Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2850: Anything a bit brainy

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Tianshu tribe, to be precise, the three words of Tianshu city will be more appropriate.

Because it appeared in front of Yehonghong and others, it was an ancient city.

Unlike Xiandu, which has a prosperous appearance, it has a vicissitudes and simple texture.

Approaching the city, it seemed to have traveled back thousands of years ago.

Even the guards of the meteorite clan guarded by the city gate are wearing retro bronze armor and holding a retro bronze halberd.

Judging from the morphology of the team of meteorite clan, it should be at least a meteorite dog.

But after seeing the human faces of Ye Hong's group, the group of gate guards suddenly rushed out of the gate and surrounded them.

"It's them!"

"Quickly arrest this group of murderers!"

Looking at the fierce guards, Ye Hong couldn't help but squeeze his painful eyebrows.

Why should something happen everywhere?

Can your group of straight meteorite clan stop?

Without further thought, Ye Hong definitely knew what the guards in front of him had misunderstood.

Ye Hong didn't know the reason, and he didn't bother to explain.

After experiencing the events of the Tianji tribe, Ye Hong understood that in front of the meteorite clan worshipped by the strong, empty words were useless.

Only fist is the most effective reasoning tool!


Ye Hong was too lazy to start, and shouted Xing Xian lightly.

Xing Xie didn't make a sound, and his hand was a flame of phoenix form.

Until today, Ye Hong did not understand the name of Xing XVII's moves.

Just like Xing XVII itself, there is always a mystery that cannot be seen through.

But this does not hinder the lethality of this trick.

As soon as the phoenix came out, the surrounding guards were placed in the sea of ​​flames.

Just because they are meteorite clan, these flame effects are not obvious.

But they couldn't stop the Xing XVII ranks from being too much higher than them, so under the strong flame, they still screamed again and again.

If it wasn't for Ye Hong's special orders, it would have been burned to death on the spot.

The screams of the guards also alarmed the city.

Several guards ran out of the city gate, but after seeing the screams of the previous guards, they were startled.

The guard in the flames shouted in pain: "Go and call [Dihuang] leader!

It said that the murderers who robbed the Tianxuan tribe appeared! "

The guard at the gate immediately ran back to the city.

Ye Hong shook his head suddenly.

Unexpectedly, the straight meteorite clan also learned how to beat and shake people's skills.

But what makes Ye Hong care more is that the guard in front of the team just said that.

"Did you consider us as the murderers of the Tianxuan tribe? Ha ha."

Ye Hong immediately sneered.

But at the same time, my heart could not help but doubt Dou Dunsheng.

All the horses and horses of the Tianxuan tribe who came to the Tianshu tribe were intercepted by the group of Protoss robbers, and they and others were the first to reach the Tianshu tribe from the Tianxuan tribe after that.

Then something interesting came.

How did the Tianshu tribe know that the Tianxuan tribe was looted, and it accurately placed the identity of the murderer on them?

Before waiting for Ye Hong to understand, he heard a roar from the gate.

"Ge Laozi, where are the jerks of the Tianxuan tribe who robbed me?"

Along with this roar, a giant tiger with a length of more than ten meters jumped directly out of the city gate.

"Boom" fell to the ground, splashing all over the dust.

This giant tiger is stronger than Rongchi, and there is a fierce scar on the seal of the king on the head.

The whole giant tiger is full of violent and overbearing momentum, which is daunting.

Obviously, it is also a meteorite tiger representing the peak fighting power of the meteorite clan.

Seeing the meteorite tiger appear, all the guards shouted: "[Di Huang] leader, the murderer you are looking for is in front of you!"

So, the huge two eyeballs of the meteorite tiger glared at Yehong and others and screamed: "Dare you dare to fight my Tianxuan tribe, do you want to die?"

It turned out that this meteorite tiger called Dihuang was the leader of the Tianxuan tribe.

That is the leader who was tuned away from the mountain in Heijing's mouth.

Looking at Di Huang's indiscriminate brutal appearance, Ye Hong seemed to understand why he was so easy to win.

With a sympathetic glance at Dihuang's well-developed limbs and round head, Ye Hong said blankly: "Want to know, where did the intelligence of Dihuang's leader come from?"

"Where do you know from where you can rest assured to die!" Di Huang's huge body is getting closer and closer to everyone.

However, Ye Hong took out an object unhurriedly.

That was the hand-made statues presented by the meteorite clan before leaving the Tianxuan tribe.

At the moment when he saw the statue, Di Huang suddenly stopped and showed confusion in his eyes.

Others saw the statue and took out the statue they received.

Di Huang suddenly tilted his head, and he was startled: "Huh, isn't that the craftsmanship of those cubs?"

He glared the tiger's eyes and shouted: "Your group of **** have robbed my tribe!"

Ye Hong was deeply speechless and secretly sighed.

They are all tribal leaders, but Fan Dihuang has half the brain of Melt Red, and things will not evolve into the current sub-child.

Ye Hong reluctantly raised his head and said: "Dihuang leader, if you think we robbed the Tianxuan tribe, will they sculpt us these statues willingly?"

Di Huang suddenly froze, stretched his round tiger claws and scratched his head.

Then suddenly realized: "Also..."

He widened his eyes again and yelled, "So I misunderstood you?"

Ye Hong saw Di Huang finally got rid of it and almost moved to cry.

Hurry and say: "In fact, it was you who robbed your tribe..."

Ye Hong, like appeasing the child, patiently recounted what happened in the Tianxuan tribe.

After listening, Di Huang said blankly: "What happened to the version I heard about?"

Later, he also said the version he heard.

In that version, Ye Hong's talents were the murderers who plundered the Tianxuan tribe.

"So I just asked Chief Di Huang, where did the information you heard come from?"

Around, Ye Hong finally put Di Huang's IQ back on track.

As he said, the guy with ulterior motives in fabricating fake stories and deceiving Di Huang is the real villain!

"Damn it!" Di Huang's tiger claws slammed the ground hard and shouted: "[Wolf Yan] you who don't have PY, dare to deceive me!"

Then he jumped back from outside the city gate.

Immediately afterwards, there was a wave of shaking in the city.

Everyone: ...

Although he was a little speechless about Di Huang's character, Ye Hong also knew the name of the black hand behind the scene that framed them.

"Wolf Yan..."

Ye Hong's mouth suddenly evoked a cold arc.

He had a good hunch before that, there was a sequel to the Tianxuan tribe!

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