Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2839: The big dog can talk

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The canine creature not far away is also a red fur.

The body is huge, about three times as large as a two-legged one.

His eyes are fierce, like a wild wolf.

Two sharp fangs hung from the corner of the mouth, and a drop of red liquid dripped on it.

Look closely, the red liquid turned out to be magma!

At this time, everyone only saw that the red dog was standing directly on the magma river.

Is it also a meteorite family?

Ye Hongda was curious and subconsciously used the ability to see through.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: Meteorite Clan [Meteorite Dog Form].

The target is good at abilities: magma adaptation, meteorite.

Ability characteristics: melting, engulfing.

Target weakness: The current database information of the meteorite clan is insufficient and cannot be analyzed temporarily. "

Sure enough, this big red dog is also a meteorite clan.

Ye Hong's fantasy about the meteorite clan was broken again.

Said good natural forging master?

How are these cats and dogs?

And the most startling thing came, and I saw a big red dog's mouth, and it actually made a human voice: "Human, let me go!"

Can you speak human language?

And still a young man with a magnetic voice, it is a pity not to sing.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then all looked at the little red rabbits.

Could it be that these little guys are the red dog?

"Give it."

Originally, Little Red Rabbit ran by himself, and Ye Hong did not intend to cause a misunderstanding, so he immediately ordered.

The little red rabbit was put back on the ground.

Just listening to the big red dog roaring at the little red rabbits, mixed with weird sound waves, it seems to be communicating in their unique ethnic language.

However, the little red rabbits didn't mean to leave at all. Instead, they rubbed around Yehong's trouser legs and kept yelling.

Everyone was shocked again.

"I heard that some creatures would use the creature they saw at first sight as their parents."

Li Man first touched his chin and thought for a while, then exclaimed at Ye Hong: "Student Ye Hong, they won't treat you as a mom?"

Ye Hong's mouth twitched suddenly.

How about my father?

Pooh! The reason is not this good!

Otherwise, when a few red rabbits were born and they saw all of them at first glance, how could they only rely on Yehong?

Yehong's eyes shifted downward, and keenly noticed that the eyes of several little red rabbits all looked straight at his waist.

There was a pendant with fairy chefs.

Could it be that several little guys are staring at Xianchu Siju?

Ye Hong is still thinking here. The big red dog on the opposite side has begun to yell with teeth and grin: "Human, what have you done to my people?!

Let them go! "

He said, his body leaped out of the magma river and rushed towards Yehong and others.

It moves quickly and has a weird footwork. It looks like a red bolt of lightning turning left and right, and within a few blinks it is less than ten meters away.

A big mouth, a ball of red magma flew towards the crowd.

Ye Hong's eyes were slightly condensed, and he suddenly wanted to try the power of this magma.

The Xuan Bingxian tactic condensed in his hand, and a mass of ice of the same size flew up.

The magma collides with the ice cube, suddenly melts the ice cube and absorbs it into the magma, so that the original volleyball-sized magma ball instantly expands to the volume of a basketball!

"Be careful, the magma ability of the meteorite family is extremely high and cannot be controlled with ordinary water and ice."

The gentleness on the side reminded Yehong, while raising his hand lightly.

A water-blue light flew out of her hand, directly swallowing the magma mass.

Indeed, ordinary water and ice cannot restrain magma.

But gentleness is obviously not an ordinary person!

The red dog stopped in an instant, staring at the tenderness alertly.

The whole body of red hair was standing upright, obviously aware of the gentle and terrible threat.

"That... Brother Big Dog." Ye Hong tried to communicate with Big Red Dog.

Whenever I wanted to speak, the big red dog on the opposite side roared with teeth, "Who is your dog brother!"

My name is [Daya]! "

"Uh... not as good as Brother Gou." Ye Hong whispered inwardly.

The red dog who claimed to be big teeth was obviously impatient.

Before he could continue to try to communicate, he turned around and left.

But the people found that he did not go far, but stood in the distance, and the dog looked at the people sneakily.

His eyes were especially concentrated on a few red rabbits, apparently worried that Ye Hong and others would hurt them.

Being stared at secretly by such a dog, everyone is a weird.

"Forget it, don't take care of him, let's move on."

Yehong looked at the map and the time, and pointed to the northeast direction: "It should be one day before reaching your destination."

Hearing this, the spirit of the group was revitalized.

Especially Abyss, it seemed to be relieved: "It's great, you can finally stop staying in such a ghost place.

Knowing that the meteorite ruins are so dangerous, this young master has been a good second generation in Jiu Youcheng..."

After that, the group continued to set off.

The red dog's teeth are always like ghosts, hanging near the team not far away.

That's it, until night falls.

Because the underground magma is dense, even the weather is affected.

Therefore, the night of the meteorite ruins is brighter than other places in the ancient world.

A group of people set up the tent, but no one wanted to go to bed.

Because no matter how many layers of mattresses are laid on the ground, the rising temperature can not be cut off.

As long as the person is lying on the mattress, it seems to be teppanyaki.

In desperation, everyone came out of the tent.

While eating, casually chatting to pass the time.

Li Man was still teasing the little red rabbits, and from time to time gave out silver bell-like laughter.

Tired of amusement, he will take out a few small red stones and feed them to the little red rabbits.

Yes, the food of the little red rabbit is very special, it is stone.

After a gentle introduction during the day, everyone finally learned the life habits of some meteorites.

The birth of the meteorite clan is different from that of human beings, and also from the mechanical clan.

Every once in a while, the underground magma will produce [meteorite eggs].

Through intermittent eruptions, magma will send mature meteorite eggs to the ground.

When the magma fades, new meteorite life will hatch from the meteorites eggs.

Just like the little red rabbits who depended on Yehong during the day.

The life of the meteorite clan is extremely long.

In a long life, they will change into different forms through growth.

When he was born, it was in the form of [Meteorite Rabbit].

After growing up to a certain stage, it will become the shape of [Meteorite Dog] like big teeth.

In addition, there are different forms.

For meteorites, the most delicious food comes from the meteorite ruins.

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