Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2845: Life is really hard

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While Rongchi was writing the letter, he kept his other hand on top of the letter, and from time to time he cast a watchful eye on the crowd.

Like a green boy who is afraid of being peeped when writing a love letter to a sweetheart.

Yehong remembered one thing.

That is the problem of marriage and reproduction of the meteorite clan.

Meteorites are born and raised in magma and grow in the world.

So for meteorites, there is no need to breed offspring by combining men and women like humans.

But this does not mean that the meteorite clan cannot have a marriage.

Just like the elder wolf with thick eyes and big eyes next to it, I heard that there are three meteorite cattle and two meteorite dog companions at home.

In fact, in such a place full of primitive atmosphere as the ruins of meteorites, the worship of the strong is still popular.

In this way, Rong Chi, the strongest person in the Tianji tribe, was so suspicious that he was alone.

It wasn't until Ye Hong saw the shy look that Rong Chi wrote to the master.

Could it be said that the master is actually a woman?

And what exactly does Rong Chi think of that master?

No wonder when it comes to writing an introduction letter, Rongchi will be so proactive.

It seems that the drunkard does not mean wine!

Finally, Rong Chi finally wrote the introduction letter like a thief and gave it to Ye Hong.

He has also been told many times to hand the letter to the master.

Of course, we also warned against the contents of the letter.

At the end, Rongchi called Daya together and told him to take Yehong and others to the Tianshu tribe.

So the group decided to stay overnight in the Tianji tribe, and then set off for the Tianshu tribe the next day.

This night, the people lived in the characteristic houses of the meteorite clan.

Just before the break, Dayan and Xiaoyan from the meteorite clan came to the door.

After knowing that he had made a big oolong, the brother was embarrassed and came to the door to apologize.

Because they have reached the meteorite dog stage, they can also be transformed.

The humanoids formed are two tall and strong teenagers.

In the eyes, there is a little childishness that has not disappeared.

If converted into human age, it should be the same age as Ye Hong.

However, if a young man of Ye Hong's age is not as experienced as the big winds and waves like him, it is inevitable that he is not mature enough to easily make impulsive things.

In addition, the brothers are also eager to protect the family, so Ye Hong readily forgive them.

After the brothers left, Ye Hong was free to look at the furnishings in the room.

Rongchi didn't make any arrangements, so the people lived in the most common houses of the Meteorites.

There is no internet, no computer, no...

But Yehong felt more comfortable than any other hotel in the world.

Lying in the off-white bathtub, you can enjoy the starry sky through the hollow ceiling glass window.

There are instruments and devices around the bathtub, which can automatically adjust the water temperature.

The circular refrigerating machine placed not far away continuously releases a cool breeze, which is very refreshing.

Not an air conditioner, it is better than an air conditioner.

In addition to this, there are various machines and equipment with a retro atmosphere in the room.

Amazingly, Ye Hong did not find half of the wires and plugs on these devices.

After careful observation, he found that the energy of these devices actually came from underground magma.

It is understood that the magma furnace tower he saw during the day was named [Tianji Magma Tower].

Those transparent pipes are things like transmission pipes.

Through the processing of the magma tower, the magma can be converted into energy and transported to all parts of the tribe.

All equipment of the entire Tianji tribe is maintained by these magma energy.

Including the equipment in the Yehong room.

Therefore, although these devices look very old, Ye Hong felt that it was more advanced than the outside technology to some extent.

Unlike the mechanical civilization of the mechanical family, which is full of modern atmosphere, these mechanical equipment of the meteorite family may be called retro machinery.

The only thing that made Ye Hong feel inconvenient was the signal problem.

On the one hand, there is no way to get in touch with the outside world, and cannot understand the major events that happen outside.

On the other hand, there is no way to log into the world of Dojo.

Fortunately, this situation was expected before Ye Hong left the Netherland, and he specially entered the game to set up a mid-term development mission for the guild.

Although the lack of his chairman, the problem should not be too big.

Perhaps the members of Yeblan do not yet know that their president is living a miserable life in an exotic escape.

"Life is really hard."

Ye Hong, soaking in the bath, looking at the starry sky, blowing a different air conditioner, drinking a special ice drink, sighed and gradually fell asleep in the bathtub.

Early the next morning, Ye Hong and others left the Tianji tribe, led by Daya, to the next destination, Tianshu tribe.

Because the magma in the land of the Beidou is controlled by the meteorite clan, the pedestrians no longer have to worry about the threat of intermittent eruption of magma on the road. They are much more relaxed and have time to enjoy the scenery on the road.

But the ruins of meteorites have no natural scenery to see because they are invaded by magma.

The only scenery is the ruins that can be seen from time to time.

And from those ruins, you can vaguely glimpse the prosperity of the meteorite clan's heyday.

So Yehong was very curious. Why did the meteorite clan that occupied the most fertile central land in the ancient world be reduced to the tribal race that is now afraid of communicating with the outside world in the land of Beidou?

When asked about big teeth, big teeth were half-understanding.

"I also listened to the seniors.

It is said that a great disaster happened on our land thousands of years ago.

The meteorite clan was hit hard in the catastrophe and began to distrust the foreign clan, so they chose to cut off contact with the outside world..."

Hearing the word Tribulation, Ye Hong's eyelids subconsciously jumped.

After all, he still has an inexplicable title of the son of the catastrophe.

To be honest, Ye Hong now feels like a thief and stole something called Dajie.

Whenever someone mentions the catastrophe, he will be subconsciously nervous, and always feels related to himself.

On the other side, tenderness seems to feel something, and sighs: "Thousands of years ago, when the human race suffered..."

Upon her reminder, Ye Hong also suddenly recalled.

Thousands of years ago, the six major races of Meteorite, Protoss, Hades, Orcs, Snow, and Mechanical did not know what went crazy, and jointly launched a battle against the human race.

That battle directly led to the decline of the human race from its peak.

If it wasn't for the immortal immortal to be born, the ninefold immortal imprint was placed to protect the human race, and the human race might have already been wiped out.

The decline of the meteorite clan also occurred thousands of years ago.

So, is there any connection between the weakness of the two major races?

Then Ye Hong suddenly woke up and suddenly glanced at the tenderness.

Although Gentle is still discussing the thousand-year history with Daya casually, General Ye Hong feels that the sentence she just said is not meaningful, as if he was deliberately reminding him!

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