Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2851: Woman on stone

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After Di Huang left, Ye Hong let Xing 17 release the team guard.

Although they were roasted by the fire of Xing XVII one by one, but in fact, with their special physique, they did not suffer much injury.

Only then did they understand the truth, knowing that they and others had misunderstood Yehong, they were ashamed and apologized, and took the initiative to lead everyone into the Tianshu tribe.

Geng Zhi is a shortcoming of meteorite clan, but it is also an advantage.

He drilled desperately while drilling the horns, and did not tweak when he apologized.

The proportion of metamorphosis in the Tianshu tribe is the most seen by Yehong along the way.

Most of the people walking on the streets are humanoid meteorites with red hair and red eyes.

If you don't distinguish carefully, you will think this is a human city.

The most special one in the city is the magma tower that stands in the center of the city.

This magma tower is taller than the two towers of Tianji Tribe and Tianxuan Tribe.

Standing tall, straight into the sky.

Under the magma tower, there is a ring-shaped building with a magnificent atmosphere, like a colosseum.

According to the guards who brought the crowd into the city, the ring-shaped building is called [Beidou Hall] and is the administrative center of the Tianshu tribe.

Chiefs, elders, and elites of the clan usually discuss things in it.

At the same time, the Tianshu tribe is the largest tribe in the land of Beidou, and is also the leader of the entire meteorite tribe.

Therefore, meteorites from other tribes are often invited to the Beidou Hall to discuss the meteorites' events.

But now and now, the Big Dipper Hall is a jump.

In the center of the hall, a giant tiger with a length of more than ten meters is chasing a giant wolf close to ten meters.

"Wolf Yan, you bastard, why did you lie to me?"

The zebra giant roared while chasing.

The red giant wolf chased by him ran away and shouted loudly: "Why did I lie to you?

At that time, my men saw in the Tianxuan tribe that those human races looted your tribe, can they still be fake? "

The giant tiger with stripes is of course the leader of the Tianxuan tribe.

It seems that this red giant wolf is the wolf Yan in Di Huang's mouth.

Of course, they are not the only ones in the hall at this time.

Around the hall, a group of meteorites in human form are silently looking at the noisy tiger and wolf, and it seems to have become commonplace in this kind of scene.

They were not worried about what Dihuang would do to Wolf Yan, because Wolf Yan's identity was there.

He is the top five elders of the Tianshu tribe, and his status in the entire meteorite clan can be ranked in the forefront!

not to mention......

A group of meteorite clan looked at the stone seat above the hall in awe.

On the huge stone pedestal, leaning against a woman with grace and grace.

A long red hair, randomly scattered on the side of the stone seat, like a red waterfall.

The ruby-like pupils were half-open and half-closed, with a touch of soul-stirring breath.

A distinctive long black dress, lined with noble and mysterious temperament.

The red tie on the waist is just right to outline the charming body curve.

However, the sight of the meteorite clan around them did not dare to stay on this peerless stunner.

No one dared to provoke her because of her identity.

The woman seemed indifferent to the chasing on the court, holding one hand on the cheeks as white as snow, as if she were asleep.

At this moment, a guard wearing armor quickly walked into the Beidou Hall and reported loudly: "The leaders and elders, there are a group of human beings who claim to be introduced by the leader of Rongchi outside the door."

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Di Huang stopped the pace of chasing and shouted, "They are coming!"

Wolf Yan, if you are conscientious, just confront them on the spot! "

"Humph! Why am I afraid?"

Wolf Yan no longer went crazy when he saw the earth huang, and turned into the human form of a young man.

The slender figure, like a crown jade, is a standard handsome guy in the human race.

At the same time, Di Huang also followed into a rugged man with a tiger's back and a waist with a scar on his eyebrow.

Seeing that the woman on the stone seat did not speak, Lang Yan coughed and shouted to the guard who came to report: "Bring those humans in."

The guard turned around and brought the people in soon after.

And that group of people is naturally Ye Hong and others.

Because he did not know the specific location of the master, Ye Hong decided to come directly to the Beidou Hall.

What's more, dirty water was splashed on his body and he must never turn a blind eye.

Some fair, must be returned to face!

As Ye Hong stepped into the Beidou Hall, his eyes could not help being attracted by the woman in the black dress on the stone seat.

Not to mention the fascinating appearance of the city, Ye Hong had to pay attention to the strong and hidden atmosphere.

At that moment, Ye Hong even had the feeling of seeing Zuo Mei for the first time.

Could it be that you have seen the legendary Emperor?

As the seven domains of the ancient world, the ruins of the meteorite also naturally have powerful emperors, which is one of the seven emperors.

It's just that since the meteorite clan cut off contact with the outside world, the word "Yehuang" also became a symbol in the ancient world.

Even the big teeth born in the meteorite ruins since childhood, have never seen the Emperor.

So Ye Hong was not sure whether this woman was the legendary Emperor.

I don't know if my eyes stayed too long, the woman seemed to perceive it, and she opened her eyes slightly with her eyes closed.

The crystal-like eyes looked at Ye Hong indifferently.

At that moment, Ye Hong only felt tight all over.

Then in the field of vision, the Beidou Hall disappeared instantly.

Instead, it is hot fiery magma.


This is the first thing that came out of Ye Hong's heart.

However, before waiting for him to concentrate on thinking, the magma under his feet instantly attacked his body.

Ye Hong wanted to resist, but only felt powerless.

The antiquity, as if imprisoned, cannot be transferred.

In the horror, the magma directly wrapped up Ye Hong's body and continuously penetrated into him.

Every drop of magma seems to turn into a tentacle, exploring the secrets of every place in Ye Hong's body.

At that moment, Ye Hong felt stripped.

"Ding! Trigger Mastery Willpower, Trigger Mastery Spirit Defense, Trigger Mastery Mind Defense, Trigger Mastery Force........."

In an instant, all the defensive forces in Yehong appeared in unison, resisting the peeping and erosion of those magma.

Ye Hong didn't know that at this time it seemed to the outsiders that there was nothing strange about him, but his expression was dull.

But at this moment, the woman on the stone seat seemed to find something, and there was a sudden surprise in her eyes.

At the same time, tenderness frowned unpleasantly.

With a wave of his hand, there was an ice blue light shrouded in Ye Hong's body.


In the ears of everyone, the sound of a broken mirror sounded in a trance.

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