Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2796: Maruko's help

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Three days later.

Three days after returning from Tiancheng District, Yehong's head was still full of that day's encounters in Tiancheng District.

Before he went, he was not expecting to see three Tai Yi Xianzong big figures in a day, and also the three prestigious Xianyu Powerhouses.

Immortal Emperor Zuo Zhan, Yi Wang Jian, Yue Dao Xian.

It can be said that, except for the drunk heavenly **** who saw the dragon before and after, he almost saw the big man on Taiyi Mountain.

On the day of the meeting, Ye Hong didn't feel much.

However, after returning, I found many unthinkable places.

The ruler of Immortal Territory, Zuo Mian, why did he mention the creation of the Holy Emperor to everyone?

One king sword of Tai Yi San Xian, is the amount of wine really just a negative number?

Why is the Moon Sword Immortal, who is also Tai San San Xian, why would he ask a student for advice?

Also, who is her apprentice? !

Therefore, although the three people met with Yehong five, Yehong felt that the purpose was far from being as simple as it seemed!

People of that level have a lot of meaning in words and deeds.

It's just that Yehong now can't figure out what's hidden in the three people's calm attitude.

Alas, it's too tiring to live in a world with these old monsters.

This is only the human race with the shortest average life span in the seven domains!

Ye Hong couldn't imagine the old monsters of other races who lived longer, what kind of nineteen turns are hidden in their hearts.

Compared with the ancient world, the people of Blue Star are so simple.

Just as Ye Hong was about to enter the dojo to vent his emotions, the villa ushered in a rare guest.


No, it should be more appropriate to call him Wang Zi.

After all, Ye Hong has 99% confirmed that he is the son of Yi Wang Jian.

"Student, help me!"

In the hall, facing the face of Ye Hong’s Maruko faced with aggrieved face: "I can be exhausted during this time. If you look at me, you have lost weight from the standard weight of three hundred pounds to two hundred and ninety-nine pounds!

The female massage master underneath could not recognize me! "

Because there are too many slots, Ye Hong didn't know where to start vomiting for a while.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and said: "Senior, just speak straight."

Maruko also put away jokes, and said seriously: "Student, you are the solver of the missing case, you should know about the anti-immortal religion.

In fact, inverse immortality has penetrated into our Zhaoxing Academy...

Ye Hong certainly knew what Maruko was talking about.

After the birth of Rebellious Immortality, not only the Immortal Capital, but also the emergence of immortals.

Especially in villages in remote areas, a large number of uninformed villagers listened to the brainwashing words of the anti-xian religion and joined the organization.

Some places like Zhaoxing Academy are all brainwashed.

Not long ago, there was even a first-year freshman who openly formed [Reverse Fairy Club].

Mei Qi's name responded to the call of the rebellious immortals to overthrow the brutal and inhuman Taizian Sect.

At the beginning, it caused a lot of panic in the Zhaoxing Academy.

It was only under the encirclement and suppression of the Zhaoxing Legion that they were captured in less than half a day.

Of course, it turned out that the new student was only for the sake of sensationalism and enthusiasm. He didn't know anyone who was against Immortality.

Therefore, the Academy only admonished him without giving him any substantial punishment.

But after that person, Zhaoxing Academy was no longer calm.

One after another, there are signs of inverse immortalism activities.

But half of them were half-truths, mixed with some students who had nothing to do with food.

As a member of the Zhaoxing Legion, Maruko rushed back and forth in the Zhaoxing Academy for this matter these days.

So he came to the door for help.

"Our regiment leader said that it is an emergency and the regiment needs to expand its enrollment. We also asked if we have any recommended people.

I thought of you younger brother as soon as possible.

How about it, right? "

Maruko's face looks like you're proud of me.

Ye Hong didn't praise him, but thought suddenly in his mind.

Zhaoxing Legion is a special team in Zhaoxing Academy.

Only the most elite students in the Zhaoxing Academy are eligible to enter.

At that time, Maruko and ten other members of the legion dared to go to the city of Immortal Lion alone to take Tao Xi back to the academy, and his strength was evident.

Inside the Zhaoxing Academy, the ability to join the Zhaoxing Legion is the certification mark of the so-called strong.

With this mark, both inside and outside the school is a good pass.

The teachers appreciate you, the classmates adore you, and the forces outside the school draw you in...

It can be said to be a real golden rice bowl in Zhaoxing Academy.

However, Ye Hong is more realistic.

He just asked lazily: "Is it paid?"

Suddenly, Maruko remembered Ye Hong's [Legendary Experience].

That is, Ye Hong turned all the members of Xianwu Academy into a horror school legend of [Points Man].

Even Ma Minglu, the former president of the Xianwu Academy who was currently confined, failed to escape Yehong's claws.

The nickname of "Integer Madman" has long been circulating among teachers and students.

So Maruko instantly understood Ye Hong's meaning.

This is blatantly asking for points!

He rolled his eyes and forced a smile, saying: "Well, there are big points.

The premise is that you have to help us find people who are against the immortal religion. "

"The deal." Ye Hong extended his hand with a smile and shook the ball.

Somehow, Maruko always feels unreliable.

Can't help but ask: "How do you want to check?"

Ye Hong said calmly: "The same thoughts as my investigation of the serial disappearance case."

Maruko was stunned and curious: "What's the idea?"

"Out of the thinking trap."

A few days ago, Ye Hong used the idea of ​​jumping out of the thinking trap to start from the first case of the serial disappearance case, and found the key point of solving the case in Fang Tan.

Speaking of Fang Tan, he has to mention his wife Fang Huihui and other family members of the missing case.

After the missing Taiyi Xianzong disciples confirmed that they had all betrayed to the Rebellion, their family members were naturally not trusted.

To this end, a large number of family members have publicly stated that they will sever ties with those who betray the immortals.

Just like Fang Huihui, she has quickly remarried.

Think of it this way, those betraying immortals really paid a huge price for their ideals.

However, these are their choices, and it's not about Yehong's business.

Speaking of the situation back to school, Ye Hong also intends to use a similar method to crack.

"Then let us return to the origin of thinking.

When did Zhaoxing Academy begin to circulate the news of being infiltrated by the anti-immortal religion? "

In front of a building full of blood and blood, Ye Hong smiled and asked Maruko.

This is the [War Star Hall] in the academy, and it is also the headquarters of the Zhaoxing Legion.

Because he wanted to join the Zhaoxing Legion, Ye Hong had to follow Maruko to the Battle Star Pavilion to do a small entry procedure.

On the way just now, Maruko began to ask Yehong for ideas on how to solve the case, and there was this sentence that Yehong said above.

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