Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2838: Red rabbit

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A few days after Ye Hong and his party left Xianyu, Xiandu’s Taiyi Xianzong General Sect had an announcement spread across Xianyu.

The announcement mentioned that Yehong, a first-year freshman at Zhaoxing Academy, was relegated to the Underworld, and was listed as a heavenly wanted criminal, and he was offered a high price bounty.

As soon as this announcement came out, it seemed to drop a bomb in a calm lake.

Especially the Zhaoxing Academy, it was an uproar.

The news came so suddenly.

With the prestige accumulated by Yehong, all teachers and students can almost see how beautiful Yehong will be in the future.

But Ye Hong actually left everything behind and turned into the arms of Xingyu's enemy, Ningyu!

But no matter what, Zhaoxing Academy still made a decision, that is, expelling Yehong's student status file.

This move caused dissatisfaction among many students.

Such as Wang Zi of the Dragon Star Academy, Huang Yue and Xue Ming of the Mechanical Society, and members of the Zhaoxing Army of the Battle Star Museum...

However, under the pressure of the new members of the twelve-star public committee, this decision was still strongly passed.

The most happy among them are the students who signed the tool sales contract with Yehong.

Since then they no longer have to be "exploited" by Ye Hong.

In addition to them, the enemies of Yehong in Immortal Territory celebrated the scourge and finally left Immortal Territory.

The news spread to the cities of Xianyu, which caused a lot of waves.

There are even a lot of people who are already furiously preparing to cross the border to hunt down Yehong in exchange for huge bounty.

Ye Hong didn't know that she was inexplicably carrying a big bounty.

Now he still takes everyone deep into the meteorite ruins.

After getting acquainted with the laws of magma spraying, the group finally became less worried.

And their current goal is the "spoon" on the map.

Only inside is the real safe zone without magma.

The entire "spoon" does not look large, and it is estimated to only account for 5 percent of the meteor ruins on the map.

According to the label on the map, the scientific name of "spoon" is called [the land of the Beidou].

Among them, there are seven small black spots that seem to gather.

Seeing the distribution of the seven little black spots, combined with the name of the place of Beidou, Ye Hong suddenly reacted.

Isn't this "spoon" on the map coincide with the shape of the Big Dipper in the sky?

Then according to the position of the people at this time, the black dot closest to them should correspond to the position of [Tianji] in the Big Dipper.

Ye Hong is their next goal.

It is rumored that the people of the meteorite clan are hidden deep in the ruins of the meteorite, then the most likely place is the land of the Beidou.

Ye Hong wanted to see what the Meteorite Patriarch looked like, and wanted to see if he could get some information about the Fifth Family from the Meteorite Tribe.


Yehong touched the four charms of the fairy cook on his waist, but he never forgot about Linglong.

If you are lucky this time, you might be able to meet the meteorite clan master who has built the fairy tales.

It would be worthwhile if he could repair the four skills of Xianchu and awaken Linglong.

As Ye Hong rested with the crowd while thinking and planning the next route, his soft eyes suddenly looked at one place.

With a light smile in his mouth, he reminded: "Attention, it seems that some little guys are being born."

Gentleness is a strong fairy, but the little guy in her mouth is not necessarily to everyone.

So the whole group was on alert.

The gentle reminder is a magma river about 300 meters away.

Just half an hour ago, there was an intermittent magma spurt.

The magma spout generally lasts no more than half an hour.

After the gush, the magma will flow back to the bottom along the jet.

In the middle of the process, lava rivers are formed like veins on leaves.

At this time, the magma river was bubbling, as if something was breathing under the magma river.

Everyone could not help but sigh.

Is there any other creature that can survive in magma? !

Not long after the bubbles bubbled up, a few red eggs floated up from the bottom of the river.

Those eggs are only the size of a fist, and they look like a few red dots from a distance.

Just as everyone looked at the eggs floating on the magma in surprise, a crack suddenly appeared on the eggshell.

Immediately after, the eggshell cracked and sank to the bottom of the magma.

What remained was a little rabbit with a big slap.

A rabbit born from an egg!

The little rabbits have crimson fluff, and their pupils like rubies look at the world in confusion.

If they are red all over the body, if they don't pay attention, they seem to be integrated with magma.

The magma, which can melt almost everything, has no harm to the little red rabbits.

Several little red rabbits suddenly saw Yehong and his party, jumped out of the magma river, and ran towards the crowd.

"so cute."

Li Man looked at the rabbits like stuffed toys, with small stars in their eyes.

Ye Hong understood that these little red rabbits seemed to be the little guys mentioned in the gentle gentleman's mouth.

Out of curiosity, Ye Hong opened the ability to see through.

Ding! Trigger the guru-level see-through ability and trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]. "

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: low-level meteorites.

The target is good at ability: selling cute.

Ability characteristics: selling cute.

Target weakness: only sell cute. "

Seeing this information, Ye Hong froze for a long time.

These little red rabbits who only sell cute, are actually meteorite clan? ?

In Ye Hong's impression, the Meteorites are formidable races that can forge those powerful ancient artifacts. How could it be this kind of bunny who only sells cute? ?


The little red rabbits came to Yehong and others, squatted on the ground, and looked up.

The soft and cute voice is like a newborn baby.

Li Man, whose mother had exploded in her body, couldn't help it any longer. She squatted down with her eyes bright and hugged the little red rabbits in her arms.

However, the little red rabbits kept screaming, and the voice became more and more sad.

Li Man was in a hurry and asked for help: "What's wrong with them?"

The rest of the people saw this for the first time, and they all looked dazed.

But the well-known gentle is sighed: "Xiaoman, they are hungry."

"Hungry?" Li Man blinked, looked at the tender chest, and suddenly sent the bunnies to the tender arms, shyly said: "I, I have no milk to feed them..."

Gentle was also blushed, embarrassingly stressed: "They are not milk!

Besides, I, I don’t have that..."

I haven't waited for the gentle explanation, but a strange sound came suddenly not far away!

The people turned their heads and found that a canine creature was issuing a low warning sound to them.

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