Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2842: Meet two sperm dogs

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I saw a valley that appeared in the sight of everyone.

The east, west and north sides of the stone wall together surround the valley in the middle.

Within the valley, there are various buildings in gray and white tones.

The most striking thing is a transparent furnace with a height of more than 100 meters.

Inside the furnace, there is tumbling magma, like a red beast in a cage.

And everywhere in the valley, there are similar transparent pipes.

The magma in the furnace is transported through these pipelines to the major buildings, and it seems to be a central hub providing energy.

And everywhere in the valley, there are various red beast-shaped creatures.

Naughty red rabbits jumping around, red cats impatiently treated by red rabbits, cool red dogs...

And a few Red Bulls.

At a glance, there should be nearly a thousand beast-shaped creatures moving throughout the valley.

Of course, humanoids also exist.

From time to time, you can see the red dogs and red bulls, and when you walk, you become a person.

The reason why they become humanoids seems to be work that can only be done for certain human forms.

For example, build tools, move goods, etc.

The whole valley was thick with smoke and scorching fire.

Accompanied by the sound of the boiler tumbling, and the sound of tin-clap iron making, it was like coming to an industrial town in the Middle Ages.

"This is our Tianji tribe."

Along the way, Yehong tossed his teeth and finally came to the spirit, proudly introduced.

Yehong originally thought that the Tianji tribe was really a tribe, but did not expect to have a town-level scale.

But when it comes to prosperity, it still seems a bit worse than the outside world.

Not to mention the Netherworld where the architectural art is developed, not even the towns in the Xianyuland.

But this is not important, the important thing is that they finally arrived at the place of Beidou.

According to Jin Bu's map, entering the land of Beidou means entering a safe area.

From now on, there is no need to worry about the magma spouting underground.

All the people with a long sigh of relief couldn't help but want to enter the valley quickly.

At this time, everyone was at the only intersection in the south of the valley, walking down the **** to reach the Tianji tribe in the valley.

But before waiting for everyone to enter the tribe, they were stopped by two red dogs standing at the entrance of the valley.


Like Da Ya, they both warned verbally.

It can be seen that their eyes are full of tension and alertness.

"Da Yan, Xiao Yan, it's me!"

Big teeth came out of the crowd.

After seeing the big teeth, the two big red dogs were finally less nervous, but they were puzzled and asked: "How did you bring a group of humans in big teeth, if the leader knows it, he will be punished!"

"They aren't ordinary humans..." Da Ya scratched her head, but didn't know where to start, and simply waved her hand: "In short, you will make way, I will take them to find the leader. "

"No! What if these humans hurt the leader?"

"Yeah, the book says that no foreigner can trust!"

The two red dogs still insisted on blocking the road.

Hearing their words, Ye Hong thought of the pictures of two red dogs reading a book, and she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

"Then I'll go to the leader to announce it first, okay?" Da Ya was also speechless.

"No! Who knows if you have been fooled by these humans!"

"The book says that foreigners are very cunning!"

The two big red dogs still keep their feet.

Ye Hong was even speechless, and he couldn't even tell whether it was two honest dogs or a bargain dog.

"That won't work, that won't work either, don't you treat me as a tribe, right?" Daya only felt that she had lost her face in front of Yehong and others, and also changed into a red dog form in annoyance, facing the two The red dog shouted.

"Big teeth, you are really bewitched!"

"Humph! Fortunately, we are witty and timely see through the tricks you want to mix into the tribe!"

The two red dogs seemed very proud.

One of the big red dogs suddenly looked up at the sky and issued a continuous bark filled with warnings.

The valley is not big, and soon heard the barking sound.

In an instant, thousands of meteorite clan members all laid down their hands and ran towards the mouth of the valley.

What they showed for the first time was not guard, but curiosity.

Just as Ye Hong saw the meteorite clan for the first time, these meteorite clan may also see humans for the first time.

It was like looking at the rare and precious beasts, glancing curiously at Yehong and others.

"Everyone, these foreigners have bewitched big teeth and want to stab the leader!"

"Fortunately our brothers were alert and discovered their conspiracy!"

At this time, two big red dogs shouted to the meteorite clan behind them.

As soon as these words came out, the meteorites who were still relaxed and happy just now became nervous.

The originally curious look also brought alertness and disgust.

Ye Hong was vomiting again in his heart: did your nonsense and nonsense make up and down the black and white skills, could it be learned from the reporters of the United States? ?

He couldn't help it, and said, "Everyone, we came to your tribal leader to repair the artifacts."

In order to show his sincerity, he also deliberately lit up the jade sword.

The group of meteorite clan in the valley immediately whispered and discussed.

At this time, Da Ya also had no choice but to explain: "Everyone, Ye Hong is a person recognized by ancient artifacts, how can it be a bad person?"

However, the two red dogs still distrusted: "Who knows if he used any means to force the ancient artifacts to recognize the Lord!"

"Yeah, the book says that foreigners can do more!"

Yehong suddenly had two green tendons on his head, and an old fire stayed in his chest, almost spitting out.

If you change to other places, Ye Hong could not help but give the two bar dogs a fat beat.

However, he is asking for people, so he can only tolerate his anger, thinking about how to open up the situation.

However, Ye Hong's silence made the two big red dogs more convinced that he had misconducted.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed towards several people.

"Foreigners quickly get out of our tribe!"

"We do not welcome you here!"

While rushing over, he still scolded.

"This is what you do first..."

Ye Hong muttered to himself, silently took out the star feather sword from the space.

The self-made Yewu Xianju recipe was launched in Dantian, and the master-level Kendo ability was instantly blessed.

Everyone saw a black flash on the open ground, and in the blink of an eye, two red dogs had been stepped on by Yehong and one was held by Yehong with a sword around his neck.

This scene only happened in a blink of an eye, so when the meteorite clan reacted, they all exclaimed.

"Does the book tell you that our human temper is not very good?"

Ye Hong smiled and looked at the two big red dogs on the ground in front of him.

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