impossible!"

"Why did the Protoss people appear here?"

Wu Xian looked at the figures outside the city with a pale face.

"Huh, it looks like some people have become dogs."

A mocking voice suddenly sounded around him.

Ye Hong didn't know when he came to the city wall, and looked at the people outside the city with cold eyes.

The moves used by these people in front of them are obviously not Xianwu moves.

Whether in the game or in reality, these moves have a resounding name-[Divine]!

The so-called divine art is the ability of the Protoss in the God Realm.

Corresponding to the fairy in the fairy field, this part of the **** clan is called [the god].

This divine art is very close to the spiritual thoughts used by the Xizhou Shennian masters in the Blue Star.

Even Ye Hong once suspected that the Protoss in the ancient world might be the relatives of the Blue Star Xizhou people.

At this time, the reason why these **** players who were supposed to be God territory dojos will suddenly appear in the fairy territory dojos, it is necessary to mention the geographical division of the ancient world.

The seven major domains of the ancient world are the "Xianyu" in the east, the "Shenyu" in the west, the "Nether" in the south, the "Mechanical Plateau" in the north, the "Beast King Valley" in the far southwest, and the "Snow Field" in the far northeast. And the "Meteorite Market" in the middle of the ancient world.

Among them, there is a ruin of a meteorite between the fairy land in the east and the **** land in the west.

So in reality, the two regions are far apart, and it takes a long time to go back and forth.

But in the game world, the Protoss people only need to do one thing if they want to come under the Crane City.

That is, through the teleport function, first reach the nearest city to Xianhe City, and then come on foot.

But this kind of cross dojo transmission must be approved by the city.

In other words, someone in the fairy field dojo acted as a spy, helping the Protoss into the fairy field dojo!

Combined with the weird behavior of Fairy Dog City, it is not difficult to guess who this spy is.

Fairy dog ​​Fairy dog, really is the material for people to be dogs!

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