Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2658: Beast changes, change!

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Hundreds of water shadow arrows in the secret realm that day were all replaced by ice arrows today!

"go with!"

As Ye Hongbao shouted, Bingjian took off.

It seemed to freeze the air together.

The disciples of the Jianhe Legion, who were flying down, were in a turbulent formation and could only rush back.

"He Xianwu Xianwu Xianhe Xianguang!"

It's still the trick to deal with masked people.

The white sword rain fell from the sky and collided with the ice arrow.

However, this showdown between Jianyu and Jianyu was almost instantaneous.

Hundreds of times of penetrating power, let hundreds of ice arrows pass through the white sword rain fiercely, and fell relentlessly on the disciples of the Sword Crane Legion and the fairy crane under them.

All of a sudden, a burst of blood rain burst in the air.

A corpse exuding coldness fell from midair.

There was a sudden silence on the battlefield, and they were all attracted by the scene that happened here.

You know, since the people of the Jianhe Legion used the combined strike Xianwu, they completely suppressed the situation.

This is the only case of such a large-scale killing!

And when everyone saw that the people who killed this group of sword cranes were actually just a young man holding a giant bow, they were all surprised.

Where is this strong man coming out? !

Only those who knew Ye Hong had mixed reactions.

Tao Yi and Tao Shu father and son, glanced at each other, and flashed joy.

Those who had seen Ye Hong driven away by Wu Mou before were surprised.

At this moment they seemed to understand why Wu Mou was so afraid of Ye Hong.

Purple Scorpion also noticed Ye Hong, his eyes suddenly flickered with anger, "Is that you?!"

Yehong recognized her, and of course she also recognized Yehong, the person who caused her to fail in the secret realm!

If it wasn't for that day after the mystery shattered, she and the Golden Lion Legion were transported back to the Fairy Lion City, and they would inevitably lead people to chase Yehong for three days and three nights!

At this moment, the enemies met each other with a special eye.

She even wished to drop the enemy in front of her and ran to kill Yehong!

But the most annoying can only be Wu Mou!

Of course, those who died in the Jianhe Legion were sent by Wu Mou.

On the surface, it is the person who is going to move the Nether Realm, but in fact it is all for killing Yehong!

Ye Hong's strength is far beyond Wu Mou's expectations!

This is good, not only did the people fail, but also paid a small team of elites.

It can be said that Ye Hong once again let Wu Mou, who thought he had no idea, eat away.

This situation is equivalent to a slap in the face of Wu Mou, who is very strong in heart!

"This person would dare to kill my disciples of the Jianhe Legion, it must be the same party of the Scorpion of the Forest!"

Wu Mou's cold voice spread throughout the sky.

"The Jianhe Legion obeyed, and killed this man at all costs!"

With a single order, the white crane shadows covering the sky and the sun flew together towards the night.

On the contrary, Zi Scorpion and others were dumbfounded.

Is it possible that Ye Hong's danger in Wu Mou's mind is higher than them? !

But in any case, the action of the Jianhe Legion to surround Yehong collectively has become an iron fact!

But what everyone did not think is that there has been no movement in the Netherworld horse, but now it is moving.

The three giant wolves snapped at the sky and roared.

Every roar seemed to be accompanied by an invisible sound wave, causing the cranes to shake for a while, and the members of the Jianhe Legion carrying them also staggered.

And those of the Ming tribe in grey robes have their hands up to the sky.

The strange gray mansions slowly gathered on them.

These gray awns are the so-called [Ming Ze]!

In different areas of the ancient world, ancient gas has different names.

In the fairy field, there is immortal gas, and those who cultivate immortals are immortals, and the ability used is immortal martial arts.

In the divine domain, it is divine, and the one who cultivates the **** is the god, and the ability used is divine art.

And in the domain of meditation, it is naturally qi, and those who meditate are meditation, and the ability used is meditation.

The rule of meditation, the law of meditation!

It is the most weird ability in the entire ancient world!

"Xiao Mingjun, do you really want to fight against my crane city?"

Wu Mou sneered.

"No, I just can't bear to see you bullying that man by the crowd."

Xiao Mingjun's light and fluttering voice came from the sedan chair.

Everyone was surprised.

Why did this little Mingjun come forward to protect a human race?

"Since this is the case, Wumou will kill you together."

Wu Mou's killer skyrocketed, his hand stretched out slowly, and he was about to issue an order toward the Jianhe Legion in the sky.

However, when the Jianhe Legion was almost pinned down, there was a sudden change in the gate of the palace!

Niu Li, who had originally guarded the Xuanhe Legion, suddenly made a terrifying roar!


With this voice, his body suddenly expanded three times!

The muscles in the whole body swelled, and the clothes worn on them were split directly.

A pair of big eyeballs suddenly became scarlet.

Ye Hong, who was watching this scene from afar, jumped a word out of his head-the beast changed!

According to intelligence, the orcs practiced an ability called beast change.

After absorbing the ancient gas, that is, the orcs claim to be the animal's gas, the orc's body will undergo some changes.

Generally speaking, similar to the superpower of the blue star alienator, the intensity has been improved in general.

Flesh, bones, flesh... all-round strengthening!

Not only that, but also awaken the unique talents of the race.

For example, the Niu King tribe where Niu Li is located can awaken a talent called [Bold Scream]!

Bold roar, as the name suggests, has a strange power that directly shocks the heart.

It is this kind of talent that is bursting out of cattle power right now!

Unexpectedly, the members of the Black Crane Legion surrounded her heart with pain.

The **** crane under them also began to fall into chaos and run around.

The Xuanhe Legion's defense line guarding Wu Jian's body suddenly appeared a gap!

This bullpower is actually one of the assassins!

"good chance!"

Purple Scorpion will not let this great opportunity pass, and quickly command the masked men and the killers of the Scorpion of the Forest to attack into it!

"Father and father, rest assured that children will not give them a chance."

Wu Di held Xuan Tie's long spear in front of Wu Jian, and his voice was cold.

Wu Jian nodded slightly and looked up at Niu Li not far away.

"Hey, I first declare that what I did has nothing to do with our tribe of cattle kings."

Niu Li smiled at Wu Jian's teeth, but slammed a punch.

This time, with his antiquity, he suddenly blasted a scarlet light wave from his fist!

"[Bull King Beast Change·Bull King Boxing]!"

The scarlet light wave was extremely destructive, and even the solid ground was plowed with a thick dent!

Those members of the Xuanhe Legion that were stuck on the road melted directly in this light wave!

The strength of this bullpower is actually not under the war fairy of level 60 or above!

The scarlet light wave, like a violent bull, with a fierce momentum, went straight to the location of Wu Jian!

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