Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2683: Dog and cockroach

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"To shut up!"

Tao Yan roared and scared the students to stand honestly.

"Does it mean that the face of the Zhaoxing Academy and the old man's face have been completely wiped out because of the large public?

Ok? "

Tao Xi was so angry that he blew his beard.

"I get it. The potter means that we can discuss it in private."

Maruko nodded with a surprised look.

The result was, of course, Tao Tao's kick.

This incident is just a minor episode, and it has not affected everyone's itinerary.

Before entering the Xiandu, of course, there are people responsible for the inventory.

There are two checkpoints in total.

They are Taiyi Xianzong disciples and some uniformed staff.

The staff in uniform hold something like an infrared scanner.

If there are any items carrying prohibited items, an alarm will be issued.

The disciple of Taiyi Xianzong is holding something like a crystal ball in his hand.

According to Tao Nian, it is the ancient gas induction spar.

As long as someone enters the Xiandu with something that can make or store ancient gas, it will be immediately sensed by this induction spar.

Because of the banner of the Zhaoxing Academy, Ye Hong did not find it difficult to pass the level smoothly.

What made Honghong a little puzzled was why the ancient gas-sensing spar did not respond to the beluga imprint on his hand.

Is the ability of fat meat to maintain space has nothing to do with antiquity?

Soon, Ye Hong decided not to think about it, and enjoyed the scenery of Xiandu with ease.

What they entered was naturally a city district located on the sea.

Dicheng District is also the largest urban area in Xiandu area.

It is said that the population living in this area exceeds 100 million.

What is this concept?

In terms of conversion, it is about five times the population of Kyoto, the blue star country.

A super metropolis with a population of more than 100 million people can no longer be described in words.

Even though I have seen the technology level of Xianshi City full of futuristic sense, the prosperity of Xiandu still makes Yehong look dazzled.

High-rise buildings straight into the sky, wind and water, and intelligent robots that are even smarter than humans...

It seems that every step is stepped on the technological crystallization of this era.

In addition to shock, there is only shock.

And this is just the tip of Xiandu.

Every immortal passing by is a native, with a proud look on his face.

The pride of being able to live in this luxurious metropolis.

However, you can also see that there are still classes in Xiandu.

Among them, the most awe-inspiring are those Taiyi Xianzong disciples who wore star-shaped ancient robes and sheathed ancient swords.

Secondly, it is the students of Zhaoxing Academy.

One of the two is the current master, the other is the elite of the future, most respected by the Xiandu people.

"Look there, it's Zhaoxing Academy."

Halfway through, Maruko suddenly and proudly pointed to the east.

In the distance, a strange building attracted everyone's attention.

This is the most peculiar building that Ye Hong has seen in his life.

It was a super-colored ball with a diameter of several kilometers.

From a distance, it looks like a planet falling from the sky.

On each surface position of "Planet", palaces, buildings, villas, houses...

If you look closely, you can see that someone is moving on the "planet".

And this peculiar "planet" building is the main body of Zhaoxing Academy!

Such a wonderful shape does not seem to be the product of this world.

And the closer to Zhaoxing Academy, the more you can feel its sense of oppression and sacredness.

Because he had to rush back to the academy first, students such as Tao Kanbian and Maruko returned first and explained to Tao Shu that they arranged Ye Hong's residence.

The place where Tao Shu arrived with Ye Hong was a hostel outside the Zhaoxing Academy.

It’s called [Xingqian Hostel].

It is a hostel, but in a metropolis like Xiandu, even a hostel is not luxurious enough.

In fact, the so-called Xingqian Hostel is a huge manor.

In the manor, a house was separated from each other to give passengers a rest.

However, because Xingqian Hostel is run under the name of Zhaoxing Academy, the guests who live in it generally have only two identities.

Prepare to apply for alternate students in Zhaoxing Academy and guests who come to Zhaoxing Academy for work.

Yehong belongs to the former.

Zhaoxing Academy, recruits new students once a year.

Considering the influence of the distance, the enrollment period is three months.

From the beginning of July to the end of September this year.

Yehong happened to catch up with the last bus.

However, the entrance test will only start tomorrow, so they will stay in Xingqian Hostel at night.

Before entering the manor, there is a reception desk dedicated to registration.

Tao Shu seemed to be in a hurry. After helping Ye Hong and others to register, they left in a hurry.

A few of Yehong were holding the key marked with the number plate and were going to find the room to rest tonight.

After entering the manor, Ye Hong found that it was quite lively.

Three or two young students gathered together, and all were excitedly discussing the Zhaoxing Academy.

Obviously, these are candidates who intend to apply for Zhaoxing Academy.

As soon as Ye Hong and others entered the door, they drew attention.

Most people just glanced at it and stopped caring.

But there are also those who have nothing to do.

"Huh? Uncle, are you old enough to apply for Zhaoxing Academy?"

A long-faced teenager joked to Gongsun Yang jokingly.

Gongsun Yang was suddenly embarrassed.

His age is the oldest among several people, and he does not have the talent to practice, so he usually has the lowest self-esteem among Ye Hong's cronies.

At this time, he was ridiculed face to face, suddenly blushing, and darted not to refute.

However, Ye Hong started to care for the calf, and looked at the long-faced boy with a cold eye: "Aspirations are not young.

A person who does things in a down-to-earth way is better than a dog who can only bark when he sees people? "

Gongsun Yang looked at Yehong immediately.

The long-faced teenager was instantly irritated and jumped and scolded: "Who do you call a dog?!"

"Sorry, dogs are so cute, I really shouldn't take them alongside your disgusting existence.

Your level is similar to cockroaches. "

Ye Hong's words instantly made snickers from the manor.

However, several people gathered around the long-faced boy and stared at Yehong together.

"Boss, they should be Fairy Fox City."

Shou Hu, who wanders all over Xianyu all the year round, noticed the signs on the clothes of this group of people and whispered reports in Yehong's ear.

Fairy Fox City, one of the top ten cities in prefecture-level districts, has the same status as Fairy Lion City.

This group of fairy fox city people also saw the **** crane, Ergou, but guessed the origin of Yehong and others.

"Where did I think the country gangster was originally from the horns of Xianhe City!"

The disdainful face was the long-faced boy who was scolded by Ye Hong as a cockroach.

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