Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2841: That big dog is really sleepy

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It was the teeth of the meteorite clan that came towards the camp.

Fei Long suddenly became nervous, staring at the approaching big teeth.

Gentle said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, he's not here to fight."

Then he slowly picked up a spoonful of dessert and put it into his mouth, narrowing his eyes happily without any worry.

Gentle words let Felon and others relax.

Yes, there is a terrible town where the gentleman level is gentle, what can be scary?

Ye Hong's gaze was also on Da Ya.

Like gentleness, he did not sense the hostility from a little bit of big teeth.

But as the leader of the team, he had to protect the team at all times and guard the surroundings.

Da Ya walked to the open space in front of the camp, but suddenly stopped.

Then the body shrank strangely and instantly transformed into a tall, thin young man.

On a wild face, there are a pair of rebellious crimson eyes.

You can vaguely see that there is a part of the red fur that has not faded between the cheeks and ears.

The clothes on him are also red down coats.

Other than that, it seems to be no different from a normal human being.

"Another ability of the meteorite clan is transformed into human."

Gently seeing everyone stunned, he added beside him.

The young man with red eyes transformed from big teeth is still very afraid of gentleness.

The body subconsciously moved a few steps away from the gentle direction, and asked Ye Hong in a complex face: "Human, did you just use the ancient artifacts of our meteorite clan?"

Big teeth spoke in one mouth, and two pointed canine teeth emerged from the upper jaw.

Looking at the two canines that grew a bit longer than the teeth next to them, Ye Hong seemed to understand how the name Daya came from.

But now the attention is definitely not here, but what Daya said!

At this time, Ye Hong suddenly remembered another purpose of coming to the ruins of meteorites.

He nodded and asked, "Do you know anyone who can repair ancient artifacts?"

Da Ya didn't answer Ye Hong's question, but just continued to ask another question: "Is the ancient artifact recognizing you?"

When asked this question, Da Ya looked very serious.

Even though Ye Hong had doubts, she nodded in order to show sincerity.

Whether it's the Snow Emperor's Ark, the Imperial Palace, the Condensing Crane Farm, or the Four Wonders of the Immortal Chef, Ye Hong let them recognize the Lord.

And the authority of each piece of ancient artifacts is the incomparable superior that Ye Hong has not understood so far.

Da Ya seemed relieved and approached a few more steps.

He proactively extended his hand towards Yehong and introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Daya, it is [Xingming Envoy] of [Tianji Tribe]."

Hearing the four characters of the Tianji tribe, Ye Hong's eyes lit up instantly.

From the map, the seven black spots in the Beidou land of the meteorite ruins should be the gathering place of the seven meteorites.

And according to the orientation of Beidou Qixing, it is divided into seven places: Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang.

The Tianji tribe in Dayakou is likely to be the next destination for Yehong and others.

Since Da Ya took the initiative to release the goodwill, Ye Hong would not pretend to make a gesture. He stretched out his hand and gave Da Ya a light grip, smiling: "Ye Hong, human race."

Then he wondered: "How are you willing to approach us now?"

Big teeth sighed and explained.

It turned out that the mission he was looking for was an occupation unique to the meteorite clan.

Because the newborn babies of the Meteorites are very random, a lot of life-hunting is needed to bring the scattered babies back to the major tribes.

Before that, Yaya thought that Yehong wanted to plot against several meteorite rabbits, so they attacked Yehong.

As for the reason why Daya changed his mind, it was because of the ancient artifacts in Yehong's hands.

"A person who can be recognized by ancient artifacts is definitely not a person with evil intentions."

Da Ya said this solemnly.

Ye Hong burst into tears and laughter, knowing that things were so easy to solve, he took out Xianchu Siju earlier.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Ye Hong also raised the idea of ​​visiting the Tianji tribe to Daya.

This is naturally a warm welcome to Daya, and he confidently revealed that there will definitely be masters in the tribe who can repair the four masters of Xianchu.

So expecting Yehong, he was ready to immediately take people back to Tianji tribe with Daya.

"Don't worry, there is still some distance from our tribe. Let's start tomorrow.


Da Ya suddenly touched her belly, looking at the pot of ice-fired crystalline rock in front of a few meteorite rabbits enviously.

Ye Hong: ...

In order to avoid the embarrassing picture of Da Ya going to grab a few babies, Ye Hong had to make a larger version of the iced fire crystal rock for Da Ya.

As soon as he took the first bite, his big teeth were amazed, and then there was a curse: "Damn, what are the pyrites I used to eat."

Looking at the big teeth that chewed the igneous rock with a big mouth, a group of people suddenly got goose bumps, only to feel the teeth faintly sour.

With the help of Yehong's iced desserts, the rest of them felt that it was not so hot, and went to the tents one after another.

Only Ye Hongrao pulled his teeth with interest, and learned about the Tianji tribe behind him, and the whole meteorite ruins.

It seems that Daya rarely talks with foreigners, and sees Yehong sincerely, and he also enjoys telling Yehong what he knows.

But there is too much relevant information.

So that when Chaoyang rose, Daya almost said his mouth was dry, still not finished.

Yehong glanced at the sky, got up and stood up, still with a cheerful expression on his face: "Go, let's talk while walking."

Big tooth suddenly froze in place, blinking his eyes filled with dark circles, and asked dumbly: "Why not take a break?"

"No, I'm very spirited." Ye Hong seemed to be very bright with a smile in order to prove that he was very spirited.

"Ding! Understand meteorite clan knowledge, meteorite clan knowledge +1!"

"Ding! Trigger proficient level of mental recovery ability, accelerate recovery of spirit..."

Looking at Ye Hong's energetic appearance, Da Ya suddenly regretted it and whispered, "But I haven't rest yet..."

No matter how the big teeth vomited, Ye Hong was greeted.

After the party packed up the camp, they continued to head northeast.

Along the way, Ye Hong was still like a curious baby and kept asking Da Ya words.

For the pitiful self-esteem in his heart, Daya could only respond with a strong spirit.

Just when Da Ya was about to hold it, Shou Hu in the team suddenly pointed to the distance and exclaimed: "Look at you!"

Everyone looked up and found out that they didn't know when they had arrived in front of a strange valley.

Appearing in front of everyone is a wonderful picture.

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