Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2846: Yehong's naming level

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Along the way, almost all have been spent discussing history.

Ye Hong liked to understand the history of the ancient world, but others heard his head confusing.

Especially Abyss, already bored to tease a few meteorite rabbit cubs.

By the way, Ye Hong met a total of five meteorite rabbits that day and they said they would not stay at the Tianji tribe.

And no matter what they give them, they all show anorexia.

In the last investigation, it was discovered that the meteorite rabbits had appetite and only eat ice-cold pyrite.

Moreover, it must be the discouraged version of the ice-fired crystalline rock made by Ye Hong.

No one in the Tianji tribe can make this dish. Therefore, in desperation, the Rongchi Rongchi can only send five meteorite rabbits to Yehong for care.

The five little guys were safe, and usually shrank in the feathers of the two dogs to sleep.

Only when you are hungry will you come out with awful throats.

However, Ye Hong also discovered that the five meteorite rabbits did not know whether they were eating discouraged food, and they grew quickly.

And on the fiery red fur, it seems that some ice blue markings have begun to appear.

To sum up, the five little guys seem to be mutating in strange directions.

Ye Hong guessed that it should be the result of his ability to control animals and breeding.

However, all beast creatures raised by Yehong seem to be more or less mutated.

From the prosperity of Blue Star, to the two dogs in the ancient world, the fat meat, and the meteorite rabbit in front of them, all exhibited this characteristic.

Because of this discovery, it is inevitable that Ye Hong will have a sense of responsibility in fatherhood.

So he named the five meteorites rabbits separately.

Because the five little guys were related to Xianchu Siju and Yehong, Yehong named the five meteorites according to the five elements Xianzhen related to Xianchu Siju.

They are meteorite, meteorite, meteorite, meteorite and meteorite.

As soon as this set of names came out, it was met with strong protest from everyone.

Even Daya said that Ye Hong's naming level was worse than their meteorite clan.

But to everyone's frustration, the five simple meteorite rabbits were very excited when they heard the five names, and they seemed to be very satisfied with the five names.

So in the end, the five names were forcibly passed with one vote in favor of many.

"Meteorite, call your brother to listen."

"What, you're not meteorite or meteorite?"

"Ah, who made you look so much like that, and you came across an unreliable named guy."

Over there, Xing Yuan was shattering his thoughts at the five meteorite rabbits. On the other side, Xing Xian was walking and looking at Yehong's map.

Suddenly, Xing 17 pointed to the map and asked, "Master, we are about to arrive at the Tianxuan tribe soon. Will we go to the Tianxuan tribe to rest and supply?"

According to the structure of the Beidou land, if everyone wants to go to the Tianshu tribe, they will pass the Tianxuan tribe halfway.

However, Ye Hong decided to bypass the Tianxuan tribe on the principle that one more thing is worse than one less.

After all, he didn't want to be misunderstood again.

He also can't guarantee that every leader of the Meteorite tribe is as open-minded as Rong Chi.

This time, however, his ideas seemed impossible to realize.

Tianxuan tribe.

Unlike the valley style of the Tianji tribe, the Tianxuan tribe is located on a plain and is divided into two by a magma river.

In scale, it already has the size of an outside town.

The only thing similar to the Tianji tribe is that a tall furnace stands in the middle of the tribe.

That is the energy hub, the magma tower.

Only in the current magma tower, there is no bit of magma.

At the same time, the entire Tianxuan tribe was also full of noisy fighting.

If someone looks down from a high altitude at this time, they can find a group of human-looking strong men looting in the tribe.

The sound of fighting is precisely because the meteorite clan in the tribe is resisting.

Many houses have ignited fire, accompanied by miserable crying.

Ye Hong they suddenly saw this scene from afar.

Da Ya reacted first and shouted: "Damn alien!"

After angrily transformed into a meteorite dog form, ran towards the Tianxuan tribe.

Yehong had no choice but to leave a few ordinary people in the team in place and let Xing 17 take care of it.

He and Gen Yuan, Li Man, and the team's combat ceiling are gentle, but they followed behind Daya and went to the Tianxuan tribe to check the situation.

To be honest, he and the Tianxuan tribe had no relationship and no reason, and he did not intend to intervene in this matter.

But big teeth are different.

Ye Hong has now regarded Da Ya as a friend in the ruins of the meteorite, and he cannot sit back and watch him go wrong.

The deeper the Tianxuan tribe, the clearer the characteristics of those foreigners.

"Yo! It turned out to be a Protoss."

Ming Yuan looked at the appearance of the white hair silver pupils of the foreigners and couldn't help sneering.

It turned out that the looting in the Tianxuan tribe turned out to be the Protoss.

Just now they were too far away, but Daya regarded them as a human race, and the invisible human race carried a big cauldron for the **** race.

Thinking of this, Ye Hong couldn't help frowning and accelerated his pace.

Tianxuan tribe, under the furnace where the magma tower is located.

Two pairs of people are facing each other.

One of them is the elite of the meteorite clan, led by a huge meteorite wolf.

On the other side, there is a group of Protoss.

Leading is a middle-aged man of the Protoss, wearing a red sacrificial robe.

The position of the cuffs is embroidered with a crisscross diamond mark.

If someone familiar with the Protoss appears here, they will immediately recognize this as a sign of the Protoss Association.

And this middle-aged man should be the **** of the God's Guild.

But strangely, there is a cold-haired young man with red eyes in the protoss team.

It doesn't look like a **** clan, but more like a metamorphic meteorite clan.

In fact, at this time, the meteorite clan were also staring at the red-haired young man, screaming at the traitor.

"Dustlight you traitor! It was even a foreigner to deal with our Tianxuan tribe!"

The red-haired youth Chen Guang, who was scolded by a group of meteorite clan, just smiled coldly: "Traitor? I just give the tribe a freshman!"

He raised his hands high, and said enthusiastically: "The great Vulcan Master said that the old must be burned, and the backward will be melted.

The law of the times is the will of Lord Vulcan.

Contrary to this will, it is contemporary confrontation! "

Hearing Dianguang's enthusiasm, the man next to him in red robe nodded his head with satisfaction, patting Dengguang's shoulder and said, "Yes, you are one step closer to Master Vulcan's arms.

May Lord Vulcan bless you. "

Among the meteorite clan, the meteorite wolf said sadly: "Dust light, originally we thought that you were expelled from the tribe, you will reflect on yourself, but did not expect to be brainwashed by the theory of the **** clan to become the present look!"

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