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There was a sudden commotion among the crowds of inverse immortality.

Looking at Ye Hong's eyes, there were emotions such as shock, doubt, perplexity, gratitude.

No matter where it is, rebellion is a sinful sin.

Before they came, they were ready to be killed.

The best result is also imprisoned for life.

Who ever wanted to turn the world upside down in an instant, they were forgiven? !

And all this just because Ye Hong spoke for them!

Especially the leading ones were even more shocked.


It was Feng Jialou who laughed first.

He ignored the glaring of those Taiyi Xianzong disciples around him and smiled unscrupulously: "Student Brother, it is you!"

"Feng Jia Lou, you laugh!

If it weren’t for the kindness of the Sovereign Lord, you’re already eating jail! "

Ren Chiluan sneered, but there was a flash of luck in the depths of his eyes.

"I didn't expect it was your kid who saved us in the end..." After Feng Jialou, it was the orc animal beast and the leader of the cattle king tribe Niu Zhen.

His face was bold and said: "Human tribe, in the future, come to the Niuwang tribe as a guest, this king will give you top VIP treatment!"

Jin Bu sleepy still looks like he never sleeps. He yawned, took a book from his arms and threw it to Ye Hong: "I won't be able to see me in Guanshu Pavilion in the future. I will send you a book to do it. Memorials."

Gentle did not say a word throughout, but a pair of bright ones always stared at Yehong's face, as if there were flowers on it.

"Ye Hong, I had a bad attitude that day and sincerely apologize to you here."

Fang Tan sincerely gave Ye Hongju a ninety degree bow.

My heart is full of happiness.

Fortunately, yesterday he prevented the Coral Dragon Ship from firing at Yehong.

The good cause planted finally yielded good results today.

"Student Ye Hong, I Qiu Ying owe you a life."

Qiu Ying, the new leader of the anti-central religion, also expressed his gratitude.

"Brother Ye Hong, I will vote for you."

You Ziyi also cast a wink on Ye Hong.

Moonblade Immortal remained silent for a long time, and finally sighed in a complicated way: "Ye Hong, we owe you a favor from the immortal religion."

After them, other members of Nianxianjiao also reacted one after another, thanking Yehong one after another.

All of a sudden, the scene was full of Yehong.

Uninformed, I thought Yehong was the leader of the anti-immortal religion.


Zuo Meng just sneered, leaving the scene silent.

In the middle of last night, the words Zuo Zhuang have been transformed into a symbol of fear, deeply in the hearts of all members of the anti-immortal religion.

"Go away, otherwise this seat can't guarantee that you won't regret it." Zuo Mian said blankly.

Zuo Qianyi said, this group of people could not stay longer.

Under the **** of Taiyi Xianzong disciples, they will be sent away from the immortal territory, and eternal life will not be allowed to step in again.

Before everyone left, they almost took a look at Yehong.

Perhaps they could not forget in their lives that it was an 18-year-old boy who rescued them from the fairy emperor's butcher's knife.

A first-year freshman at Zhaoxing Academy.

A legend that has reversed Qiankun with one's own strength!

Before leaving, Tao Xi, who had not spoken, turned around and looked at Ye Hong.

Lips moved slightly, as if to say something, but only a long sigh in the end.

Instead, Tao Shu solemnly said to Ye Hong: "Brother, take care."

At this time, Ye Hong didn't speak from beginning to end, and finally spoke.

To Tao Shu lightly said: "Take care of Tao Lao."

Upon hearing this, Tao Xi's body just turned around suddenly trembling.

Tao Shu couldn't help but red his eyes and nodded vigorously.

When all the people who were against the immortal religion left, the second group of people was escorted.

They are rioters who have nothing to do with inverse immortality, but are under the banner of inverse immortality.

The arson, robbery, murder cases in Xiandu... almost all of them.

"Boy, won't you let this group of people go?"

Zuo Miao obliquely glanced around Ye Hong.

Ye Hong at this time was also looking at the mob.

The elements of the mob are very mixed, mixed with major forces.

It is these forces that are acting in the name of appeals.

Nine-tenths of the reputation of the anti-imperial religion was corrupted by them.

So for this group of people, Ye Hong does not have the same compassion and sympathy as the inverse immortal religion.

In particular, he also saw two familiar faces in the crowd.

Ma's Ma Minglu, Liao's Liao Cheng.

In the moment Yehong saw them, they naturally saw Yehong.

When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous!

In just a moment, he shouted at Yehong loudly.

It doesn't matter how the people next to you pull.

The two of them were angry, but they ignored the position of Ye Hong.

The only person in the audience who can stand beside Zuo Zhan!

Ye Hong shook his head, but he didn't expect that there was such a fool in the world who was so anxious to find death.

Faintly said: "They don't let go.

By the way, the Sovereign Lord can add the punishment that they originally wanted against the anti-immortal religion. "

Zuo Mian glanced at Yehong again, but there was a smile in his eyes: "Your kid has a good abacus, even the public...


Zuo Mei looked at the group of thugs underneath, his expression suddenly cold: "This seat does have anger and nowhere to vent!

Come, send this group of **** to the prison of exile! "

Hearing this, the group of people immediately looked like a mourner.

Ma Minglu and Liao Cheng, who had been scolding Ye Hong, were completely dumbfounded.

As we all know, the prison of the prison of exile is not only the prison of the prison, but also the prison of the hell!

In a wailing sound, the group of people were all dragged down.

Ye Hong also left the Tiancheng District and returned to the Zhaoxing Academy.

The vigorous anti-immortal movement came to an end.

But the impact of this mutiny is still continuing to ferment.

When the news of the immortal emperor's left to exterminate the immortal religion spread throughout the fairy land, it naturally caused a huge response.

Especially after hearing that the person who made Zuo Meng change his mind is called Yehonghou, the discussion about the name Yehong continued.

Yehong had already been known as a fairy city, but now the name is spreading rapidly towards the whole fairyland.

However, a large number of people expressed hatred and anger towards Yehong.

Those people are the diehards of Taiyi Xianzong, and believe that Ye Hong's move to let go of the anti-xian religion is for the tiger.

Fortunately, Ye Hong always insisted on the words he had said to Emperor Ming Che at the top of Taiyi Mountain-"Damage to the world, what to do with me".

So for these gossips, I didn't pay attention to them.

I just stayed in the villa all day, sorting out the harvest that night, and by the way, repairing the night armor damaged by Fengjialou.

However, an annoying guy kept sending messages that kept Ye Hong calm.

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