Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2698: Make trouble

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The uniform of this group of students has a well-recognizable black and red stick pattern.

This is the student in the star-studying hall of the Zhaoxing Academy and the existence of the law enforcement team.

In the secular world, it is equivalent to security.

In the Zhaoxing Academy, they and the students in the Faxing Pavilion together maintained public security and stability.

Presumably I received the news from Guanshuge, and I hurried over immediately.

Just before they were near, they saw Star Seventeen from afar.

This glance made them pale.

A sudden brake, just like no one else, hummed Xiaoquer and turned back.

Ye Hong was a little crying and laughing, and it seemed that the reputation of the female ghost in the yellow dress really worked.

Even the person in charge of the star hall took the initiative to retreat after seeing the star seventeen.

It's just a pity for the freshmen on the ground.

However, Xing 17's shot is not very heavy, and it will not hurt his muscles.

However, when Xing XVII shot, Ye Hong didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt the fluctuation of the ancient spirit.

He glanced at Xing Xie with a deep meaning, and Ye Hong said nothing, and left the Guanshu Pavilion with a book.

Star seventeen, follow behind.

As for the Abyss, a person froze in place for a while, and left with a complex face.

However, he did not continue to follow Ye Hong and went in another direction.

Presumably for a long time to come, as long as Xing XVII is there, he will not dare to approach easily.


After leaving the Guanshu Pavilion, Ye Hong saw that it was still early and continued to wander around.

Only this time, there was a follower star seventeen.

However, Xing Xie seemed to be non-existent, silent throughout.

Only when Ye Hong asked, he would answer aloud.

Ye Hong also discovered another advantage of Xing XVII.

Because she lived in Zhaoxing Academy very early, she is very familiar with the geographical environment here.

Where Yehong wanted to go, just ask her, just a living map.

For example, Ye Hong now, under the leadership of Xing Xia, is going to try the canteen food in Zhaoxing Academy.

In the vast Zhaoxing Academy, there are more than 100 cafeterias in different areas.

Of course, these cafeterias also have their own elegant names.

For example, Ye Hong is going to go to a cafeteria named [Yinxingguan].

On the way, Ye Hong was out of curiosity, but inquired about the passing of Star Seventeen.

For example, when did Xing XVII appear in Zhaoxing Academy?

"Is the master asking about the age of the slave's family?" Xing 17 held his chin with his finger and fell into contemplation. "The specific age is not recorded in the slave's database.

However, the slave family remembers that the day the Zhaoxing Academy celebrated the 11,000-year festival of the Holy Ancient Calendar, the slave family ate two hundred mutton skewers. "

This year is 11020 of the ancient calendar, that is to say, at least twenty years ago, Xing Xie was already here.

However, in the past two decades, the appearance of Xing XVII has not changed at all.

It is estimated that this ability of youth can only be achieved by robots.

not to mention......

I ate two hundred mutton skewers in one breath, so amazing the amount of meals, but the figure is still as graceful as a girl.

If this is known to human women who are worried about getting fat all day, it is estimated that they will be envious.

With a mess of thoughts, about ten minutes later, Ye Hong finally saw the Yinxingguan.

The scale of the whole Star Drinking Hall is not much smaller than that of Guanshuge.

However, compared with the tower building of Guanshu Pavilion, the exterior of Yinxing Pavilion is designed into the shape of a big chicken leg.

Just looking at the exterior of the building makes one's index finger move.

However, when Ye Hong was preparing to enter the "chicken leg" with Xing XVII, he found three men and a woman standing at the door.

All three boys are wearing uniforms and should be second grade students.

And the girl with her back to her is wearing casual clothes, presumably also a freshman.

The girl was tall, and her lilac long skirt was lined with a noble temperament.

No need to look at the face, it must be a very temperamental woman.

No wonder she will be caught by these three boys.

But I don't know why, but when I saw this shadow, Ye Hong raised his brow slightly.

A faint sense of familiarity rose inexplicably from the bottom of my heart.

As he got closer to the door, the conversation between the people at the door also came into his ears.

"Study girl, don't be embarrassed, just promise to have a meal with the seniors."

"Yes, seniors can teach you a lot of things."

The three students smiled, with an irresistible desire in their eyes.

At this time, the girl with her back to Ye Hong also spoke.

"Three seniors, are you going to make me?"

The voice is not loud, but I do not know why, but with a cold breath.

After hearing this voice, Ye Hong's plan to move forward stopped suddenly.

Is this group of troublemakers good for negotiation? !

Where is the world so big to go to, why all come to the Zhaoxing Academy?

Ye Hong covered her face and wanted to turn around and leave.

Because he already knew who the girl was at the door!

The next Xing XVII looked at Ye Hong doubtfully, not knowing why his face collapsed.

And the dialogue at the door continues.

Hearing the girl's opening, the three boys were instantly excited.

"Wow, you are so straightforward, school girl!"

"Otherwise, let's skip the meal and get a deeper understanding?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a frivolous laugh of unknown significance.

"Unfortunately." The girl shook her head and said lightly: "I already have a boyfriend."

The three boys were furious and shouted, "Who is it! Get him out!"

The girl pointed at Yehong: "Hey, it's him."

Ye Hong's head hurt even more.

He had 10,000 doubts whether this guy had negotiated with Ming Yuan.

It's the same way to pull the shield.

The girl in Ziyi walked towards Yehong quickly and smiled very brightly: "Yehong, some fate cannot be avoided."

This person is, of course, the child of the fairy lion Chengzi's family.

At the same time, it is also a purple scorpion of the scorpion of the forest.

Ye Hong and her first acquaintance met in the mysterious copy of Dojo Contest, and in reality they met again at the Xianhe City birthday feast.

I thought there was no relationship between the two parties, but I didn't expect the purple scorpion to look at Yehong.

And she once bluntly wanted to check the mark on Ye Hong's hand, causing Ye Hong to be alert.

After all, Yehong had a supernatural dragon on one hand and a time and space fairy on the other.

Both of these are secrets among secrets,

Even in peacetime, Ye Hong uses his gloves to cover up and cannot be viewed casually by outsiders.

What's more, it is still dangerous for the purple scorpion.

In the fairy lion city, the purple scorpion was confined, and Ye Hong thought that she would never see her again, even if she wanted to meet again at Zhaoxing Academy.

Strangely, except for the initial headache, Ye Hong didn't feel any rejection of Purple Scorpion.

There is even a kind of relaxation that can't tell the truth.

He was convinced that this was not a relationship between men and women, but he couldn't understand where the emotion came from.

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