Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2836: Master Yehong really has you

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Seeing the person who was waving, almost everyone was stunned.

Because not only the students of the former Zhaoxing Academy like Yehong, Mingyuan, and Li Man, but also the men of Yehong like Gongsun Yang, Feilong, and Shouhu, all knew this person.

An elegant blue cheongsam, like a faint blue rose blooming on the hillside.

With a smile, it seems to be able to release a quiet breath, and even the air is not so hot.

The man is gentle.

Former member of the twelve-star public committee of Zhaoxing Academy, professor of archaeology, apprentice of Moon Sword Fairy, gentle.

After there was no news from the anti-immortal education, Tenderness also lost contact with it, and did not expect to meet her in such a place.

"Professor Wen, why are you here?"

Ye Hong and all the others came to the hillside with surprise.

Tenderness itself is a woman with both appearance and charisma, otherwise there will not be so many suitors in Zhaoxing Academy.

At least Ye Hong had heard in Zhaoxing Academy that many people hated him, but had not heard of anyone who hated gentleness.

So everyone was happy after seeing the tenderness.

"Of course I am here waiting for you."

Gentlely covering his mouth and laughing, a pair of crystal eyes always stay on Yehong's face.

Ming Yuan was startled next to him, and seemed to understand what he was doing. He shoved Yehong's arm with his elbow and narrowed his face.

Other men such as Ferron also followed with a meaningful smile.

Xing XVII and Li Man were confused.

Fei Mu sighed and murmured next to her: "Is this the third one, Master Ye Hong really has you..."

However, Ye Hong didn't notice the strange expressions of the people nearby, but asked with concern: "Professor Wen, what about the other people who are against the fairy?"

Is it also in this meteorite ruins? "

In addition to having something to ask Yuexian Xian in person, Ye Hong also cared about the safety of people such as Tao Yan and his son.

Gentle shook his head and said: "I don't know.

I wasn't a person who was against the immortal religion, just to repay the master's nurturing grace and act for her for that time.

After leaving Xianyu, the master told me to go through my life in the future without having to act together with the anti-Xianjiao.

Also, I am no longer a professor at Zhaoxing Academy, and don't call me Professor Wen in the future. "

Ye Hong felt a sigh in his heart. He didn't expect that even the tenderness didn't know the whereabouts of the Rebellion.

But then I thought about it, gentleness followed Moon Sword Fair for so long, and I certainly knew a lot about the secrets of the fifth family.

If you can find a separate opportunity to ask her, it is also acceptable.

But thinking of this, Ye Hong suddenly shook his heart.

But he thought of the first time he saw Yuedaoxian in Taiyi Mountain, Yuedaoxian let Yehong have more time to contact her apprentice, and said that her apprentice had something Yehong wanted to know.

The apprentice of Yuedaoxian is gentle.

From this perspective, is it possible that Yuedaoxian has already guessed that Yehong is looking for clues from the fifth family?

And gentleness is that Yuedaoxian deliberately delivered to Yehong.

Reminiscent of Yinyue Xianjun disguised by Yuedaoxian in Caiguang Lake, he deliberately let himself go, and Ye Hongyue firmly believed his guess.

He wanted to see Yuedaoxian even more.

"Specifically, let's talk while walking, otherwise there is [danger] waiting here."

Gently glanced at his phone and smiled.

Ye Hong accidentally glanced at it and found that there seemed to be a map on it.

Could it be a map of the meteorite ruins?

You know that the ruins of meteorites are forbidden places in the ancient world, but almost no maps are spread outside!

Everyone couldn't stand the heat too much, didn't think too much, and followed behind the gentleness.

The meteorite ruins are the most perverted places in Yehong's life.

The deeper you go, the more red the sky becomes, the more flames seem to be burning in the sky.

The deeper you go, the more you walk into an oven, and the whole person is almost burning.

Ye Hong found that the reason why the climate here is so hot seems to be the reason for the land.

On the ground, there is no green at all, only some plants and trees that no one has ever seen before.

But those plants and trees, without exception, are red.

Under the earth, it is more like a tens of millions of boilers installed, and the hot gas is constantly infiltrating outside.

Except for a group of people, no other creatures could be seen on the road.

Only some ruins remain, proving the glory here.

Between heaven and earth, it was lonely and very hot.

If it hadn't been heard before, I had prepared a lot of ice cubes and put them in the space. At this time, a group of people would have been dehydrated by the heat.

But even so, it is still mentally exhausted and sweating.

Even the top strong men like gentleness can't disperse this scorching heat, and crystal sweat beads ooze out on their faces, especially on fair skin.

Yehong, who is the closest to gentleness, has a strange expression, and his eyes are uncontrollably attracted by this strange style.

Of all the people, only Yehong didn't have half a drop of sweat.

"Ding! Trigger proficient heat resistance..."

"Ding! Long-term extreme heat environment, heat resistance +1!"

"Ding! Heat resistance upgrade, current level: Guru level, get Guru level effect [Fire Body Fire Body."

"Ding! Trigger ability synthesis, Grandmaster-level heat resistance and Grandmaster-level cold resistance merge into Grandmaster-level water and fire resistance, Grandmaster-level effect [Fire Body Fire Body] and Grandmaster-level Effect [Ice Body Snow Body] merge into Grandmaster-level effect [Water and fire do not invade]."

And this is why Ye Hong is not afraid of the heat.

But because of this, the mental power can't help being attracted by some other aspects.

Fortunately, he could do both, but he could hear the gentle words.

It turned out that gentleness would wait for them at the border of the Underworld and the meteorite ruins because the news that everyone had left the Immortal Territory had spread throughout the Immortal Territory.

However, after learning the news through the Internet, Genrou guessed that Yehong might go to the ruins of the meteorite, so he waited at the border.

As for why the border is so long, the gentleness just happened to be the place of arrival of Yehong and others, but it was actually because of the terrain of the ruins of the meteorite.

Ye Hong had guessed right before, and there is indeed a map of the meteorite ruins in his gentle hands.

Through the map in her hand, she found that there was only one road leading to the meteorite ruins at the junction of the Nine Nether City and the meteorite ruins, so she could wait for Yehong and others so accurately.

Hearing this, Ye Hong suddenly asked: "Professor Wen, why is the world so big, do you have to act with us?"

He was testing whether gentleness was sent by Moonblade Immortal.

But gentle but only slightly smiled: "I said before, I will live for myself in the future.

And my way is the way of archaeology, the way of exploring secrets.

Exactly, Ahong, you have many secrets that interest me. "

At that moment, the deep eyes in the gentle eyes resembled the stars in the sky, bright and mysterious.

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