Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2822: Take off your clothes

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That annoying guy is Ming Yuan.

Most of the leaders of Inverse Immortalism come from Zhaoxing Academy.

So as they were driven out of the fairy land by Zuo Zhuang, the Zhaoxing Academy was suddenly missing a lot of people.

Tao Nian, Tao Shu, Tenderness, Jin Buyan, Qiu Ying, You Ziyi...

Not surprisingly, Ye Hong could never see them in Xianyu in his life.

This is the bottom line for left out.

Let go, yes.

Want to come back? There are no doors.

Although Ming Yuan itself is innocent, after all, the body has been an accomplice of Ming Che, so it is inevitable to be expelled together.

But even if they were expelled from the fairy land, they were still able to communicate with Yehong.

Just like Ming Yuan, he sent messages to Ye Hong three days and two times, crying about how innocent he was.

It turned out that Ming Yuan came to the Zhaoxing Academy to mean Ming Che, but at that time, Ming Che was just talking to him about normal cultural diplomacy, and he didn't mention anything about rebelling against Immortalism with Ming Yuan.

In addition, Ming Yuan was already curious about immortals, so he was fooled at once.

Under the arrangement of the related forces of Ming Che and Mingyu, he entered the Zhaoxing Academy as an exchange student.

That night, Ming Yuan was still in the villa, but his body passed out uncontrollably.

Since then, Ming Yuan has no idea what happened.

It wasn't until I recovered my sobriety that I realized that before I came to Immortal Realm, my body had been moved by Ming Che and became a living tool for Ming Che.

Therefore, the abyss, who was driven away, shouted innocent all day long, begging Yehong to find Zuo Meng and begging, so that he could return to Zhaoxing Academy for school.

For this wonderful work of death, Ye Hong naturally didn't want to take it for granted.

Zuo Mei was originally dissatisfied with Ye Hong's plea for the anti-immortal religion. Although he did not expel Ye Hong together, his attitude was not as kind as he once was.

So now, where can Ye Hong dare to go to the left and look for anger?

The beeping non-stop Abyss is directly blackened, and the world is finally clean.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk--"

The door was knocked gently.

Such a decent voice can only be Xing XVII.

Sure enough, the voice of Xing Xian immediately sounded behind the door: "Master, Zhaoxing Academy intends to conduct a new twelve-star public committee election, and send someone to ask if the host wishes to run for election."

Star Seventeen wanted to be brief when reporting on things, because she knew Ye Hong didn't like to listen to nonsense.

Inside the door, Ye Hong, who was repairing Ye Kai, stopped.

The Twelve-Star Public Committee, the highest institution in the name of Zhaoxing Academy, has also been hit hard this time.

Twelve members left most of them.

Apart from Zang Jian, who had already been delisted, Tao Nian, Tenderness, Jin Bujian, You Ziyi, and Ma Minglu have all been delisted.

So of the twelve people, only six remain.

Restarting the election is also a helpless move.

For the competition of these six positions, teachers and students of Zhaoxing Academy actively registered, but Ye Hong did not look at it.

However, Gongsun Yang had expected this before long, and he also suggested that Honghong should spend the night in the election.

Because he thinks that Ye Hong has offended Tai Yi Xianzong, it is better to find another backer.

In Xiandu, Zhaoxing Academy is the backing behind Taiyi Xianzong.

The position of a twelve-star public committee can at least prevent those who are hostile to Yehong in Taiyi Xianzong from being too arrogant.

And he believes that with Ye Hong's reputation, as long as he runs for election, he will be selected.

However, Ye Hong still refused him decisively.

Because of his own stay, Ye Hong already had an idea.

Looking at the sky outside the window, he sighed, "Xiandu, is not a place to stay for a long time."

In the beginning, Ye Hong came to Xiandu for the purpose of not only repaying Tao Yan, but also to get news of her grandmother.

Now that we have confirmed that there is information from the fifth family on Moonblade Immortal and Gentle, and the evil Taiyi Immortal Sect, there is no reason to continue to stay in Xiandu.

Even, Xianyu is not necessary to stay.

Sooner or later, he will find Moon Sword Fairy and Tenderness and ask these things clearly.

When Xing XVII outside the door heard this sentence, he immediately understood Ye Hong's meaning and replied: "I will refuse them."

But when she was about to leave the door, Ye Hong was called in.

Then he handed the shattered night armor to Xing XVII and asked Xing Xie for his distress.

That sword of Fengjialou was so fierce that day, he split the night armor in half.

And these days, Ye Hong is also trying to repair, but he can't restore the original characteristics of the night armor.

After all, the birth of Ye Jia was also caused by yin and yang, and was a miracle that was difficult to replicate.

At this time, Ye Hong remembered Xing 17, a senior mechanical family, and the honorary president of the Mechanical Society.

After staring at the night armor and looking at it for a while, Xing 17 suddenly nodded and said, "It can be repaired."

"Really?" Ye Hong was immediately surprised.

"But you need the master's body data for reference." Xing XVII followed.

"What data is needed?" Ye Hong asked subconsciously.

"Give me body data first."

"How to give?"

"Take off your clothes."


Then Ye Hong realized that he had misunderstood.

Xing 17 just took a tape measure and measured the size of Ye Hong's body measurements.

Because to restore the night armor to its original state, you have to restore the previous data, and the body data of the night armor, Ye Hong, is very important.

As for why you need to take off your clothes, it is natural to measure more accurately.

That being said, when Xing 17's tender white fingers touched Ye Hong's skin, Ye Hong's heart still couldn't help but a wave of hearts.

"Seventeen, shall we close the door?"

Ye Hong looked at the door opened by the hole and always felt that it was not good to see the current scene.

"Why close the door?"

Star XVII asked with a puzzled look.

At the same time, he kept on his hands and moved down from Ye Hong's chest, preparing to measure his hips.

But at this time, there was a sound of footsteps coming from outside the door.

"Master Yehong, the kid from Feilong has been taken care of by you these days. I have stewed a pot of chicken soup for you, please..."

It was the voice of Ferron’s mother.

But when she walked to the door with chicken soup, her voice came to an abrupt halt.

Looking into the room from her perspective, Star Seventeen sat down in front of Yehong in an extremely imaginative posture.

At the same time, his hands were placed on Yehong's waist.

In just an instant, Fei mother screamed, her face flushed, and she quickly turned her head back: "Yes, I'm sorry, I don't seem to be coming at the right time!"

Then, he left quickly.

Although the person was gone, the muttering sound floated into Yehong's ear: "Why is it so shameless in this big daylight...

But... Lord Ye Hong finally grew up..."

Ye Hong, who heard these words in her ears, wanted to cry without tears: "Auntie, you really misunderstood!"

Star XVII looked blankly: "Master, what does she mean?"

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