Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2823: I'm so hard

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Although the body of the senior mechanical clan is the same as that of the human clan, although the star 17 has a beautiful body and good body, although the distance between the two is almost close...

But Ye Hong swears there really is no such idea!

He only had a tape measure in his eyes, and he was definitely not thinking about fart!

After being depressed, I thought that I was misunderstood anyway, so I stopped worrying about things that didn't work.

After Xing XVII finished measuring his body data, he calmly crossed his knees and discussed the details of repair with Xing XVII.

But he forgot that he hadn't put on his coat yet, he was still in a state of **.

Terrifyingly, footsteps were heard outside the door.

"Ye Hong, this girl is looking for you to drink...ah!"

A carefree woman's voice rang from the door.

Of course, after seeing the scene in the room, he inevitably screamed again.

This woman carrying a wine bottle is a purple scorpion.

No matter what her character is, she is a girl.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I couldn’t help but pick up the bottle to block my face, and kept shouting: “Yes, I’m sorry, I don’t know you are doing this!

No, I don’t know if you do this kind of thing, it’s not closed!

Pooh! What am I talking about? ! "

Ye Hong sighed in his heart that his name was destroyed, but on the surface, he put on his clothes very calmly.

And star Xing said: "Let's talk about it another day."

Xing XVII nodded and left the room calmly.

Purple Scorpion seemed to realize that he seemed to have misunderstood, but his face remained flushed.

Even if he entered the room, he didn't dare to be too close to Yehong.

Like a little white rabbit who accidentally broke into the wolf den, beware of Ye Hong, the big bad wolf.

After all, in the room, only Ye Hong and her orphans and widows were left.

Ye Hong sighed in the sky and said silently, "Would you like to go to a square where 100,000 people watch?"

"Pooh—" Zi Scorpion was amused by Ye Hong's depressed expression and waved his hand: "That's not necessary."

She threw a bottle of wine in her hand to Yehong, and said with annoyance: "This girl is in a bad mood, hurry and have a few drinks with me!"

Ye Hong pointed to the mechanical materials in one place and said helplessly: "Grandma, don't you see how busy I am?"

"But Xing Yuan is not here. I don't have any other friends in Zhaoxing Academy. I can only come to you for a drink." Zi Scorpion pursed his lips.

Ye Hong was silent for a moment.

Then he picked up the bottle and said lightly: "Only once."

Purple Scorpion instantly became happy and took the initiative to help Ye Hong open the bottle cap.

Ye Hong did not drink alcohol, but after drinking the wine **** of Qi Shangde sighed, he had already regarded all the wine in the world as plain boiled water, so he could not drink any more.

So the bottle of wine in front of me just tasted it and moisturized my lips.

On the contrary, the purple scorpion on the opposite side just opened the wine bottle, and then puffed up and poured it into his mouth, as if drinking water.

Ye Hong glanced at the low degree above, thinking that even a child could not get drunk, he assured him to drink Zi Scorpion.


Purple Scorpion finally stopped Niuyin, and after a hiccup, he began to indiscriminately bombard Yehong's ears.

You can feel that her mood is really quite bad, babbling, almost talking to Ye Hong.

But it's not all nonsense.

At least Yehong heard some intelligence about the Scorpion of the Forest.

It turned out that the Purple Scorpion joined the Scorpion Scorpion because he was rescued by the Scorpion Scorpion in a kidnapping case.

And the purple scorpion who just joined the scorpion of the forest, because he was not familiar with the environment, made a lot of jokes and was rejected by many seniors.

At that time, Ming Yuan, who had also joined soon, stepped forward to fight for the Purple Scorpion.

And Ming Yuan has always had a lot of ideas, but also let Purple Scorpion learn a lot from him.

Therefore, Purple Scorpion has always regarded Ming Yuan as a known friend, good partner, and brother.

So that day, when she saw that the state of Ming Yuan was going uphill, she suddenly realized that something had happened to Ming Yuan, so she was in a hurry to find Ye Hong for help.

Fortunately, Ming Yuan was finally rescued by Ye Hong, otherwise Purple Scorpion is not just depressed, but crazy.

But even so, Ning Yuan was driven out of the fairy land and was not allowed to enter for life.

Therefore, the depressed purple scorpion will come to find Yehong to dispatch this depressed.

At the same time, Purple Scorpion accidentally revealed some information about the organization of the Scorpion.

According to her, Youlin Scorpion was founded thousands of years ago.

And the scorpion who established the Yulin is probably a human race.

At the same time, it also revealed that the organization seems to be looking for someone other than the time and space fairy.

There is also a reason why Purple Scorpion can say so many secrets.

"Ye Hong, you said... why is this world so absurd?"

Purple Scorpion's face was flushed, his chin resting on one hand, and he narrowed his eyes and asked Yehong.

Purple scorpion, drunk, and not too drunk, so he can't control his mouth.

Ye Hong glanced at the purple scorpion before drinking half a bottle of wine, and repeatedly confirmed that the degree on the bottle was ok, and finally became silent.

A long time later, he asked with a long face: "Have you...drinked alcohol before?"

"Of course I haven't drunk it!" Zi Scorpion grinned grinningly, drunkenly said: "Hey, this is the first time I drink, is it a great amount of wine?"

Ye Hong covered her face, feeling tired, not knowing where to start vomiting.

"Ye, Yehong, I have told you all the secrets, and you will show me your hands..."

Purple Scorpion took Yehong's hand drunkenly and dimly, but before she could lift Yehong's gloves, the whole person lay down on the table.

Immediately afterwards, there was even breathing.

He fell asleep directly.

Ye Hong: "..."

Shaking his head, he got up and picked up the purple scorpion, preparing to put her on the bed and let her sleep here tonight, but he changed to another room.

But he had just picked up the purple scorpion, and footsteps were heard outside the door.

"Master Ye Hong, I already want to understand.

People are not good for young people, not to mention such outstanding people as Master Ye Hong?

So I...uh...you...you..."

The person who came was still the mother.

In his hand, still holding the pot of chicken soup.

When she stood at the door and saw the picture of Yehong holding up the purple scorpion, the whole person stayed for a few seconds.

The consequences turned around and left.

But he didn't go far and then came back. He put the chicken soup at the door, and there was a mysterious smile on his face: "That... the chicken soup is for you, just to make up your body!"

When going away, a murmur came into Yehong's ear again: "Two days a day, can Master Yehong eat away..."

In the room, Yehong Petrochemical was like a humanoid statue.

He was worried about being misunderstood again, so he never closed the door.

But precisely because of this, it was misunderstood again by Ferron's mother!

This time, it is estimated that jumping into the inland sea of ​​Xiandu is impossible to wash!

"I'm so hard..."

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