Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2795: The fire of the stars cannot be ignited

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Of course, all five are adults.

Even the youngest Ye Hong had already passed his eighteenth birthday before coming to the ancient world.

It's just that Yi Wangjian's thinking breaks through, making several people uncomfortable.

The front foot also said that he would serve everyone with good wine, but the back foot let the kitchen bring a large table of dishes.

Ye Hong couldn't help but wonder, did this Xiu Xian fix his brain?

After finally getting familiar with Yi Wangjian's rhythm, everyone finally understood why he invited them.

On the one hand, it is because of the serial disappearance case.

On the other hand, it is because of Yulongxianfu.

Prior to this, everyone knew from the mouths of Yu Lijin and Ren Chiluan that the Yulong Immortal Mansion had a close relationship with the One King Sword Mansion.

And the two immortal monarchs, Wang Yi and Lao Yu, have personal contacts on weekdays.

Therefore, Yi Wang Jian also heard about them from Lao Yu's mouth.

Obviously, Yi Wang Jian heard some unusual comments from Lao Yu.

So today when he heard that the five people went up to see the fairy emperor, he couldn't help but be curious to invite the five people to Fuzhong, intending to see them with his own eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha! How is it? My Wang Jianfu chef's craft is not worse than their Yulongxian Mansion?

It was Yu Lijin's kid who hated it a little bit, and every time he came, he taught one hand to hide one hand.

I really want to keep him in Wang Jianfu for me for cooking..."

Next to it, Yi Wangjian was talking to himself. The people only heard what they were doing and didn't dare to take over.

Later, Yi Wangjian didn't know when to start drinking alone.

Without drinking much, he went to the side, followed by a loud gurgle.

Everyone: ...

They seemed to understand why Yi Wang Jian was so careful about drinking.

Ren Chiluan seems to be accustomed to Yi Wangjian's near-negative amount of wine, and calmly sent everyone out of Wang Jianfu.

And arranged personnel, intending to send a few people down the mountain.

However, several people had just left Wang Jianfu, and they found that a team of people had been waiting here.

This group of people is more than a dozen women wearing silver scarves.

"Your Moon Sword Fairy, I would like to invite you to go through the palace."

Someone in the group spoke.

The five suddenly looked at each other again.

what is it today?

I was just entertained by the one king sword of Tai Yi San Xian, and another Tai Yi San Xian invited them!

Several people had no reason to refuse, nor did they dare to refuse, and could only follow the dozen women.

As the only female fairy among the Taiyi and Sanxian, Yuedaoxian's mansion is much more elegant than Yiwangjianfu.

Especially the bamboo products everywhere in the house are even more pleasing to the eye.

In a loft accompanied by a small bridge and flowing water, Ye Hong sat in front of a party coffee table.

Opposite, a woman dressed elegantly was making tea for them personally.

The woman looked in her early twenties, with no trace of wind and frost on her face.

But in a pair of eyes, it seems to be hiding thousands of vicissitudes.

A light green dress is embroidered with light bamboo patterns.

The slender fingers move back and forth between the tea sets, it seems that every movement implies the truth.

Yehong didn't even look down on this woman because she looked young.

Instead, he sat honestly in front of the coffee table and took over the tea cup flatteringly.

Because this woman is the moon sword fairy of Tai Yi San Xian!

The top strongman with the title of the first female fairy in the world!

She is said to be older than the sword crane fairy who just passed the 300th birthday!

However, like Immortal Emperor Zuo Mian, the age of Moon Sword Immortal is also a taboo that cannot be found on the Internet.

Compared to Zuo Mei's easy-going and Yi Wangjian's randomness, Moon Sword Immortal is not so close.

Although I personally make tea for everyone, that simple and clean face, but there is no slight smile.

The veiled women serving all around were also indifferent in their eyes.

This icy atmosphere made the five restless and just wanted to leave quickly.

"I heard that you rely on the strength of five people to solve the serial disappearance case.

I'm curious, how did you do it?

Can you elaborate? "

Moon Sword finally spoke.

As soon as she spoke, the anxiety in the hearts of everyone suddenly disappeared.

A few people, you said one thing to me, roughly speaking about the process of investigating the case.

The eyes of the women around him were more and more surprised.

Afterwards, all eyes focused on Ye Hong.

In the end, even Moon Sword Immortal himself was watching Yehong.

Because they all heard that the biggest contributor to the cracking of the serial disappearance was Ye Hong.

From the proposal to the implementation, from the battle at the bottom of the lake to the final evacuation, Ye Hong is leading every step.

In other words, it was impossible for this team without Ye Hong to crack this case!

"Sure enough, it's a boy out of a hero. There is a young talent like Ye Hong, and the human race is expected to resurrect.

At the end, Yue Dao Xian said with emotion.

Ye Hong wanted to be humble. Yue Dao Xian suddenly looked at his eyes and asked, "Ye Hong, what do you think of the organization of Inverse Immortalism?"

Ye Hong suddenly froze.

Talking in my heart: What do you think? Of course it is lying down!

Also, just ask me alone for Mao?

Of course, he didn't dare to be pretentious.

After a little consideration, he slowly said: "The fire of the stars cannot be ignited."

Yue Dao Xian suddenly curiously said: "This is a novelty, start to talk about it."

Ye Hong flashed the rumors about inverse immortalism in this period of time, and said calmly: "Inverse immortality seems to be menacing, but in fact it is a pavilion in the cloud, which has no foundation and no skeleton.

Perhaps in the early days, some people's hatred towards Tai Yi Xianzong can be used to quickly attract a group of fellow Chinese.

But in the long run, this kind of foundationless organization has almost no resilience, and it can't fight for a long time against the deep-rooted Tai Yixianzong.

As long as Taiyi Xianzong doesn't mess up the stitches, fights steadily, and divides them into subdivisions, they will be able to extinguish these newly-ignited sparks one by one. "

"Can't fight a long battle..."

Moonblade Immortal thoughtfully, nodded and said, "It's really like what you said, there is really nothing to worry about this inverse immortal religion, then I'm relieved.

It is worthy of the talents cultivated by the Zhaoxing Academy. This overall view is not what the average person has. "

I do not know why, although praised, Ye Hong felt that Moonblade Immortal had some insincerity.

In my heart, I couldn't help vomiting: Isn't my analysis justified? ?

Moon Sword Immortal did not leave the crowd for too long. After a few words, he sent the crowd out of the mansion.

Just before leaving, Yue Dao Xian stopped Ye Hong alone, and said to him with a headless head: "You have time to get close to my apprentice, she has something you are interested in."

Ye Hong suddenly looked confused, and couldn't help vomiting in his heart: The ghost knew who your apprentice was? !

Although I didn't see the Drunk Heavenly Father of Tai Yi San Xian, but from today's experience, Ye Hong only thought that Yi Wang Jian and Yue Dao Xian were two people with problems in their heads.

In the process of going down the mountain, the words of Yuedaoxian before parting were also in my head.

Who is the apprentice of Yuedaoxian?

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