Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2609: I am not a fat dragon

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It must be said that the protoss is really insidious.

Immortal Crane City, who had just repelled the attack of Fairy Dog City, was at a juncture of fatigue, and the Protoss people came.

And in order to make it easier to win the fairy crane city, the Protoss also planned to let the fairy dog ​​city take the lead in attacking first.

Fairy Dog City's actions will be spurned by all people in reality.

It can be replaced as a dojo in the virtual world. Except for the players of Xianhe City, they will yell and curse. It is estimated that few people will stand up and speak for Xianhe City.

There is only one reason, no matter how fought in the virtual world, it will not affect the general trend in reality.

In front of the top big players, the players in the dojo competition are like playing a house, and it is not worth them to waste too much attention.

It is precisely through seeing this that the Protoss talents will launch this cross-regional attack.

And according to the rules of the dojo competition, if you can win the city across the region, your own city will gain a lot of prestige!

Prestige, a vocabulary that is illusory in reality, is more popular than DaoCoin in the dojo competition.

Players with personal reputation can gain more rights, such as discounts when buying goods from NPC merchants.

For example, some maps have a certain reputation value to enter.

And reputation is also a super-hard currency that can be exchanged for supplies.

For individual players, prestige can be exchanged for various unavailable equipment and exercises.

For the guild, it can be used to develop the main city.

In fact, before Mae Hong had entered the game, he had heard that there were cross-regional battles in all major venues.

But it was the first time Xianhe City was selected as the target of cross-regional attack.

So Wu Xian, who faced this situation for the first time, especially the Protoss who had been stepping on the top of the human race, was at a loss.

"Arrange personnel to go online first... wrong, or gather the guards in the city to meet the enemy first..."

Wu Xian's expression was flustered and his face was cold and sweaty.

Looking at Wu Xian, who was already in a state of chaos, Ye Hong shook his head secretly and shouted sharply in her ear: "You immediately organized the personnel to go online, and the guards in the city will be given to me!"

The sound exploded in Wu Xianxin's heart like a thunder.

Somehow, Wu Xian felt that Ye Hong's voice seemed to have some kind of magical power, and the originally panicked heart suddenly calmed down.

But she still hesitated slightly: "The city is so chaotic now, there are so many non-Sword Crane Legions, can you organize it?"

Ye Hong didn't say much, but came to the channel of the main city of Xianhe City calmly.

At this time, the main city channel has already exploded.

"What happened?"

"Who is attacking? Isn't it just over?"

"Everything happened! The dogs of the Protoss hit the door!"


"Is that the most powerful protoss in the Seventh Avenue field?"

"Let me wipe, aren't we opponents?"

"Finished, Xianhe City is estimated to be unable to hold, everyone quickly escape!"

The main city channel is full of pessimistic voices.

And at a time of chaos, a voice full of majesty felt like a sword from heaven and earth, falling into the channel.

"Everyone in Xianhe City, the enemies are not as terrible as you think.

Just listen to my command and we will win this battle! "

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden mockery.

"Where is this stunned head, do not know the horror of the Protoss?"

"Listen to you? Who do you think you are?"

But these sarcasm voices just appeared, and they were scolded back by more violent voices.

"Shut up! Don't you look at the ID?"

"ID?... wait!

The end, the end of the night? ! "

At this point, everyone finally sees who the speaker was.

An iron picture appeared suddenly in everyone's mind.

That's a terrifying man in a novice suit and resisting the elite of Fairy Dog City by himself!

The final night!

After that battle, the players of Xianhe City are discussing and guessing the identity of the real night.

Judging from the strength he showed, it is likely to be a war fairy of more than 60 levels.

The strong man of this strength is already in the elite class in reality.

If he is a disciple of Taiyi Xianzong, it is likely that he asked the disciple's generation.

If they are disciples of other schools, they may even be elders in the door.

But everyone searched the memory, but they didn't find the right famous person.

So many people speculate that the final night is in reality a silent but unknown, but powerful scattered fairy.

After this campaign, in reality, there will inevitably be many martial arts who want to recruit the final night.

For such a strong player, players are sincerely respected.

On the channel, it suddenly became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, a cautious voice sounded: "Senior, do you have any ideas, can you elaborate?"

[I am not a fat dragon].

Ye Hong remembered this person's ID.

At this time, being able to stand up and respond to him first, regardless of his rank and background, is a material for Ye Hong.

"In order not to be betrayed by the spy, I cannot disclose all plans.

But I promise, as long as I follow my plan, this group of Protoss will definitely be able to come and go! "

Ye Hong's firm and calm voice caused a lot of wonder in the main city channel.

Combined with his previous performance, this confidence instantly infected many players.

"Now, I need someone who is the most important step in carrying out my plan."

So when the voice of Yehong just fell, the voice echoing in the main city channel suddenly came and went.

"I come!"

"give it to me!"

If they said that they were still full of anxiety, but after listening to Yehong's words, they were suddenly full of confidence, so they all started to volunteer.

But Ye Hong still gave this task to [I am not a fat dragon], and gave him the plan in private chat.

Wu Xian watched all this from side to side.

She saw first-hand how Yehong integrated the scattered players into one step by step!

Also see for yourself how the original demoralized players were inspired by Ye Hong!

These commanding and dispatching abilities are like a king with millions of troops!

It seems to have a different kind of personality charm, making everyone trust the words of Ye Hong.

Wu Xianpian asked herself, she could not do better than change to her.

Even the arrogance of the Wu family, the youngest among the younger generations of the family, could not do everything like Ye Hong!

Wu Xian seemed to understand why Wu Qing valued Ye Hong so much.

"Humph! Since that's the case, I can't be underestimated by you!"

Wu Xian saw that Ye Hong stabilized the hearts of the people in the city so quickly that they were not far behind, and quickly called the people back.

As the white light in the city kept flashing, players who hadn't been offline for a long time returned to the city one after another.

The magic bombing from outside the city seemed to stop.

The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer to Xianhe City, and we must start to capture the main entrance of the city!

"Good show, coming soon."

Yehong overlooked the protoss army that was approaching outside the city, and the corner of his mouth evoked a cold arc.

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