Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2659: Killing father, crane sword!

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"Traitor, let me meet you!"

In front of Wu Jian, Wu Di suddenly jumped into the air.

The black iron gun raised high, and countless black awns converged on the edge of the gun, as if picking a black sun.

"【Xuanhe Xianwu·Hegui Xuanyang】!"

Wu Di leaping with a gun, like the majestic God of War, exudes a terrifying murderous opportunity!

The members of the Xuanhe Legion all around applauded and shouted excitedly: "Master Wu Di, kill the bullman!"


Wu Di's shot didn't go towards the light waves shot by Niu Li.

Instead, he suddenly adjusted his direction in the air and raised his spear to dive to the ground!

Goal, Wu Jian! !

The unexpected scene directly scared the surrounding members of the Xuanhe Legion.

Not only that, the whole square was shocked by this scene and it was unbelievable.

Wu Di is Wu Jian's son, how could he raise his gun to face each other? !

However, no matter how shocked everyone is, this shot of killing his father has become a reality!

Not only that, even the light wave of Niu Li was unblocked, following Wu Di's shot, Qi Qi headed towards Wu Jian!

These two people are simply a group!

Previously, whether it was guarding Wu Jian together, or just confronting each other in an instant, it was all a false impression of confusing others.

Their goal is always only one, that is the sword crane fairy king, Wu Jian himself!

Even the previous chaos may have been planned by the two.

A killing game against Wu Jian has quietly surfaced, but no one noticed it in advance!

At this moment, the scene was full of shock.

The horses and horses of Xianhe City tighten their hearts in an instant, and they are staring at the entrance of the palace.

Even Wu Jian himself didn't seem to expect that his biological son would shoot at himself, and his eyes stood in amazement.

Time, location, and harmony!

The three factors seem to be on the side of Wu Di and Niu Li.

Two moves, only one step away from Wu Jian!


In the depths of the palace that no one had noticed, there was a deafening sword sound!


It was as if someone had dialed Xianqin above Jiuxiao, and the loud sound of swords filled everyone's ears.

When sharp, it resembles an angry crane!

Along with the sound of the sword, a thick and round white sword light flew out of the palace.

Like a laser cannon fired, the dazzling light shone brightly.

The amount of violent violence carried on the sword light is torturing everything around it unreasonably.

Palace brick walls, glazed carved fences... even Wu Di and Niu Li were enveloped by Jian Guang!


The white beam of light passed through the square and flew from the palace entrance to the gate of the dojo.

The entire distance is about 500 meters.

Everything in these five hundred meters is completely evaporated!

Ye Hong's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the deep ditch reclaimed by Jianguang on his side.

Jianguang, passing by, less than half a meter away from his body!

Hanmang at the edge of the light pillar directly made Yehong goosebumps.

This is again how he feels how close he is to death.

And the last time this kind of feeling appeared, it was the one that was attacked by Xuan Bing Xianjun outside the sky!


Only the strong fairy can issue these horrible moves!

However, this dangerous trick also gave Ye Hong an unexpected gain.

"Ding! High-level Xianwu, ancient Xianwu sentiment ability +100!"

"Ding! Trigger the master-level breath perception ability, trigger the master-level copy strengthening ability... copy strengthening the current move..."

With the operation of the system, Ye Hong's mind seemed to be silently perfected with a broken pattern.

I saw that it was a heavenly white sword light, exuding terrifying power of destruction.

A strange name jumped into Yehong's mind.

【He Xian Yi Jian】!

"He Xian Yi Jian, isn't this the sword crane Xian Jun's fame? How could..."

At the same time, many people in the square recognized this trick.

At the same time, it was blank, not knowing why this trick flew out of the palace.

You know, Jianhe Xianjun himself is just in front of the palace!

On the chief, Tao Yan showed a clear corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Stealing the sky for another day... I didn't expect that the dagger sword crane fairy will also play such a trick."

It seemed that Tao Yan's words were confirmed, and a clear footsteps came from the depths of the palace.

Another young man wearing a scholar robe walked out of it.

And his appearance is exactly the same as Wu Jian beside him!

"What's going on? Why are there two sword crane fairy kings!"

When everyone on the court was in a daze, Wu Mou laughed heartily.

"I'll try my best to design all this, and really deceived the thief."

He smiled at the first "Wu Jian" that appeared: "Mother, you are old after hard work, and now you can restore your true look."

The "Wu Jian" didn't say anything, just stretched his hand and wiped his face.

A beautiful and beautiful woman face full of frost appeared in front of everyone.

"How is she?"

"Bishang Fairy King?!"

Yes, this woman disguised as Wu Jian appears to be the wife of Wu Jian's fairy companion, and also the strongman of level 90 or above-Bishang Xianjun!

Real name, Zhou Bishang!

At the same time, she is also the biological mother of Wu Mou and Wu Kuan.

When Wu Jian announced the retreat 3 years ago, Bisang Xianjun also retired together.

And this strong man, who was ignored, went out with Wu Jian today.

Together with his son, he staged a plan to make everyone stare at the sky!

"Cough cough...it turned out to be...I was too anxious..."

On the ground in front of the palace, Niu Li has been annihilated under the sword light, leaving no dust.

But Wu Di survived.

It's just that a black armor shattered, and there was blood flowing all over the body. Obviously it was already the end of the crossbow.

He looked at Wu Jian and Zhou Bishang at the gate of the palace unwillingly, but he knew everything in his heart.

What happened today is actually under the control of Wu Mou.

He directed and acted himself, self-poisoned and poisoned, the purpose is to lead the scorpion in the hidden forest.

And he deliberately removed the troops in the wooden tower, also to let people deliberately push down the wooden tower.

As for the fact that he transferred the Black Crane Legion to the gate of the palace, and in front of the Zhou Bishang disguised as Wu Jian, it was also to lead the thief in the Black Crane Legion!

No wonder Wu Jian had never spoken before because he was just a fake.

The talent of ghosts and gods, three steps in one step!

All changes are in Wu Mou's calculations.

"But! Have you ever thought that the thief is me?"

Although Wu Di was seriously injured, his face was full of pride.

At this time, the real Wu Jian spoke for the first time.

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