Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2835: East to West, South to North

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Seeing Ye Hongbo's calm expression, a glance of appreciation flashed in the eyes of Jiu You Mingjun.

Smiled: "The nephew does not have to be polite.

After all, you will be chased by Tai Yixianzong, also because of the dog. "

Ye Hong was slightly startled, but then suddenly reacted.

It seems that Nine Nether Nether King misunderstood Taiyi Immortal Sect to send people to kill Yehong, because Yehong had rescued Mingyuan from the beginning, and he could not think of it because of Jiuzhong Immortal Seal.

Ye Hong will not explain it for no reason, smile a little, it is the default of Nine Nether Kings.

"What's the matter, let's go back to Jiu Youcheng and talk slowly!"

Ming Yuan greeted a few Wolves to replace their mounts who were tired and lying down next night.

Carrying a few people, went deep into the underworld.

The wilderness of the Netherland is more desolate and dangerous than the fairyland.

Between heaven and earth, there is always a gray haze, which makes people feel depressed.

From time to time, there are gray beasts passing by the road, exposing bloodthirsty fangs.

However, at the moment when those beasts saw the Nine Nether Nether Kings, they were scared and rolled their tails to escape.

After walking for a while, you can see the trail of people.

Compared with the human race, the architecture of the Ming tribe is quite unique, but Ye Hong is quite familiar.

Spire tower, human face, sand stone carving...

From the inside to the outside, all reveal a blue star Nanzhou architectural style.

Reminiscent of the cultural overlap between Xianyu and Dongzhou, and the belief between Shenyu and Xizhou, and the large number of ghost beasts that suddenly appeared in Nanzhou, Ye Hongyue felt that the two worlds have some kind of inseparable connection.

Along the way, Ming Yuan appeared quite excited, constantly introducing the scenery of the Netherland.

At the same time, Ye Hong also understood why Ming Yuan and Jiu You Ming Jun would appear just so.

It turned out that while in the fairy lion city, the purple scorpion had already secretly notified Ming Yuan, Ye Hong they might go south to enter the Nether.

Therefore, the father and son were prepared for it early.

As it happens, a large part of the northeast part of the Netherland, which borders the southern part of Xianyu, belongs to the territory of Jiuyou City.

So the father and son dispatched their men very early and cruised around the border, waiting for Yehong to arrive.

Until tonight, the border wolf discovered Yehong's trail, and quickly notified Jiuyou Mingjun and Mingyuan.

Then there was the later story.

But listening to these, Ye Hong seemed a little absent-minded, and his eyes faintly worried.

Jiu You Mingjun is obviously a person who is very good at observing and observing. When he notices that Ye Hong’s emotions are abnormal, he smiles and comforts: "Relax, Taiyi Xianzong dare not come to the Netherworld to spread wild.

You will live in Jiu Youcheng with peace of mind in the future, and the deity sees who dares to move you! "

Nazhi Yehong shook his head and sighed long, "I'm not worried about Taiyi Xianzong, but..."

Three days later, the northern border of Netherworld.

The figure of Ye Hong and his group appeared near the border.

That day, Ye Hong did not step into the Nine Serenities City after all.

But halfway through, the Nine Nether Nether King sent them quietly to the border in the north direction.

As Ye Hong and Jiu You Ming Jun said that night, he was not worried that Tai Yi Xianzong would chase down to the Nether Territory.

It is because there is a person who is more hostile to Yehong!

That is the Emperor Ming Che!

After all, that night, Ye Hong saved Ming Yuan, but did not hesitate to kill Ming Che's avatar, and naturally formed a beam with Ming Che.

Therefore, Yehong has a left-killing chase in the fairy field, but it is also difficult to avoid being chased by Ming Che in the ghost field.

In two regions, two top leaders want to kill him, and there is no one.

So Ye Hong couldn't be at ease in the Underworld.

Rather, he intends to use the Dao Ning Realm to enter another area.

It is one of the seven domains in the ancient world, the location of the once brilliant meteorites-"Meteorite Market"!

The terrain of the ancient world is shaped like a sea surrounded by eight sides.

The sea surrounding the whole continent is named Youlan Xinghai.

There is no common name for a continent with many ethnic groups.

Different races have different naming preferences for the land under their feet.

Just like the human race, the continent is named the creation continent.

In the Protoss, it is called the Shenming Continent, and the Prosperity is the Reincarnation Continent...

But no matter what the name, the shape of the continent will not change, nor will the distribution of the seven domains.

The ruins of meteorites are consistently located in the center of the mainland.

To the east is the Immortal Domain, to the south is the Nether Domain, to the west is the Divine Domain, and to the north is the Mechanical Plateau.

So the northern boundary of the Underworld where they were at this time was where the meteorite ruins were located.

In fact, this is the second ring of Yehong's withdrawal plan.

Let the world think that he hid in the Underworld, but actually took the Underworld to the ruins of the meteorite!

The so-called sounding east and west, south and north.

In addition to not wanting to be targeted by Ming Che, Ye Hong went to the meteorite ruins for a more important reason!

At the time, Gentle once told him in private that the fifth family is likely to hide in the ruins of the meteorite!

Therefore, Ye Hong plans to go to the ruins of the meteorite to find clues about Grandma's fifth Mohan.

In fact, after Ye Hong left Xianyu, he also had contact with Gentle and others.

But without exception, all communications including those of the anti-immortal religion were cut off.

It seems to be worried that Tai Yi Xianzong cross-domain chased them, so they are all hidden.

Even Ning Yuan, who was expelled from the fairy land together, did not know where they had gone.

In desperation, Ye Hong can only decide to go to the meteorite ruins in person.

Speaking of Hades...

Ye Hong looked helplessly at the nearby Abyss: "What are you doing with us?"

"What to do?" Ming Yuan said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Ye, your words are still hurting!

The younger brother is of course planning to take risks with you and become stronger together!

Otherwise, how can I accompany you to go back to the fairy field and beat the left ball? "

"I didn't go to the ruins of meteorites for adventure..."

Ye Hong said halfway, and suddenly closed his mouth.

After all, he was absolutely impossible to tell anyone about grandma.

"Look at you, look at me, I'm moved, can't find an excuse?" Ming Yuan hey smiled: "In this case, let's go for an adventure!"

Although Ye Hong was full of frustration, he could only take this guy with no face and no skin to the north.

The ruins of meteorites, the reason there is a "rule" in the name, is because here is a ruin.

After crossing the border between the Underworld and the meteorite ruins, the crowd came to this legendary land.

And unlike the cold and depressed underworld, the ruins of meteorites present another extreme.

That's hot.

It's so disturbingly hot that it makes you want to take off all the clothes on your body.

While everyone was still adapting to the environment here, on a hillside not far away, there was a familiar figure silently waving to Ye Hong and others.

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