Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2824: Babies, dad is back

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That night, of course, nothing happened to children.

After being misunderstood, Ye Hong also realized that his actions were abrupt.

So later he handed over the drunk purple scorpion to Xing XVII to take care of, but he boarded the game for a long time.

The few men who saw this scene could only sigh a word together.

"Sure enough, in front of the game, even the girls are worthless."

During this time, due to the serial disappearance case and the anti-imperialism incident, Ye Hong put all his energy into reality, and naturally had little time to play.

But news about the game was passed on to him without interruption.

What Yehong cared about most was the progress of the Yeblad Guild.

With the sudden rise and decline of the Rebellion, Ye Hongyue realized how important it is to cultivate a loyal and powerful force.

It's just that he can only cultivate his own power in the game, namely the Night Blade Guild.

Fortunately, these carefully selected guild leaders and members did not disappoint Ye Hong.

During his absence, the construction progress of the guild was methodically advanced.

Although it was less than a month before the station was upgraded, the two towns had already begun to take shape.

Mercenary halls, trading stations, inn restaurants, etc. are also in full swing as a series of buildings built by town-level guilds are in full swing.

If you maintain this speed, you should not be able to challenge the city-level guild trial battle for too long.

In addition to the Sword Crane Legion guild of Xianhe City, some guilds began to interact with Yeblad.

The entire guild showed a thriving development.

At the moment when Yehong went online, it seemed that there were tens of millions of prompts exploding in his ears, which scared Yehong off the prompt.

Looking closer, the mailbox was filled with messages.

A small part of them are their friends.

Such as Wu Xian, Wu Qing and others.

Most of them are from guild members.

Other outsiders may not be very clear, but Yehong did not hide his identity from the members of his guild.

So everyone in the guild knows the relationship between Yan Yan and Ye Hong.

Just a few days ago, the name Yehong spread across the fairyland.

Ye Hong's "feat" at the top of Taiyi Mountain was also known to all ages.

The guilds are no exception.

Regardless of what the outside world has to say about Ye Hong, they have only one feeling for their president's actions.

That is full of pride!

Naturally, he also left messages in Yehong's mailbox, hoping that he would play the game as soon as possible and accept the worship of himself and others.

Yehong is thankful that the outside world knows that there is not much connection between the two identities of Yanyan and Yehong. Otherwise, it is estimated that his mailbox will explode directly.

After seeing sincere messages, Ye Hong couldn't help but rush through a warm current.

He is very grateful to the world of dojo competition, because even if the reality is stormy, there will always be a piece of pure land for him.

I was so excited that I couldn't help but yelled on the Guild Channel: "Children, Dad is back!"

This roar instantly caused the Guild Channel to explode.

"Gan! Which one who ate the bear heart leopard dared to take advantage of us?"

"Your kid is so bold, dare to pretend to be our president's ID?"

"Wait! Brothers and sisters, it really seems to be the president!"

A group of people reacted one after another, and the whole guild channel became more lively.

At this time, a person jumped out of Ye Hong's private letter.

At first glance, it is the big profiteer Hu Li.

With the advancement of the guild construction, Hu Li, a big profiteer, has also realized his big dream. He has an own auction house in Yebla, the main residence.

Although it hasn't been officially opened yet, it has been displayed all day long.

At this time, Hu Li sounded full of grievances: "President, if you don't come back, my auction house will go bankrupt."

Bankruptcy, bankruptcy, it’s my business?

Of course, Ye Hong didn't say this out, after all, Hu Li was also a hero of Ye Jian's association.

The prosperity of the Huli Auction House is also tied to the entire Yeblai Guild.

When Ye Hong asked about the specific reason, Hu Li talked about what happened during this time.

The construction of a guild mainly requires two major factors.

One is the contribution of members of the guild.

Of course, with the enthusiasm of Yeren's group of guys, there is absolutely no need to worry about this.

The second is funding.

Both the resident building and the management funds of the guild are long-term and large-scale expenses.

In the early stage of the guild, members of the guild can earn by completing guild missions, plus Ye Hong’s own investment in the guild, so that the guild can maintain normal operation.

However, during this period, Yehong was not online for a long time, and after the upgrade to a town-level guild, the cost increased geometrically, which caused problems in funding.

This problem also affected Hu Li's business.

This made Hu Li, an iron rooster, anxious. After Yehong came online, he immediately came to Yehong to complain.

Ye Hong thought for a moment, went to a familiar place, and opened Shuiliandongtian and Samsara Jurassic again.

When the news of the re-opening of the secret realm spread, players who had been holding for a long time rushed in.

This time, Ye Hong raised the entrance price slightly.

When the players complained, Ye Hong used only one method to block everyone's words back.

He erected a sign outside the secret realm, and wrote four big characters of dragon and phoenix dance-[the secret realm is out of the booth, love cannot enter].

Players are naturally angry in the first place.

Because Yehong is an anonymous and open secret realm, players are not sure who the secret realm is.

But this does not prevent them from condemning the secret owner as a shameful act of using the secret as a stall to sell goods and arrogantly increase prices.

"Damn, isn't this a monopoly?"

"I don't believe it, we can't find other similar secrets?"

"Uh... a secret realm that can be entered at any time, with a high treasure drop rate, and high experience value...It seems that it can't be found."

"...Oh, that's fine."

Players are angry, in order to improve themselves, they still have to grind their teeth.

However, although Ye Hong's income has increased, he has only slightly relieved his urgency.

If you want to solve the problem in the long run, you must find a more stable source of income.

To this end, Ye Hong sat in the town entrance of Yedao Town, looking at the direction of the plain and thinking hard about the countermeasures.

"Chairman, what are you doing here?"

There was a timid voice in my ear.

Li Man heard this sound.

Although Li Man's rank is among the highest in the guild, even higher than that of the president of Yehong, but his temperament is softer than that of the little hare in the novice village.

"I'm thinking about ways to make money."

Ye Hong glanced at the girl in yellow who was sitting next to her, hugging her knees, and subconsciously said.

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