Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2674: Was injured by mistake

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As he became closer to the central area of ​​Xianyu, Yehong also found that the surrounding environment became better and better.

A poor village like Yihe Village has rarely been seen.

After entering the Xuanji District, some town-like gathering places also appeared on the road.

And on the tenth day after departure from Xianhe City, a group of people stepped into the prefecture-level area of ​​Xianyu.

In the prefecture-level area, there are ten cities in total, which surround the Xiandu in a circle.

Enemies who want to invade the immortal capital must first pass through this solid line of defense.

In prefecture-level areas, the environment is far more than that of the Xuan-level area and the Huang-level area.

At a glance, the green is dripping, and the flowers are blooming.

There are vegetation and animals that Yehong has never seen before.

If you are not in a hurry to go north, Ye Hong would like to stop and watch one by one to fill the relevant database of the system.

The team also discovered one thing.

After entering the prefecture-level area, Purple Scorpion did not follow so tightly.

Everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Purple Scorpion was about to give up.

And in the evening of this day, a group of people came to the penultimate stop of the journey to the north-Fairy Lion City.

As long as you pass the city of immortal lion, it is not far from the immortals.

Fairy Lion City is very special, half of which are located on the mountainside and half are located on the plain next to it.

The winding wall is connected from the mountain to the mountain.

The part of the mountain surrounded by the city wall is shaped like the head of a lion roaring in the sky.

The fairy lion city under the mountain is the body of this huge male lion.

I don't know if the name of the fairy lion city came from this.

The gates of Fairy Lion City are also very distinctive.

The whole gate is composed of upper and lower parts.

At a glance, it looks like a big **** mouth.

At this time, there were back and forth vehicles and mounts coming in and out of this big mouth of blood basin.

Compared with Xianhe City in the Yellow-level area, the total area of ​​the Xianshi City in the prefecture-level area is more than ten times larger.

Even this city gate on the south side also opened ten passages at the same time, a total of huge traffic and circulation.

According to the classification, Yehong and his party will enter the city from the rightmost mount passage.

But as they lined up, they found a team of heavily-armed cavalry running quickly in the passage.

The pair of cavalry has a total of 200 horses and horses, all of them are golden lions.

Wherever they passed, pedestrians gave way.

"It's the Golden Lion Army in Fairy Lion City."

Seeing the well-informed Tao Xi immediately recognized the cavalry.

"Be careful, something is wrong."

Tao Xi suddenly frowned and reminded.

In fact, without waiting for Tao Yan to remind, Ye Hong's crisis-sensing ability also felt the murderousness from the cavalry!

"Surround them!"

When the Golden Lion cavalry came near the team, a rider wearing a gold helmet suddenly ordered.

In the cavalry, only he was wearing a gold helmet, and the rest were silver helmets.

Presumably the leader of the entire cavalry.

Then the cavalry quickly dispersed and surrounded the team.

And he pointed the spear in his hand at the team.

This scene made the passers-by who were entering and leaving the Fairy Lion City look over curiously.

Just as Ye Hong and others frowned for a while, only the golden helmet rider who issued the order said coldly: "The traitor Zi Val, fasten his hands and kneel out!

Zi Val is the real name of Purple Scorpion.

Ye Hong's mouth twitched slightly.

It seems that he and others were accidentally injured.

Behind the team, Zi Scorpion looked at the Golden Helmet with a scornful look: "Zi Kong cousin, why do you say I am a traitor?"

Purple scorpion called his cousin, it seems that this person is also a family member.

"Dying to death, don't admit your crime?!"

The rider Thunder who was called Zikong shouted, and counted the "crime" of the purple scorpion: "As a family member, without the permission of the family, you privately took the Golden Lion Legion to leave the city of Immortal Lion. The sin of infidelity!

It is a sin of inhumanity to hide from your family and join the evil organization Scorpion of the Forest!

You have done anything wrong in Xianhe City, which hurt the friendship between Xianshi City and Xianhe City. This is a sin of injustice!

You, who counted the crimes, dare to escape from prison!

Fairy Lion City and our son's family have suffered injustice because of you!

You said, are you a traitor like this? "

Purple Scorpion was dissatisfied and said: "I don't recognize all the so-called crimes you said!

The sword crane fairy king of that fairy city and his son Wu Mou had long been ambitious and cultivated Feitian heavy equipment without permission.

Once let them break into the prefecture-level area, the first disaster is our fairy lion city.

For the sake of the future of the Lion City and the family, I will first remove these new heads, not only the traitors, but also the heroes of the family! "

"Hu Chaotan, arrogant words!" Zi Kong asked coldly: "Even if you are really faithful, why should you join the evil organization like Scorpion of the Forest?"

So to speak, you still have selfish desires! "

"You Scorpion is not an evil organization!" Purple Scorpion said angrily: "Everyone killed by You Lin Scorpion is the one who should be killed.

We are evil judges and real justice organizations! "

"I think you were brainwashed by Scorpion of the Forest!"

Where would Zikong believe the scorpion's words, he waved his hand and ordered, "Come here, take them down!"

"and many more!"

Just as the Golden Lion Cavalry was about to start, Tao Yan shouted: "This general, we are not in the same group as Purple Scorpion.

I am Tao Xing, a professor at Zhaoxing Academy, and this is my identification. "

With that said, a disciple of the General Sect passed Tao Kong's identity certificate to Zi Kong.

Zikong took a look, but was silent.

After a long time, it was awe-inspiring and said: "It is a special period now. How do I know if your proof is forged?

In case you are a co-worker, I cannot afford this responsibility!

So I must catch you first, and then investigate the authenticity of the proof.

If it is true, I apologize to you personally! "

Zi Kong's words made Tao Yan frown.

But he said nothing more.

Because he thinks that Zi Kong is right.

Anyway, it is only temporarily limited to freedom. He firmly believes that after the other party finds out his identity, he will definitely let himself and others wait.

However, after Ye Hong swept the cavalry around, a flash of cold flashed in his eyes.

These cavalrymen were awe-inspiring, not simply trying to catch people.

From the beginning, they did not intend to let the people on the scene survive!

"All, guard!"

Ye Hong's cold voice spread throughout the team.

Tao Yan was shocked, but received Ye Hong's eyes.

It was quite a tacit agreement between the two to talk along the way.

From the look of Ye Hong, Tao Xi understood many things.

Therefore, he made a decisive decision and followed the order: "Listen to Ahong, be alert!"

Those chief disciples didn't take Ye Hong's words seriously, and it wasn't until Tao Huan's order that this set up an alert formation.

Seeing the opposite of Zikong, he was furious: "Dare to dare to resist the arrest, it was really unpredictable.

Come, kill them on the spot! "

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