Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2623: Within the wooden tower

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On the same day, after leaving Feilong's house, Ye Hong fulfilled his previous commitment and formally accepted Wu Xian's challenge.

The location of this challenge is actually located in the fairy field dojo.

Of course, it is not a dojo in the game, but a tower in the dojo in the first ring zone.

This tall tower was one of the dozen wooden towers on both sides of the apartment that Ye Hong saw when he first came to the dojo.

Inside the wooden tower, there are no stairs leading to each floor, only a transparent glass round tube, winding to the top of the tower.

If combined with the pictures seen outside, the final round tubes should be together with the most magnificent palace in the dojo.

What surprised Ye Hong most was that there was something in the round tube that made him extremely familiar!


He even felt the breath under these nine seals!

No, to be precise, it is the antiquity of this world.

"Is it strange?"

Wu Xian glanced at Ye Hong with an expressionless expression: "These ancient spirits were given to my father."

Ye Hong shook his head lightly on the face, but his heart shook abruptly.

Wu Xian's father, of course, is the famous sword crane fairy.

The owner of Xianhe City is one of the forty-nine monarchs of Taiyi Xianzong.

In fact, Ye Hong should have thought of it long ago.

The nine-fold immortal seal is an inescapable shackle for ordinary immortals.

But for the small group of people standing at the top like Jianhe Xianjun, how could there be no way to get rid of the shackles?

The wooden tower in front of me must have been built specifically for this purpose.

It is no wonder that top powerhouses like Jianhe Xianjun will not enter the world of dojo competition, and Gain people can find a way to practice in reality!


Since the Sword Crane Immortal has a way to do it, can Ye Hong also learn to follow this method in the same way?

While Wu Xian's eyes were not on him, Ye Hongdan's eyes swept toward the circular duct.

"Ding! Trigger the master-level mechanical transformation ability, trigger the proficient level analysis ability, analyze the target structure...

Analysis progress: 0.01%...0.02%..."

Moments later, Ye Hong gave up this unrealistic idea.

With his master-level mechanical transformation ability, the analysis is so slow.

That can only explain one problem, that is, this seemingly simple circular pipe actually contains extremely complicated technology.

At the current speed of analysis, I don't know if I will toss to the year of the monkey.

At this time, is he mostly upgraded in the dojo, is he not fragrant?

It seems that you can only wait for the mechanical transformation ability to break through the king level, and then nibble this hard bone.

"You can rest assured that this thing has nothing to do with us coming here today."

Wu Xian did not know that Ye Hong flashed so many thoughts at once, and brought Ye Hong to the bottom of the wooden tower.

Ye Hong discovered that the venue underneath turned out to be a competition venue.

On the east and west sides of the site, there is a row of wooden frames.

Above the wooden frame, a large number of weapons of various styles hang.

Even if these are guns and sticks, Ye Hong also sees many weapon styles that he has never seen before.

Wu Xian said to Yehong while walking towards the wooden stand on the east side: "This is how I challenge you.

Everyone does not need to breath, but simply exquisite competition and understanding of weapons.

If you understand it, go pick a weapon. "

It turns out so.

Seeing Wu Xian reach out and take a long sword from the wooden stand, Ye Hong also came to the wooden stand on the west side, walking slowly in front of the wooden stand, and looked at these weapons with his eyes.

After seeing Ye Hong stopping in front of a spear, Wu Xian's eyelids suddenly jumped involuntarily.

Ye Hong's heroic posture to kill the bright big element rhinoceros was still imprinted in her mind at the moment.

If Ye Hong chooses a spear...

Wu Xian couldn't help but squeeze the long sword in his hand, his lips slightly pursed.

Fortunately, Ye Hong only looked a little, and moved to the next weapon.

Wu Xian suddenly relieved.

But the next second, Wu Xian squeezed his fist and slapped his head in shame.

Before he started playing, he began to be afraid of Yehong. Is this still a confident self?

How can such a self overcome Yehong?

Before Wu Xian vented her annoyed emotions, she heard the voice from the opposite side.

"That's it."

Wu Xian looked up and found out that Ye Hong even took out a long sword.

There is no restraint on long swords against long swords. No one can lose any excuse for losing.

However, Wu Xian thought that Ye Hong deliberately underestimated himself, dissatisfied and honest: "You can use the spear you are best at."

"How do you know that my best is the spear?"

Ye Hong seemed to laugh, but he danced a sword flower lightly in his hand.

The long sword piled up in the air, and it was dazzling.

Wu Xian's heart burst into an instant.

This sword flower looks light, but it contains a technique that Wu Xian has never seen before.

She immediately put away her thoughts and said seriously: "Since this is the case, let's start."

But the second talent had just entered, and the gate of the wooden tower was suddenly opened from the outside.

The two frowned.

Outside this wooden tower, the disciples of Taiyi Xianzong were strictly supervised.

If it is not a person within Taixian Zongzong, there is no way to easily enter it.

As expected, the three people familiar came from outside the door.

Wu Dao ranked 29th in Wu Dao and 37 ranked Wu Qing...

Even Wu Kuan, who ranks sixth, also came.

"How can such a hilarious thing be less us?"

Wu Qing grinned, not paying attention to Wu Xian's almost murderous gaze.

Wu Dao did not dare to be as big or as big as Wu Qing. He maintained his due respect for Wu Xian, the arrogant family member, and smiled apologetically: "Twenty-fifth sister, my brother heard that you are going to compete with Brother Ye. Itchy and unbearable. If you want to see this dragon fight closely, please forgive me.

As for Wu Kuan, after all, he ranked in front of Wu Xian. As an older brother, he was not as cautious as Wu Dao. He just smiled with his eyebrows: "How can we get a good referee without a good matchup?"

If you don't dislike it, I think I'm quite suitable for this. "

"busy body!"

Wu Xianhan glared at the three of them.

Ye Hong is actually a bit unhappy.

The three came deliberately for no reason at all, as they said in their mouths.

Its fundamental purpose is definitely to collect some information from Ye Hong.

Looking at the three deep Wu family children in Chengfu, Ye Hong instantly felt that the simple Wu Xian in front of him was so cute.

But since the three came cheeky, Ye Hong and Wu Xian had no reason to send them away.

So under the attention of the three, this non-aura matchup will finally be officially opened.

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