Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2852: Red ball

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Ye Hong suddenly discovered that all the magma in his body had disappeared.

Feeling the familiar breath, I guessed that the gentle shot helped me.

When I opened my eyes again, there was nothing strange about him.

It seems that the rock berries just now are illusions.

However, even with the illusion, Ye Hong didn't want to suffer the second kind of torture.

The woman on the stone seat was not annoyed by her tenderness, but closed her eyes again as if nothing had happened.

But Ye Hong always had a feeling of being spied on.

In order to get rid of this feeling, Ye Hong looked away and began to look at the other meteorite clan in the hall.

All that seemed to be a long time ago, but it was only in the blink of an eye.

The other meteorite clan in the main hall almost focused on gentleness, full of fear.

The expert knows whether it is there or not.

Although the gentleness only shot lightly, but the breath of the top strongman in his body was the meteorites who could not hide the scene anyway.

Facing the watchful eyes of those meteorite clan, gentle but always calm.

Ye Hong's gaze subconsciously looked at a man with a scar on his eyebrow.

Because the scar was so characteristic, Ye Hong immediately recognized the man as a dimorphic figure.

Di Huang is the only fool in the audience.

His thinking seems to be on the same level as everyone else.

When all the meteorite clan was afraid of gentleness, Di Huang shouted to a handsome man not far away: "Wolf Yan, the humans you said are here, you two hurry to confront the scene!

Anyway, the two of you must be cheating! "

Ye Hong followed Di Huang's gaze and saw the handsome man.

I immediately understood that the man was the elder of the Tianshu tribe, Lang Yan!

It is also the meteorite family who gave false information to Dihuang!

Roared by Di Huang, the attention of others at the scene also focused on Wolf Yan and Ye Hong.

Wolf Yan did not hurry, said to Ye Hong: "You said you did not plunder the Tianxuan tribe, but there is evidence?"

Ye Hong raised her eyebrows and did not answer the question: "Then you say we have robbed the Tianxuan tribe, but is there evidence?"

"Bold!" Wolf Yan's voice suddenly froze, "Now I'm interrogating you!"

"Interrogation?" Ye Hong looked contemptuously, "Are you worthy too?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the meteorite clan at the scene have changed, and it seems that they have never seen a human race with such a tough attitude.

However, Ye Hong's temper was very harmonious.

He shouted at Wolf Yan: "Ye Hong's family has a hand-made statue presented by my tribe.

What evidence is there for you asshole? "

Lang Yan narrowed his eyes and sneered, "What can a hand-made statue prove?

It is also possible that this group of people forced your people to do it. "

Di Huang froze for a moment, scratching his head: "Yeah, why didn't I just think of this?"

"What a black and white upside down." Ye Hong's face sneered heavily.

Now it seems that there is no need to doubt.

This wolf Yan has a big problem in ten or nine, otherwise he will not bother to commit the crime of stolen goods to Ye Hong and others.

"So, how did Elder Wolf Yan obtain the information of'we looted the Tianxuan tribe'?" Ye Hong said blankly.

"Of course it was one of my people who happened to have witnessed it through the Tianxuan tribe." Lang Yan said calmly.

"What about that man? Dare to call out to stand up?"

"Sorry, he just happened to go out to perform the task."

"That's just right?"

"Yes, that's just right!"

Wolf Yan's shamelessness refreshed Ye Hong's bottom line again and again.

What makes Honghong tired is that even though Wolf Yan's words are full of loopholes, none of the meteorite clan stood up and broke. Instead, they thought that what Yan Yan said was very reasonable.

Ye Hong could not tell whether they were simple or silly.

Seeing that this debate, which should not have been evenly matched, was about to be pulled into the unknown direction by the average IQ of the meteorite clan, the woman on the stone seat finally opened her eyes and spoke.

"Who is lying, you know it at first try."

Her voice was filled with ice-cold arrogance, and its arrogance was stronger than everyone Ye Hong had ever seen.

It looks like a black rose blooming the most densely among the hundred flowers, arrogant to the whole flower.

She had just spoken, but her fingers suddenly hooked to Yehong's waist.

Between Ye Hong's stunned gods, he suddenly realized that the pendant pendant of Xianchu Siju, which was originally hung on his waist, even left his body and flew towards the woman!

Ye Hong was in a hurry.

Xianchusi is absolutely of great significance to him, and he will never be robbed!

However, when Ye Hong was ready to grab it back, he found that the pendant stayed in midair.

The colorful light suddenly flew out of the Four Wonders of the Fairy Chef and outlined the Taoist picture in the air.

Ye Hong never knew that Xianchu Siju had this ability, but he stayed for a while but forgot to grab it back.

At this time, the woman said lightly: "Every ancient artifact of the meteorite clan has devoted a lot of effort to the master forging master.

There are many master blacksmiths who will set up small organs that only they can activate when forging artifacts.

Just like this ancient artifact in front of you, there is an organ that automatically records scenes.

Now only need to restore the scene recorded by the ancient artifacts in the Tianxuan tribe at that time, you can know who is lying. "

Hearing this, Lang Yan's expression suddenly stiffened.

His voice asked dryly: "[Chiyu] Elder, how do you know there is an automatic recording function on this ancient artifact?"

The woman on the stone seat smiled proudly, and in a moment there was a huge shock: "Because this ancient artifact is called Xianchu Siju, it is my grandmother's work!"

Wolf Yan was shocked, and his face was horrified.

Stuttering pointed at Ye Hong, said: "How can the ancient artifacts of Elder Ke and Ke Chiyu be on him?"

"You have to ask him." The woman on the stone seat looked at Yehong deeply.

At this time, Ye Hong shook his heart suddenly.

When Wolf Yan shouted the word Chiyu, Ye Hong instantly understood the identity of the woman.

Chief elder of Tianshu tribe, honorary leader, leader of meteorite clan in various senses-[Red Jade]!

In an era where the Emperor Meteor is hidden, she is the strongest person recognized by the seven tribes of the Beidou Land!

But Ye Hong didn't think that Chi Yu turned out to be the forge master of the four master chefs he was looking for!

Lao Yu of Yulongxian House once said that the history of Xianchu Siju is similar to that of the ancient world, that is, it may be ten thousand years old.

Doesn't it mean that Chiyu in front of him is a peerless old demon who has lived for thousands of years? !

However, Ye Hong quickly jumped out of this strange point, staring at the picture projected by Fairy Chef Sijue in mid-air.

I saw that the picture began when Ye Hong and others stepped into the Tianxuan tribe to the defeat of the Protoss robber, and scene after scene evolved in front of everyone.

Throughout the journey, there was no proof that Ye Hong and others had looted the Tianxuan tribe. Instead, Ye Hong did his best to save people.

Facts speak louder than words. These pictures are more effective than any evidence.

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