Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2610: Empty city plan

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"Chairman Wu, let all Beicheng personnel withdraw to the city now!"

On the north wall, Ye Hong had no sign.

Wu Xian first stunned, then Liu Mei raised his head, and said coldly, "Why?"

"Don't ask so much, just follow my instructions."

Ye Hong ignored Wu Xian's anger and continued: "Also, let people open the North Gate together."

This made Wu Xian unable to bear it anymore and shouted: "You want us to desert the city as a deserter?!"

Ye Hong couldn't help but give Wu Xian a glance and disdain: "I really want to do this. Why should I help you to defend the city before, and why should I stand here to help you make suggestions?"

If you really want to keep Xianhe City, it's best not to be wordy, just listen to me!

Otherwise, every second more delay, Xianhe City will be more dangerous to fall! "

Wu Xian was scorned by Ye Hong's face.

From small to large, no one dared to speak to her like this!

But thinking of the current crisis in Xianhe City, Wu Xian's anger couldn't be vented.

She strongly suppressed her heart and said loudly to Ye Hong: "If the name is Ye, if you dare to play any tricks, my fairy crane city will chase you to the end of the world!"

Speaking, he sighed and gave the order to retreat.

With a command, a burst of puzzled sound came from the wall.

Especially those players who have just gone online are confused.

But under Wu Xian's determined attitude, everyone had no choice but to retreat.

The silhouettes on the city walls are gradually sparse.


At this time, the Protoss Army rear.

A handsome young man with white hair and silver eyes is lying comfortably on a tank.

The magnificent chariot was pulled by four high-headed Mazzi.

A beautiful young woman wearing only light yarn was kneeling beside the young man, rubbing his thigh for him.

There is a constant flow of information from the front back to the ear of the youth.

"Report President Yote, there are three hundred steps away from Xianhe City!"

"Report President Yote, there are two hundred steps away from Xianhe City!"

"Report to President Yote, the other person seems to have signs of retreat!"

The young man opened his eyes violently, and his silver eyes flashed suspiciously.

This young man is, of course, Jodhris who appeared in the Taikoo Technology Factory in Xianhe City.

Don't look at the day when he and Wu Dao shake hands and make peace.

As a noble Protoss, how can we compromise with the Terran?

However, under the seal of Immortal Territory, on the site of Taiyi Immortal Sect, he could not have an attack.

So after that day, Yotkris kept thinking about how to recover the lost face.

Finally, he remembered the world of dojo competition.

If you can hit the crane city once and for all in the dojo match, and let the sword and crane army be covered with embarrassment, you can also help Jot Chris!

So he worked hard, spent a lot of money, and finally successfully bribed the people of Fairy Dog City to implement the plan tonight.

Jotte Kris firmly believes that the Crane City that has just fought with Fairy Dog City will not be able to stop the attack of the Protoss Army that he brought!

But the news that just came back, but let the natural cautious Yotkris feel something is wrong.

"You mean... the people on the walls started to withdraw?"

Yote waved his hand, letting the massaging maid back, and staring at the hand.

The men responsible for transmitting the information carefully reported: "Yes, our people saw them withdrawing from the wall.

Not only that, no one even guarded the north gate, it is now in a state where the gate is wide open. "

"Are you ready to abandon the city?"

Jotecris frowned suddenly.

From a practical point of view, Xianhe City really does not need to die.

The big deal is to go to another place and lay another city.

But Yoke Chris has dealt with a lot of people in Xian Realm these years, knowing that the human race in Xian Realm has a certain kind of blood.

Until the last minute, they will not easily give up their land.

What's more, the Jianhe Legion has been cultivating in Xianhe City for many years. If you give up without resistance, it would be too useless.

The legion brought out by the famous sword crane fairy will never do such a thing.

So the first reaction of Jotter Chris was the conspiracy of Crane City.

"Could it be that we deliberately lured us into the city and prepared to ambush us near the gate?"

Joth Kris felt more and more justified, and immediately ordered to continue: "No one can enter the city.

Long-range magic team, continue to bomb the city gate! "

The protoss army that received the order stopped collectively in front of the city wall.

The previous fireballs took off one after another and landed one after another on the northern wall of Xianhe City.

For a moment, the roar continued.

Joter Kris smiled proudly: "Any conspiracy and tricks you can't resist the iron hoof of my protoss army!"


In the crane city that Yotcris could not see, it was another scene at this moment.

Almost all the players in the city are concentrated in the largest square in the center of the city.

There is no half figure behind the North Gate.

At this time, the players in the city stared at the bombing site at the gate with dumbfounded admiration.

Not long ago, Ye Hong ordered Wu Xian and all the people to withdraw from the north to the city.

At that time, many people didn't understand this instruction, but now I can understand how far-sighted Ye Hong is!

If it was not Ye Hong, they must have been buried in flames now.

Facing the voices of gratitude and compliments, Ye Hong was pale, without any complacency.

Because this is just the first step of the plan.

This step is called "Empty City Plan" in Blue Star.

The empty city plan, used to deal with those who are suspicious in nature, is the most suitable.

The reason why Yehong dared to use this strategy was because he saw an old acquaintance in the Protoss Army.


After learning the other party's commander in chief, Ye Hong gave birth to this strategy.

Although I only had a short contact with this person in Xianhe City that day, Yote Kris's strange and suspicious nature was still transparent by Ye Hong.

Therefore, Ye Hong was convinced that as long as the city gate was opened, Yote Kris's character would not rush people into the city.

Facts have proved that Ye Hong accurately predicted the psychological activity of Yotkris.

And the biggest benefit of this empty city plan is to win a lot of precious time for Xianhe City.

The white light flashed on the square, and some players called to go online.

In this way, Ye Hong can also carry out the second step of the plan!

"Ding! Induce target psychology, psychological induction ability +1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level."

"Ding! Predict in advance, predict ability +1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level."

"Ding! The first step of the serial plan was successful, the serial planning ability +1, the current progress: 110, the current level: entry level."

Ye Hong gave the second order.

"Everyone, hide!"

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