Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2661: All parties plead

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The crowd on the square was also immersed in the shock of the mechanical giant crane.

Some people have even speculated that Wu Mou called out such heavy equipment, wouldn't it be the intention to wipe out all the people in the square?

But I couldn't think of it. This behemoth only aimed at Ye Hong!

Thousands of shells were bombed together, and it is estimated that a thousand Yehong would be bombarded.

Wu Mou's fear and murderous heart towards Ye Hong had already returned to such a point.

Even with the use of these shocking weapons, Ye Hong will never be given the possibility of being alive!

"Oh, this drama is getting better and better."

Yote Criss's eyes brightened, not knowing whether it was because he was drunk or because he saw Ye Hong's embarrassment.

Purple Scorpion laughed at this moment even though he was also in a dangerous environment surrounded.

"Due, who told you to grab the job of your aunt and grandmother!"

Tao Shu couldn't help standing up, his expression was frightened.

Tao Yan also frowned, looking at the group of old men at the same table.

These old men are all prestigious people, and there is also a good relationship with Tao Nian.

"Old friends..."

Tao Xi just spoke, but was interrupted by an old man reaching out.

"Brother Tao, we know you want to protect him.

But now Wu's murderous heart is hard to stop. We are already unable to protect ourselves. Where can we dare to rush out for the young man? "

A few people on the table all echoed.

Of course Tao Yi also understands everyone's fear, but he can't just watch Ye Hong die!

He stood up and waved his hands at Wu Jian and Zhou Bishang at the gate of the palace, and said solemnly: "The two immortal monks and actresses, do you just watch Ling Lang innocent kill a young talent in Xianyu?"

Wu Jian maintains due respect for Tao Xi, a world teacher.

Seeing Tao Yan asking questions, he quickly returned a gift, Shen said: "Professor Tao, the grievance between the two of them Wumou did not know.

However, Wu believed that the dog's judgment would never kill the beloved by mistake. "

Tao Yan frowned suddenly.

He knew that Jianhe Xianjun was short, but he didn't expect to stand on Wu Mou with such a clear banner.

Who knows that Zhou Bishang beside Wu Jian is even more direct.

His face was pulled down directly, and he said indifferently: "My son has never killed me, and I never need a reason.

Moreover, Professor Tao said that this person is a young talent, please forgive Bi Shang's eyes, and did not see any specialty of this person. "

Tao Yan frowned more tightly.

It seems that Wu Mou's wanton behavior is out of this couple out of ten.

He was anxious in his heart, but he couldn't think of any way to rescue Ye Hong.

If Ye Hong is a student of Zhaoxing Academy, Tao Keng can also move out of the banner of Zhaoxing Academy.

But now he and Yehong have no name, and facing two top powers in the world, it is impossible to find a suitable reason for a time!

Can we only sit back and watch our savior die here today? !

At the same time, with the turbulent calm in the city, the Jianhe Legion returned to the dojo one after another.

Wu Kuan, Wu Dao, Wu Qing, Wu Xian... These old acquaintances of Ye Hong also returned one after another.

When they saw the picture of Ye Hong locked by Ningguang Hechang, their face also changed.

"Father and mother, Yehong cannot kill!"

With an anxious expression, Wu Kuan came to the two immortal monarchs and gave a detailed account of what Ye Hong did during the retreat.

Wu Kuan is still the character who uses everything.

Some recounting, packing yourself into a just and awe-inspiring look.

But because of his story, many people present knew the story of Ye Hong.

Soon, the image of a young man with excellent medical skills and bravery was slowly portrayed in the minds of everyone.

But it is only so.

Many people shook their heads secretly.

If it is only this level, it is at most a medical practitioner, which is not too surprising.

At this time, Wu Dao and Wu Qing's brothers and sisters also pleaded with each other.

Compared with Wu Kuan's hypocrisy, this pair of brothers and sisters has a more genuine feeling.

But the more the two were, the more Wu Jian and Zhou Bishang frowned.

Apparently, like Wu Mou, he was worried that Wu Dao and Wu Qing would be used by Ye Hong.

At this time, Wu Xian also stood up.

"Father, mother, Xian'er also have something to say."

Wu Jian and Zhou Bishang couldn't help but looked at each other in surprise.

Wu Xian has always been immersed in and cultivated, almost separated from the world.

So the couple didn't expect Wu Xian to be involved in it.

Next, Wu Xian spoke out Ye Hong's stunning performance in the dojo match.

Including how Yehong retired from the fairy dog ​​city to enemies, Zhibao fairy crane city, beat the protoss army led by Jot Chris... and many other deeds.

Of course, she also mentioned her challenge to Yehong without hesitation.

"What? Xian'er you are not his opponent?"

If it is just medical skills, it won't make Wu Jian have any ideas.

But when Wu Jian knew that even Wu Xian had lost to Ye Hong, he immediately looked at Chao Yehong seriously.

At this time, Ye Hong had just completed the comprehension of the sword of the crane fairy in his mind.

A pair of eyes opened slowly, and a white sword flashed across his eyes.

Coincidentally, this scene was being caught by Wu Jian who was throwing his sight.

"this is......"

Wu Jian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt a familiar breath from the white Jianmang.

However, unlike Wu Jian, many guests on the square are more concerned about Ye Hong's amazing performances in the dojo world!

Shock away the Protoss army!

Although it is only in the game world, how many years has this feat not happened in Xianyu?

For a time, Dao looked away at Joteclis on the square.

You know, Wu Xian mentioned his name clearly just now.

It was annoyed that Yotkris was announcing that night's defeat.

But because of the pride of the Protoss, he disdain to cover up his failure.

Nodded reluctantly, he nodded: "This is indeed the case."

Even if Yotchris only returned four words, it was enough to detonate the atmosphere!

It turned out to be true? !

For a time, many eyes of Xiang Yehong changed.

Successfully fighting the protoss army, this is a heroic move for the human race!

Tao Yan sees the change of wind direction, of course, will not miss this good opportunity.

Zhen Sheng shouted to Wu Jian and Zhou Bishang: "Two of you, so you said that Ye Hong is not a young talent?!"

If you indulge Ling Lang indiscriminately to kill innocent people, it will affect the reputation of the two in the fairy land! "

Wu Jian's face suddenly appeared hesitant.

But Zhou Bishang looked at Wu Mou, who had not spoken in the process, and said lightly: "What do I think about this?"

"Return to the mother." Wu Mou had a smile on his face, but his voice was strange and ice-cold. "Not to mention how good this person is, and the hatred between the child and him can still be closed now. ?"

Zhou Bishang also nodded indifferently: "If you let this person live a life today, you will definitely avenge me in the future.

So kill it. "

As soon as this remark came out, those who pleaded for Yehong's face suddenly turned blue.

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