Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2697: One thing one thing

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If Xuanyuan's name appears, it makes Yehong feel unexpected.

Then the name of the author of this novel makes Ye Hong feel more stunned.

I saw the name of the author on the cover. It was a name that made Ye Hong very familiar but couldn't think of it here.


Yote Chris of Protoss Swire Technology!

The one who repeatedly wanted to calculate Yehong, but never once asked for cheap Jotte Kris.

It's just... when did that guy switch to writing novels?

Ye Hong looked at the publication time and found that the book was published five years ago.

But five years ago, Yotkris was still in God Realm, and his reputation was not obvious.

In other words, Yotkris wrote this book before coming to Fairyland?

Or maybe just the author of the same name?

What makes Ye Hong most puzzled is that Yote Kris, a protoss, why in the novel would respect the heroes of the human race?

Ye Hong felt that behind this seemingly mediocre novel, there were hidden secrets he didn't know.

It's about the truth of the great war thousands of years ago, about the truth of this world, about the truth hidden in Yot Kris, about the truth about the old man Xuanyuan...

He made a decisive decision and decided to borrow the novel and go back to read it in detail.

Yehong took the book back to the first floor and was about to go through the borrowing process, but heard a quarrel outside the bookstore.

The ears move slightly, it is easy to distinguish the sound of the Abyss.

"It's him, oh, that's fine."

Ye Hong yawned and went through the borrowing process slowly.

When he walked out of the bookstore, he saw that Ming Yuan was facing a dozen teenagers without uniforms.

Presumably, like Ye Hong, they are all freshmen who have passed the assessment but have not yet officially started school.

"Dung Dog, get out of the Zhaoxing Academy and out of the fairy land. This is not the place you can come!"

"If you don't get away, we will go to the Twelve-Star Public Committee and Master Zhangzhang to protest!"

The freshmen showed their hatred, and they looked forward to looking at the skin and bones of Ming Yuan.

In Zhaoxing Academy, after all, there are people who can't stand the abyss.

Facing the insults of a group of people, Ming Yuan was arrogantly holding his head, and looked like a group of tongues.


You want to drive me away, and still yell at me for my bad dog!

But you can only talk about it, I just think it's verbose!

It’s not that I despise your patience, it’s just that you are still breastfeeding when I am in the midst of the underworld!


He closed his eyes and swayed, completely intoxicated in his rap world, ignoring the flashing eyes on the opposite side.

Yehong's mouth twitched a few times, but his footsteps accelerated to bypass the door, preparing to stay away from the disaster star.

"Damn! Let's go together and beat the dead dog!"

The freshmen finally couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed towards Ming Yuan.

"Do you think you will be afraid of you if you bully you less?"

Ming Yuan pointed at Ye Hong, who was leaving, with a proud look: "Did you see that one?

That's my boss!

Do you dare to move me, my boss will never take you lightly! "

Who is your boss!

Ye Hong instantly gave birth to an urge to shoot the rabbit into the soil.

However, after all, it was too late.

The angry new students turned their eyes on Yehong in an instant!

"As a human race, why do you mix with a ghost dog!"

"Say, is it a human spy!"

Yehong had a headache for a while.

He now wants to explain that no one believes. After all, many people just saw him and Ming Yuan walking into the Guanshu Pavilion.

Holding the book, he turned around and said helplessly: "Otherwise, you go to [Star Palace] to fight?"

The Jupiter Pavilion is a competition platform in the Zhaoxing Academy.

Ye Hong heard that there are special rooms inside, which can make people use the antiquity.

It’s just not verified.

There are students with personal grievances in the Zhaoxing Academy, and they usually go there to decide the outcome.

Seeing Ye Hong actually leaving himself clean, Ming Yuan stunned slightly, and then complained: "Brother Ye, how merciless!"

"Okay, don't you guys play here!

The two beat together! "

The freshmen were already impatient, and more than a dozen people came towards Yehong and Mingyuan.

Rubbing his fists, his expression is fierce.

"Brother Ye, protect me!"

Xing Yuan shone, hiding directly behind Ye Hong.

Somehow, today he was a servant who didn't bring him.

Those fierce ghost wolf, also disappeared.

In the place where there is no antiquity, the combat strength of the Abyss is not as good as an ordinary person.

Although Ye Hong wanted to kill this guy behind him, he still solved this group of freshmen first.

Since they can't listen to the explanation, then use their fists to beat them to convince.

But when Ye Hong was about to start, he suddenly felt a wind blowing beside him.

Immediately after that, there was a scream in front of me.

The menacing freshmen had fallen to the ground long ago, and could not help wailing.

But it was a figure dressed in a maid outfit who beat them in a flash.

Star Seventeen!

"Master, the slave's **** is late, please ask the master to punish."

Xing XVII turned around, apologizing.

In the deep abyss hiding behind Ye Hong, his mouth has already opened into a large O-shape.

"She, what did she call you?" Xing Yuan pointed at Xing XVII and stuttered: "Where are you looking for such a tough girl?"

Xing XVII suddenly looked at the Abyss, and the gentle expression revealed to Ye Hong instantly became cold.

The glass-like eyes flashed for a while, and he muttered in his mouth with no human emotion: "Automatically analyze the target... there is a threat to the master... ready to kill... ."

Speaking, he raised his hand in silence and aimed at Ningyuan.

The pupil of Ming Yuan suddenly shrank, and goose bumps appeared on his body.

At this moment, he seemed to return to his hometown, deep in the sea.

It was the terrifying abyss dragon that seemed to be watching him!

The expression was suddenly full of fear.

Ye Hong was the first to discover that Ming Yuan showed such a fearful expression, and his heart moved instantly.

It turned out that there is also a fear of Xing Yuan!

This is really one thing down.

In this way, with Xing Xian's words in the future, Ming Yuan can't dare to approach.

Think of it this way, the existence of Xing XVII doesn't seem to be so headache.

She waved her hand at Xing Xing and motioned for her to stop.

Then the corner of his mouth slightly ticked and said to Ming Yuan: "Ming Yuan, don't cause me trouble in the future."

Where did Meng Yuan dare to say a few words, nodding non-stop.

Fearful eyes, from time to time look at Xing XVII.

Grieved, like a kid who was robbed of a lollipop but didn't dare to say anything.

"what happened?!"

Not far away, a group of students wearing black uniforms hurriedly walked.

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