Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2624: The next second is mine

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Although the duel hasn't started yet, the three people on the sidelines have started talking quietly.

"Sixth brother, you are experienced, who do you prefer?"

Wu Dao asked sincerely.

The three of them are not as good as Wu Xian, but Wu Kuan is at least higher than Wu Dao and Wu Qing.

And the ranking is here, and Wu Dao has to show his attitude of asking for advice from his seniority.

Wu Kuan touched the delicate beard on his chin and smiled: "Although we have guessed that A Hong is from that legion, there is no substantial evidence after all.

And we have seen the strength of the 25th sister for so many years, so..."

"So Sixth Brother feels that the twenty-fifth sister wins big?" Wu Dao asked quickly.

"Not so." Wu Kuan smiled and said: "After all, this is a match without a fairy, and if Ahong plays well, there is no chance."

"Old fox."

Wu Dao secretly scolded himself.

Doesn't he mean nothing?

But he didn't think about getting his heartfelt words from Wu Kuankou.

Such things as intrigues are common in ordinary people's homes, and in large households like the Wu family, they are magnified a hundredfold.

Among Wu Jian's hundreds of children, there has never been anything between them.

Especially now that both of them are thinking of wooing Yehong, they are even more bitter about the matter of grabbing Yehong gifts from each other in the past few days, and it is absolutely impossible to push their hearts.

"Okay, you two don't talk too much, the duel is about to start!"

Wu Qing glanced in disgust at the two brothers who were fighting, and looked at the field with both eyes bright.

She used to like people's mental calculations.

But I don't know why, since Yehong appeared, she has some natural resistance to this kind of thing.

Today, she just wants to watch the game well.

On the field, Wu Xian leaned his long sword to his side, and solemnly said: "You might say that I am invincible. I will first talk about the swordsmanship I practice.

My swordsmanship was realized by the father Jun Jianhe Xianjun when he was young [Feixian Eighteen Cranes].

As the name suggests, this set of swordsmanship has a total of eighteen styles.

Although I only comprehend the first ten forms, it is not something that ordinary people can bear. "

"It's okay, I'll understand it for you."

Yehong whispered softly.

Silly woman, maybe the flying fairy and eighteen cranes are still yours. The next second will be someone in my night.

"What are you talking about?" Wu Xian obviously didn't hear clearly.

"It's okay, let's get started." Ye Hong shook the long sword in his hand.

Wu Xian made a showdown of ancient rituals at a glance, and then sipped, holding a long sword and approaching Yehong quickly!

"The first form of the flying fairy eighteen cranes-[Fei Xian Yi He·He Dian Qing Quan]!"

Wu Xian's body was as light as the wind, and the long sword in his hand seemed to turn into a flying white crane, stabbing straight towards Yehong.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level perception ability and trigger the guru-level effect [Sudden Enlightenment].

Trigger mastery level copy strengthening ability, copy strengthening target swordsmanship...

After the replication is strengthened, the host has learned the first form of the flying fairy eighteen cranes—【Fei Xian Yi He·He Dian Qing Quan】. "

For Ye Hong, those powerful ancient immortal martial arts styles may have to learn in detail for some time.

It can be understood that the ancient swordsmanship in front of him is just a blink of an eye.

Therefore, before waiting for Wu Xian's long sword to come to the front, Ye Hong had already thoroughly understood the essence of this trick.

The corner of the mouth is slightly hooked, and the long sword in his hand lightly points forward, and said lightly: "[Feixian Yihe·Heding Qingquan]."

The long sword pierced forward, no matter from the track or the angle, is no different from the move in Wu Xian's hand!

Wu Xianyuan's eyes widened in an instant, and was shocked for a while, and finally managed to stand firm.


The tips of the two long swords touched together, making a clear sound.

Then Wu Xian did not continue to attack, but at one touch, took a step back, staring at Yehong, and stunned at the depth of her pupils.

Not only her, but the three people watching next to him were also in shock.

"I was right, did Ahong use the flying fairy and eighteen cranes?"

"Strange... This is our Wu family's non-ethnology, where did he learn from?"

Because of the copy of Yehong's eighteen cranes, a strange silence suddenly appeared on the scene.

Ye Hong had expected this. After a slight smile, the sword in his hand shook in the direction of Wu Xian: "Why don't you continue? Confess?"

Ye Hong's words immediately stimulated Wu Xian's desire to win or lose.

"No matter where you learned the flying fairy eighteen cranes, I don't believe it will be better than me!"

Wu Xianliu raised her eyebrows and attacked again with a sword.

"Fei Xian Eighteen Cranes Second Form-[Fei Xian Two Cranes · Jianfen He Ying]!"

This move changed the straightforward style of Fang Cai, but from top to bottom, with a fierce offensive to cut a sword!

This sword seems to split the void.

This is just a flat move without immortal energy. If you bring immortal energy, its power can hardly be imagined.

With a sword cut, Wu Xian also regained confidence in his eyes, looking at Yehong slightly provocatively, ready to wait for him to return.

Ye Hong still smiled indifferently, raised the sword in his hand unhurriedly, and struck down as well.

This is exactly the same as Wu Xian's.

The fierce sword power is like the earth, and it is not weaker than Wu Xian's sword.


Not surprisingly, the two long swords collided again.

"I won't believe it!"

Wu Xian gritted his teeth and kept waving his sword.

"The third form of the flying fairy eighteen cranes--"

"Four Immortals Eighteen Cranes Fourth Form -"

"Five Immortals Eighteen Cranes..."

But no matter how she moves, Ye Hong can always wait for her in the same way.

For a time, the field was full of crisp clashes of long swords.

Although the picture in front of me was very boring, the three outsiders opened their mouths and almost lost their jaws.

The so-called authorities are confused by bystanders.

Wu Xian was in the field, immersed in the duel, and found nothing wrong.

But the three of them who watched beside them clearly discovered that whenever Wu Xian made a move, Ye Hong's hand, which did not take the sword, would be drawn with a slight amplitude.

Looking at the track, it is imitating Wu Xian's sword move.

Then use the sword holding hand to restore the sword move.

In short, Ye Hong is actually learning now!

"I understand the truth, but this **** thing learns too fast?!"

Wu Dao, who has always attached great importance to his image, couldn't help but swear out.

Wu Kuan and Wu Qing next to him also had twitching in the corners of their mouths and dull eyes.

They have seen geniuses, but geniuses must also obey the basic laws of genius!

Ye Hong obviously can not be defined by the word genius, it is unprecedented evil!

Is Yehong the illegitimate child of the founding emperor? !

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