Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2662: Come out, fat!

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Those who pleaded for Yehong still underestimated Wu Mou's murderous heart and the love and indulgence of Bishang Xianjun to his son!

"Yehong, I told you long ago.

Anyone who Wu Mou wants to kill, has not been able to live! "

Wu Mou looked at Ye Hong from afar, and there was a smile on his face that he had mastered.

Put your fingers together into sword fingers, and gently shake them towards the air.

The condensed crane field in the air seemed to receive a certain order, and all the barrel switches were turned on one after another.

Higher and higher temperatures enveloped the square.

That is a sign that the barrels are about to fire!

On the square, everyone who is closer to Yehong is in a hurry to stay away, for fear of being affected.

In the sedan chair, Xiao Mingjun remained silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "Funny human, it's not that I don't want to protect you, it is indeed Wu Mou who is too shameless.

But you can rest assured that after you die, I will help you find the place. "

With that said, he ordered the driving team to withdraw to the side.

Under the threat of the condensing crane farm, even the famous Xiaoming Jun flinched!

Those who pleaded for Yehong showed despair.

Tao Shu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Tao Yan was sighed with loss and couldn't bear to look to Yehong.

But when everyone felt that Ye Hong was going to die, Ye Hong was aware of a call from the bottom of his heart.

"let me out."

"Fool, let me go out!"

who is it?

The voice is childlike, like a little boy.

Ye Hong was sure that he had never heard this voice, but inexplicably had a familiar feeling.

At the same time, a burning sensation suddenly came from the back of the right hand.

It is the imprint of the little beluga whale!

Is fat meat calling itself?

Ye Hong suddenly moved.

Isn't it possible to summon fatty meat in an environment with an ancient atmosphere right now?

But think about it, fat meat is the same as his level, only 39.

Even if the attributes exceed him by a large amount, it is only about the level of war fairy, how to deal with the condensed crane field above the head?

What's more, Ye Hong also heard the shameless dialogue between mother and son!

The tall and beautiful Bishang Xianjun even wanted to die!

Although Wu Jian, the strongest person present, did not express his position, Ye Hong would not be naive enough to think that Wu Jian would abandon his wife and son and stand on his side.

So even if you are joining forces with fat meat?

However, Ye Hongzi will not give up the last chance to resist, even if the hope is so slim!

Not enough, let alone!

Grandpa Ye Zhonglu’s six-word motto has always been imprinted in Ye Hong’s soul!

I still have to find the traces of my grandma, and I want to wake up Ao Xun and Linglong!

I have to establish a night blade branch with Fei Long and promised Yun Xiaoya to return to Yihe Village to visit her!

Friends and family of Blue Star are also waiting for him to go back!

I still have a lot of things to do, how can I fall here?

Yehong's eyes became firmer, his back imprint pointing at the void, and he slammed: "Come out, fat!"

But the embarrassment is that nothing happened.

Suddenly there was a sneer on the square.

The original dignified atmosphere suddenly broke a hole.

"Although this teenager is dying, he still has a sense of humor."

"However, what is this fat... what is it?"

Ye Hong was also a little stunned, until the voice of fat meat came again.

"Fool, your calling level is too poor!"

It turns out so.

Don’t look at how easy it is to summon fat in the game, but that’s because of the convenience of the game mechanics.

In the real world with different rules, it is obviously not so easy to summon fat.

Ye Hong's eyes suddenly condensed into a line, and he said with a deep voice: "Since that is the case, then I will let it reach the level it deserves!"

"Ding! Using ability transfer, the host's designated ability has been transferred to the entry-level summoning ability.

Current summoning ability level: Guru level, current proficiency: 100100.

Obtain a master effect [Gutter Channel]: Enable the host to summon creatures stronger than yourself, increase the speed of summoning, and increase the success rate of summoning. The current enhancement factor is 100 times! "

The entry-level summoning ability is not enough, what about after a hundred-fold increase? !

Facing the ridiculous gaze of everyone, Ye Hong shouted the sentence again: "Come out! Fat!"

In the midst of much attention, the mark on the back of Ye Hong's hand projected a dazzling white awn into the void.

Bai Mang spread out, a beluga whale more than ten meters long, appeared in everyone's eyes.

The sound of "bang" fell on the ground, and the fat belly flicked a few times on the floor tiles.

"Oh, it turned out to be a spiritual favorite."

"Q bomb Q bomb, it's pretty cute."

Many people shook their heads and laughed.

Not only in the dojo world, there are similar pets in the real world.

However, in real life, these pets are called [Ling], and some are called [Ling Chong].

Of course there is a strong presence in the Spirit Pet, but it is extremely rare.

In short, everyone obviously will not associate the fathead whale fat with those legendary powerful spirits.

Only the purple scorpion frowned gradually, muttering: "This shape..."

On the other side, Wu Mou laughed unscrupulously: "Yehong, don't you think that summoning a dumb beast can save your life?"

Ye Hong ignored him, but silently looked at the fat in front of him.

The fat eyes looked at the condensing crane field in the air.

Somehow, Ye Hong saw a look in his eyes...


When Ye Hong was in a trance, he saw that Fatty suddenly opened his big mouth.


A whisper of ethereal sound seemed to crack all eardrums.

At the same time, an earth-shaking suction suddenly appeared from the fat mouth.

The first to suffer is the floor tiles of that place.

The floor tiles firmly attached to the dojo seemed to be pried up by a great force, and flew into the mouth of the fat one after another.

Whenever a floor tile flies in, the fat body will increase in size by one point.

In a blink of an eye, it was from the original body length of ten meters, soared to twenty meters.

And this growth rate is still increasing rapidly!

More and more objects were sucked into the fat without resistance.

Even the ground under everyone's feet began to shake gently.

"What happened?"

Everyone was panicked, not understanding the situation at all.

Only the purple scorpion completely changed his face, remembering the day when the secret realm was swallowed!

His face was pale and he muttered to himself: "It's a time and space fairy!"

And when the suction of the fat began to spread towards the sky, the condensed crane field, which had been steadily stopped in mid-air, also began to shake.

And there is a tendency to move towards the ground itself!

However, only those who drive the Condenser Crane Farm know that this is not what they control!

The huge suction from the ground is pulling the condensing crane field to the ground!

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