Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2675: It is not necessarily a prince who rides a white horse

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Zikong's order to kill the spot without hesitation further confirmed Ye Hong's speculation.

Looking at the fully equipped Golden Lion cavalry, Ye Hong was not very optimistic.

Regardless of quantity or quality, it seems that they are far behind others.

But he would not sit still and silently took out the star feather sword.

When he waits for a fight, he can use his abilities to work around.

As for others, they can only ask for blessings!

Purple Scorpion didn't know when he came to Yehong.

She seems to have space technology products on her.

A purple spear was tricked into her hand by her.

"Their goal is me.

Sorry, it hurts you. "

Purple Scorpion apologized and pointed his spear at the Golden Lion cavalry, fighting together side by side.

Ye Hong stared at her angrily.

Do you even know that you are causing us trouble? !

He couldn't help regretting it secretly, and he knew that he would drive away the purple scorpion from behind.

But it's too late to say anything now.

And just when the two sides were about to fight, there was a peculiar sound of musical instruments playing on the road behind them.

It is a timbre that is close to the flute, but cooler than the flute.

The crowd was attracted to see a team of honor guards wearing grey robes.

The three giant wolves in the team, as well as the sedan on their backs, are extremely conspicuous.

"Brother Ye, meet again."

The hearty laughter from the sedan made Ye Hong cry and laugh.

The coming person is Xiao Mingjun who appeared in Xianhe City not long ago, and his guard of honor.

According to Tao Nian's information, because of the pressure from the Nine Nether Kings, Xianhe City did not dare to detain Xiaoming King and had to release him.

Ye Hong thought that Xiaoming Jun would return to the Netherworld, but he never expected to meet him again in the hinterland of this fairyland.

However, the appearance of Xiao Mingjun made the original golden lion cavalry distracted.

"Damn **** dog!!"

Zi Kong looked at the team of the Underworld far away, and a hateful voice came out under the golden helmet.

For the human races in the fairyland, it was precisely because of the persecution of the human races by the various races that they had to hide themselves under the shame of the nine-fold immortal seal.

Among the races that persecute the human race, it is the ruthlessness of the Ming clan.

In those years, the territories and treasures stolen by the Hmong were countless.

I don’t know how many youths who joined the army. After listening to this history, they gritted their teeth and shouted the slogan "Kill the ghost dog and restore the old Xinjiang".

Therefore, seeing a team of Ming tribes appear in front of him, Zi Kong suddenly tossed Purple Scorpion aside.

Not only him, but the humans who were outside the city at this time, they also looked at the Ming tribe with hateful eyes.


The three giant wolves of the Nether Beast seemed to feel the oncoming resentment and roared again and again.

"Oh, don't be so angry.

I'm not here to fight you.

I think you seem to be fighting, and I kindly persuaded you to fight.

Is there anything you can do calmly and sit down and talk?

You have to use a knife and a gun, how inconsistent with xie. "

Xiao Mingjun's remarks made the mouth of a human race twitch.

People throughout the ancient world know that the Nine Nether Nether Kings of your family are the favorite fights in the entire Netherworld.

So, how do you have such a face?

So even if Xiao Mingjun in the sedan said so, no one would believe him.

Zi Kong even ordered people to leave the team and encircle towards Xiaomingjun.

"Oh? Are you going to fight even with my persuasion?"

Not only did the voice in the sedan not be timid, but full of excitement and excitement.

Here, Zi Kong looked at Ye Hong and his party with cold eyes, and Sen Leng said: "I didn't expect you to collude with the Underworld, then it's even more damn!"

Ye Hong suddenly felt tired.

He always felt that if there was no purple scorpion and Xiaomingjun involved, he should have been to the fairy.

This may be the legendary "pig teammate".

Can fight, still failed.

Because at this time, another team of cavalry ran out of the fairy lion city.

They are not riding a golden lion, but a tall white horse with a beautiful head.

Everyone was not wearing armor or weapons, but each was wearing a dark black uniform.

Every black uniform seems to have the same style, but Ye Hong found that different uniforms have different numbers of six-pointed stars.

The leading rider has the largest number of six-pointed stars in his uniform, a total of nine.

There are not many riders in this group, only about ten people.

But as soon as they appeared, there was a lot of exclamation at the gate, obviously recognizing the identities of the riders.

On Ye Hong's side, Tao Yan's face also smiled.

This is the most pleasant smile that Ye Hong has seen since he knew Tao Xi.

Moving in my heart, combined with the reactions of those around me, I probably guessed the origin of these uniform riders.

"Zhao Xing Academy [Zhao Xing Legion] came to meet the Taoist, but are you still retreating quickly?!"

It was the rider with nine six-pointed stars who shouted.

The appearance of this male rider is very characteristic.

He has a face that is not much bigger than Ye Hong's, but his head is so bald that there is only a handful of hair left.

Facing the strong wind, swaying indiscriminately, even free and easy.

And his figure is more round, and the whole uniform is rounded.

From a distance, like a black ball.

It seems that it is not necessarily the prince who rides the white horse.

Although the "Maruko" looks funny, its momentum is not weak at all.

The words shouted out moved everyone around them.

Zhaoxing Academy!

With these four words alone, people cannot ignore him.

Zikong seemed to be very tangled, but in the end, people let go of a way to let Maruko take the riders to Tao Keng.

"Potter, you are suffering, and the students come to pick you up!"

"Maruko" just came to Tao Yan, and she burst into tears.

Ye Hong was moved by this feeling, and did not expect Tao Ji to have such a loyal and good student.

However, Tao Shu on the side was ruthlessly debunking the truth.

I saw him roll his eyes and sneered: "Maruko, did you mess up any experiments again, and have my father go back and wipe your **** for you?"

Ye Hong was very surprised, did not expect this guy really called Maruko? !

The ball shook his head, and the tears in his eyes shook away immediately.

Putting on a grinning face, he flattered at Tao Shu and said: "It is worthy of being the son of the Taoist, and he can see through the thoughts at a glance, admire, admire!"

The speed of his face change made Ye Hong look dumbfounded.

Tao Nian smiled and looked at Maruko and the other riders he brought: "Everyone is working."

None of the riders dared to sit on the horse, dismounted, and bowed down to Tao Yan Gongjing, saying in unison: "The students welcome the Taoist home."

Tao Nian nodded, turning cold, and said to Zikong, "I see who dares to stop the old man this time!"

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