Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2843: Wolffire

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After fighting with Daya last time, Ye Hong realized that to defeat the Meteorites, they must not let them use the magma in their bodies.

Therefore, this time Ye Hong made a decisive lightning shot, using his fastest speed, and did not give the two red dogs the opportunity to spit magma.

For a long time, I haven't worked in the ancient atmosphere. The feeling of freedom makes Yehong feel only comfortable, and even the anger just now dissipated a lot.

"Shameless man, let me go!

You are a sneak attack! It's mean and dirty! "

The red dog stepped on his feet shouted unwillingly.

But Yehong's feet were like huge boulders, making him unable to move.

Ye Hong remembered that this red dog should be called Da Yan.

Hearing Da Yan's verbal abuse, Ye Hong's eyes were cold, and his feet immediately exerted force.

"Ding! Trigger the master-level foot strength, trigger the master-level effect [Tumble of the Mountain]..."

At this moment, Da Yan only felt that his bones were cracking.

The verbal abuse was suffocated back, and only the miserable howl was left.

Xiao Yan, who was carried by Ye Hong with his sword, was nervous. When he heard the screams of Brother Da Yan, he was even more terrified.

And this scene also scared the meteorite clan in the valley mouth to take a step back.

As for Ye Hong, Da Ya was stunned.

He had hand in hand with Ye Hong before, but was interrupted by gentleness in the middle.

Therefore, Da Ya thought that Ye Hong's strength was average, but it was a big mistake!

Because he knew well, Dayan and Xiaoyan were as good as him.

And Ye Hong, who can control Da Yan and Xiao Yan in an instant, will certainly be able to clean him up easily.

Thinking of this, Daya couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Fortunately, there was no conflict with Ye Hong before, otherwise I don't know how to die.

However, the urgent task now is to stop the conflict between the two sides.

Just as Da Ya was about to go forward to persuade him, the meteorite clan in the valley mouth suddenly gave way.

And I heard someone shouting in surprise: "The Elder Wolf is here!"

A giant red wolf, five feet long, came slowly to the mouth of the valley.

The size alone releases a lot of pressure.

Ye Hong's pupils instantly coagulated.

At this moment, he thought of two people.

Feng Jialou and Ren Chiluan.

The giant wolf in front of him gave him similar pressure.

The Fengjialou and Ren Chiluan are both in the state of Fengxian Realm.

In other words, the strength of the giant wolf should also be about the same height!

However, Ye Hong did not worry, because they still have a comparable star Xing 17 and more perverted gentleness.

"Elder Wolffire, you are finally here!"

"Quickly save Dayan and Xiaoyan!"

Those meteorite tribes in the valley mouth are all worried.

The giant wolf, known as the wolf fire, did not immediately start, but made an old voice to Ye Hong: "Human, let those two ignorant children go first.

The old deceased you the most sincere apology for their recklessness. "

Wolffire's eyes are full of gentleness, and his tone is sincere.

It seems that the Tianji tribe finally came to make sense.

Ye Hong thought for a while, first let go of the blade on Xiaoyan's neck.

Then he moved away from Da Yan's cry, bent down, patted Da Yan's body gently, and persuaded lightly: "Be a good meteorite dog in the future, don't learn to be a master in books."

This light tap, but it took the medical skills into Da Yan's body.

Da Yan only felt that all the pain in his body had disappeared, and one rolled over and stood up unhindered.

He looked at his unharmed body, both surprised and surprised.

Then he stepped aside with Xiao Yan and looked at Ye Hong in a complicated way.

Ye Hong's understatement of medical skills also opened the eyes of the meteorite clan, and his eyes widened.

At this moment, Wolffire spoke again: "Thank you for the generosity of this guest.

Please follow the old man into the valley, our leader wants to see you. "

It turned out that this wolf fire was sent by the leader of the Tianji tribe.

Doesn't it mean that the leader of the Tianji tribe can't make a step, and he already knows what happened at the mouth of the valley?

In this way, the leader is not easy.

Then the fire broke out and the group entered the valley smoothly.

Along the way, the meteorite clan followed one after another, constantly throwing curious glances at the group.

The noise of the discussion is also endless.

"It turns out that this is human, why is it different from what the book says?"

This elder brother of Meteorite, you tell me what kind of monsters and monsters are depicted in the book? !

"It turns out that humans are walking on two legs and are in a rising posture."

This meteor cat elder sister, what misunderstanding do you have for humans? !

While talking about the strange common sense of these meteorite clan, Ye Hong can understand it.

After all, the meteorite clan and the outside world have been closed for thousands of years. It is estimated that many things still remain in the old cognition of thousands of years ago.

At the same time, Ye Hong was closely observing the buildings of the Meteorites.

After taking a closer look at the valley, Ye Hong discovered how shallow his previous judgment on the building level of the meteorite clan was.

The surrounding buildings seem rough, but they are cleverly designed.

Based on the exquisite structural design of the inside and outside of the building, I believe that the entire fairy field will not be designed by a few masters.

Even more amazing to Yehong are the fixture benches near the pipes.

On each workbench, weapons such as long swords and long swords lie.

Ye Hong randomly selected a few weapons that had not yet been completed and found that they had reached the prefectural level.

If all is completed, the proper heaven-level weapon!

And you must know that Yehong's star feather sword and Jingyu fairy bow are nothing more than heavenly!

In other words, if someone takes out a weapon from here, he can immediately make a fortune!

Ye Hong suddenly awakened, and the Meteorite tribe was the first race to appear when the creation emperor created.

It was they who created the ancient tool, a miracle tool, to help the founding emperor transfer the ancestors from the blue star to the ancient world.

How can a meteorite clan with such a glorious history decline, how can it be underestimated?

With a complicated mind, he followed the wolf fire to the depths of the valley, under the stone wall on the north side.

Previously, because it was blocked by buildings in the valley, everyone did not find a cave hidden under this stone wall.

After entering the cave with the wolf fire, it was found that there was nothing in it.

Dozens of stoves surround a magma pool. On the edge of the magma pool, there is a red striped giant tiger silently watching Yehong and others.

This giant tiger is more than ten meters long and its back is almost at the top of the cave.

The stout tiger tail stretched into the magma pool from time to time, swinging slightly, as if playing with the magma.

"Chief, as you asked, I brought the guests."

Wolffire bowed his head to the giant tiger and reported.

Well, I don’t have to guess the identity of the giant tiger.

It is the leader of the Tianji tribe!

According to previous exchanges with Da Ya, he has already known his name.

Meteorite Tiger, [Rong Chi].

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