Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2837: Intermittent eruption of magma

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Ye Hong suddenly froze.

A gentle remark made Ye Hong almost confirm one thing.

Gentle and ten out of ten knew some of Ye Hong’s secrets.

It may be related to the fifth family, and even to Blue Star.

Otherwise, he will not talk to Yehong in this implied tone.

But obviously, other people who do not know the truth are misunderstood.

"Secret—" Ming Yuan deliberately lengthened his tone, revealing a mean smile.

Although the rest of them did not speak, their expressions were extremely strange.

Even the simplest Li Man understood at this time, but somehow lowered his head, a flash of loss flashed in his eyes.

Ye Hong also reacted, kicked Ming Yuan to the side first, and after a dry cough, decided to change the subject.

"Professor Wen..."

As soon as the words began, he gently shook his index finger: "How many times have I said it, don't call me Professor Wen, just like I have called you Ahong directly."

"Sorry, it's Shunkou." Ye Hong apologized. "Then...Sister tenderness..."

The gentle strength was already seen by Ye Hong on the night of the anti-xianjiao incident.

Being able to confront Tang Derei and trapping Tang Derei in the Battle Star Pavilion will not be worse than Tang Derei.

And Tang Delie, is recognized as a strong fairy level.

In other words, gentleness is also at the level of fairy king.

So age may be a mystery to gentleness.

So anyway, on the surface, Gentle looks a few years younger than Yehong, and Yehong also calls gentle sister.

Gentle with a smile, there seems to be no resistance to this title.

Upon seeing this, Ye Hongcai assuredly continued to ask: "Sister Gentle, I want to ask you to copy something."

"Do you want a map of the ruins of meteorites in my phone?" Gentle guessed Ye Hong's inner thoughts.

Yehong was not hypocritical, and nodded decisively: "If it is very expensive, I can buy it from you."

"It's not expensive, but..." Gentle looked at Yehong with a smile, "Don't you know that Ahong has a more detailed map than me?"

Ye Hong was shocked for a moment. When did he ever have a map of the meteorite ruins?

At this time, Genou was confused when he saw Ye Hong and had to remind him: "Do you remember that Mr. Jin once sent you a book?"

Ye Hong remembers of course.

On Taiyi Mountain, Jin Bu sleepy gave Ye Hong a book just before he was expelled along with Nianxianjiao.

After accepting the book, Ye Hong had no time to read it, and did not know what was in it.

It's impossible...

He immediately opened the space and found the book.

Jin Bujie gave Yehong a retro-style sheepskin cover book.

There is no text on the cover.

But after opening, Ye Hong found out that it was a serial atlas.

Cleverly, every page inside can be pulled out.

Ye Hong tried to pull out all the atlases and found that he was able to make a complete picture.

A map!

Seeing several familiar signs near the map, how could Ye Hong not understand that this is exactly a map of the meteorite ruins?

As Gentle said, the map in front of me is a lot clearer than the gentle one.

"How can Jinlao..."

Ye Hong suddenly looked surprised.

"Lao Jin once mentioned that you often go to Guanshuge to find information about the ruins of meteorites, so he guessed that you will one day set foot in the ruins of meteorites and prepared the map for you early.

The copy in your hand is probably the clearest map of the meteorite ruins in the entire ancient world. "

Gentle explained, with envy on his face.

Ye Hong burst into a wry smile in his heart.

He forgot, however, that Jin Bu sleepy was the administrator of the bookstore, and he naturally knew what type of books he read most often.

It's just that Ye Hong didn't expect that Jin Bu Si would have prepared this big gift for him.

Thinking of the old man who seemed to never sleep, Ye Hong couldn't help but rush through a warm current.

I didn't regret the act of desperately trying to save the rebellion.

Tossing his thoughts, Ye Hong spread out the map and let everyone come to watch together.

It can be found that the terrain of the meteorite ruins recorded on the map is close to a circle.

But in the whole circle, only a spoon shape is left alone.

The terrain outside the "spoon" is almost covered by the strange crimson red.

Ye Hong glanced at the map's annotation, and forehead could not help seeping a drop of cold sweat!

It turns out that the place in the "spoon" is the safe area inside the ruins of the meteorite.

As for the crimson terrain outside the "spoon", the map is marked with a line of words-[intermittent eruption of magma].

Behind the label, several danger signs are also marked to warn people looking at the map.

Coincidentally, the place where everyone is now deep is the area where the magma erupts intermittently!

"what time is it now?"

Ye Hong looked shocked and asked quickly.

Everyone was in a hurry and checked the time.

They are not too far from Jiu You City, so the time zone here is the same as Jiu You City.

"Now it is ten thirty in the morning of Nine Nether City Time!"

Mingyuan, who is most familiar with Jiu Youcheng, quickly reported the time.

Ye Hong glanced at the map and found that the time of the magma eruption in this area at his feet was 11 am!

In other words, they still have half an hour to leave here!

"What are you still doing? Run!"

Ye Hong shouted.

Everyone immediately realized the horror of the matter, quickly turned over their mounts, and followed the map to go deeper into the place where the "spoon" was.

After half an hour.




Under the dry ground, there seemed to be thousands of anti-aircraft guns fired in unison.

The hot magma, like a strip of red dragons, spewed into the sky and then crashed down.

The ground is covered with magma, and everything is baptized by the heat.

Between heaven and earth, there is only the roar that never stops, and the heat that reached its peak.

On a hillside, Ye Hong and others stared blankly at this world-destroying sight, and all fell into shock.

Ye Hong finally understood what the so-called "danger" before gentleness was.

He also finally understood why the ruins of meteorite would be called a forbidden place in the ancient world.

I also fully understood what the high temperature that came from under the ground came from.

It is this horrible magma that made the ruins of meteorites a life-forbidden place where birds can hardly cross and hard for foreigners to enter!

This is the true face of the meteorite ruins!

Just as long as they left one step later, they would be swallowed by magma!

It does not mean that it is safe to leave that area.

Because according to the map, the time of the intermittent jet magma in different places of the meteorite ruins is also different.

As long as you haven't entered the "spoon", you have to be worried.

If there is no map, Ye Hong simply does not know what to do.

Thinking of this, I was deeply grateful to Kim not sleepy.

And when Ye Hong and his party played peekaboo in the ruins of meteorite and magma, the outside world also exploded because of his name.

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