Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2684: His name is Yehong

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Obviously, those who gathered around the long-faced teenager were all students who came with him to take the entrance exam.

They also followed the long-faced boy with contempt and ridicule.

Seeing the excitement, many people in the manor gathered around and talked.

"That was a talented student in the Fairy Fox City [Hu Zhilin], right?"

"I heard that he was only 17 years old this year, and he was already a level 40 immortal."

"I heard that the Hu family has already arranged for him in advance. This time it is a matter of gaining strength to enter the Zhaoxing Academy."

"Doesn't that mean that he has already stepped into the Zhaoxing Academy with half his feet?"

Hu Zhilin in the crowd is the long-faced boy.

Hearing this, everyone around him was envious of Hu Zhilin and looked up at him.

Hu Zhilin also heard these discussions and raised his head proudly.

Looking at Ye Hong provocatively: "Do you know my identity now?

Don't hurry up and apologize to me? ! "

"Apologize to you?" Ye Hong was not afraid, sneered: "I'm afraid that if you hear my name, you will directly scare your pants."

Hu Zhilin froze for a while, and then laughed: "What are you doing funny?"

All around, there was a burst of laughter.

Someone also yelled out loudly: "Boy, please report your name and see if we will be scared to pee pants!"

Ye Hong was expressionless. When he was about to speak, a young voice came from the entrance of the manor.

"His name is Yehong."

Everyone looked at it and found a teenager wearing a silver-gray brocade who was walking into the manor by the stars.

The teenager has long gray hair and randomly stringed it with wooden hairpins.

There was a faint charm on Junyi's face.

The gray eyes are as deep as the abyss, making it hard to see his thoughts.


Someone recognized the identity of a teenager.

Gray hair and gray eyes are the hallmarks of the Ming tribe.

Ye Hong recognized the identity of the coming person through this familiar voice.

Brows can not help wrinkling slightly.

The young people of the Ming tribe are getting closer and closer, smiling: "Ming Yuan, say hello to all future students.

Of course, you can call me..."

The young man who claimed to be Ming Yuan, Xiaoya smiled, saying one by one: "Small! Nether! Jun!"

Around the crowd suddenly a horrified, scared to take a few steps back.

They have no memory for the name of Ming Yuan, but Xiao Mingjun is famous.

That's right, this Ming clan who suddenly appeared in Xingqian Hostel is Xiaomingjun Mingyuan.

In front of the Immortal Lion City, when Ming Yuan raised his hand and shook out the admission letter of Zhaoxing Academy, Ye Hong expected this scene.

Unexpectedly, this scene will appear in Xingqian Academy.

It seems that Ming Yuan also intends to rest here for one night before going to the Academy to report.

"Shouldn't you be more surprised by his name?"

Ming Yuan pointed at Ye Hong and smiled.

Everyone responded immediately.

They remembered the four words in the mouth of Ming Yuan-"He is called Yehong."

"Ye Hong? Why did you seem to have heard it?"

Someone immediately took out his phone and rummaged for a while.

Finally, I saw the name in a news a few days ago.

"found it!

Ye Hong, making a tribute to the 300-year-old birthday feast of the Sword and Crane Xianjun, and defeating Wu Mou, the young master of the Wu family, forcing the Sword and Crane Xianjun and Bishang Xianjun to take poison vows..."

The man's voice became smaller and louder, and his eyes were more horrified.

Around, there was a sound of breathing down!

The step of retreating because of the arrival of the Abyss of Nature has continued to retreat for several steps.

Isn't a person who is forcing his head down to force the two great monarchs to bow his head? !

The eyes of everyone could not help looking at Hu Zhilin.

They remember that Hu Zhilin was the first to provoke Ye Hong.

At this time, Hu Zhilin was also pale, his lips trembling, and did not know what to say.

"Ah, it's really boring, no one was scared to pee pants."

Ming Yuan said dull.

Obviously, he also heard the conversation between Ye Hong and them.

Everyone was speechless for a moment and couldn't find anything to say.

"Forget it, Brother Ye, ignore these boring people."

However, Ming Yuan joined together with Ye Hong and said enthusiastically: "Brother Ye, can I sleep in a room with you at night.

We can discuss Xianwu and Mingze with each other! "

Ye Hongli ignored him and went straight ahead.

"I'm sorry, I don't do it."

"Don't be so indifferent, you have to apply for Zhaoxing Academy, right? We will be classmates in the future!"

"It's a classmate, not a comrade."

"Brother Ye, you just believe that I'm going to kill someone once."


The voice of the two went further and further away.

Only left a look of embarrassing students, looked at each other.

"Zhi Lin? What shall we do?"

Asked a student from Fairy Fox City.

There was no arrogance left on their faces.

After all, in front of legendary figures like Ye Hong and Ming Yuan, several people could not be proud.

What they worry now is that they annoyed Ye Hong today, and they might be retaliated against in the future.

And looking at the relationship between Ming Yuan and Ye Hong, they might add Ming Yuan's name to their list of concerns.

"What's wrong?"

Hu Zhilin said with a somber face: "Since they live in this Xingqian hostel, they certainly have not passed the entrance test.

In this case, it may be eliminated! "

"What if they pass?"

"At most, like us, it is a freshman in Zhaoxing Academy.

Even if they have much scenery outside, they can only be honest in the academy.

As long as we don't provoke them, can they still kill us? "

Everyone felt reasonable, and all nodded.

But in this heart, how can it be so suffocating?


In the evening, Ye Hong certainly didn't let the sullen dude of Ming Yuan enter his room.

Xingqian Hostel’s rooms are of good quality and spacious enough to accommodate Xiahong and Ergou.

At night, Ye Hong continued to immerse himself in the perfection of "Two Dogs Fairy Tale". When he felt sleepy, he went to bed.

What he did not know was that in the dark night at this time, there was a sneaky figure sneaking into his room.

Only when there was still about 50 meters away, the figure suddenly groaned and fell to the ground.

In the room where Xing Yuan was located, Xiao Mingjun at this time had no expression of Hippie's smile, but a blank expression.

Lifting his foot and kicking the corpse under his feet, Ming Yuan chuckled and said, "I didn't expect that our night brother was so popular, and he was stared at as soon as he entered the fairy."

A servant of the Nether clan suggested next to him: "Senior Master, this person is so easy to provoke disaster, we still have to stay away from him."

Ming Yuan stared at his servant angrily: "Idiot, is my little Mingjun afraid of trouble?

At the moment, it can only be explained that you can enjoy all kinds of excitement by staying with Yehong! "

The servants have long been accustomed to being out of tune with Ming Yuan because they are not perverted enough.


The next morning, when Ye Honggang opened the door, he saw a big face of Ming Yuan appear in front of his door.

At the foot of Ming Yuan, there is a corpse wearing a night suit.

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