Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2854: Fourth-order mutation, meteorite wolf

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Since then, the situation of the Tianshu tribe has not changed as expected by Yehong.

Chi Yu's men Ma Leiting attacked, swept through the whole process, and successively pulled out traitors colluding with the foreigners.

Those traitors will naturally not sit still and fight back together with the foreigners.

All of a sudden, the city was in chaos.

Almost every moment, you can hear the killing sound from the street.

One of the biggest changes in the millennium has happened in the Tianshu tribe.

But these are all internal things of the Meteorites, and have nothing to do with Yehong.

In the past few days, Ye Hong and others have taken them in the hotel arranged by Chi Yu.

Yehong's time almost used to perfect his own Yewu fairy tactics.

After Xiandu had seen each big fairy strong matchup, Ye Hong had a new addition to Ye Wu Xian Jue.

Yewu Xianju, unlike other Xianju, focuses on the expansion of an attribute.

The key to Yewu Xianjue is always only two words.

[Traditional] and [Jane].

Fans will contain everything, and Janes will explode!

You can reduce complexity to simplicity, and you can reduce complexity to complexity.

These two words are simple, but they have been integrated into Ye Hong's life.

Compared with other Xianjue, Yewu Xianjue is more like an auxiliary plug-in.

After practicing Yewu Xianjue, you will have more exquisite control of other Xianjue tricks, as well as a more acute perception of some Xianwu tricks.

At the same time, he is also developing the Xianwu move matching the Yewu Xianjue.

At this point, in the predecessor of Yewu Xianjue, Yehong Zhendian, Yehong had already begun to try to do so.

Void Born Dark Night, Dark Night Meteor Palm, Night Hidden Cross Kill... These are Ye Hong's own moves in Blue Star.

What we need to do now is to transform these ancient martial arts into immortal martial arts.

On the other side, Ferron and Li Man also improved their abilities under gentle guidance.

With the powerful guidance of the fairy king realm personally, the two men's combat power increased rapidly.

Shou Hu, who always wanted to practice, also fulfilled his dream and formally entered the threshold of practice.

As for Xing XVII, Ye Hong is still repairing Ye Hong.

Fei Mu’s words led a long life of senior care in advance.

Listen to the song and read the books.

Among all people, it seemed that only Ming Yuan was panicking.

As the only underworlder in the team, he always felt discriminated against.

It’s to find Yehong, with a serious face: “Anyway, you’re a perverted even magician, so you might consider considering studying Ming, maybe you can still point me at the time.”

Ye Hong:? ? ?

But afterwards he felt that it was not impossible.

After all, there are fairy babies formed by the crystals of the beast mother and the beast in his body.

At the summit of Taiyi Mountain last time, he also successfully resisted an attack by the King of Doom.

Therefore, in theory, Ye Hong is also possible to simulate the operating environment required by the meditator's meditation.

But now is clearly not the time to delve into this, so I can only send away the Abyss with one foot.

Then I continued to study Yewu Xianjue.

It's just that the eyes occasionally looked at a corner of the room with concern.

There is a torn meteorite egg.

Next to the meteorite egg, the two dogs are sleeping.

That's right, the reason why Hiro asked Chiyu for the meteorite egg that night was specially prepared for Ergou.

He wanted to see if the meteorite egg could mutate the two dogs.

But I don't know if the wolf Yan in front of the meteorite egg is too strong, so the two dogs have not swallowed it at once.

Instead, eat a part, take a break, eat a part, and take a rest again, and so on.

When Ye Hong once again turned his gaze, he found that the sleeping two dogs suddenly opened their eyes and completely devoured the remaining meteorite eggs.

Ye Hong also stopped working in his hand and focused on observing the changes in Ergou.

It can be seen that when the two dogs completely engulfed the meteorite egg, the black feathers on the body are changing towards red.

The structure of the body is also expanding at a rapid rate.

Only a few blinks, a once-like crimson meteorite wolf appeared in front of Yehong.

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: Big Black Crane [Variant Level 4].

The target ontology is good at abilities: weight-bearing, hiking...

First-order mutation ability: Golden Lion Roar: [In an ancient environment, the ability to perform a roaring attack comes from the mutation ability obtained after devouring the golden lion egg. 】

Second-order mutation ability: Tyrant Tyrannosaurus transformation: [In the ancient environment, it can be transformed into Tyrant Tyrannosaurus, which comes from the mutation ability obtained after devouring Tyrant Tyrannosaurus egg.

In a non-antique environment, it can only be transformed temporarily. 】

Third-order mutation ability: Bihai Arowana transformation: [In ancient environment, it can be transformed into Bihai Arowana.

The blue sea dragon fish is divided into two major forms, the fish can enter the water when in the form of a fish, and can fly into the sky when the dragon is in the form of a fish.

In a non-antique environment, it cannot be transformed. 】

Fourth-order mutation ability: Meteorite wolf transformation: [Anytime can be transformed into a meteorite wolf, with fearless magma affinity, you can practice the unique ability of the meteorite family-meteorite. 】"

The meteorite wolf in front is nearly three meters long.

The grisly wolf head, the sturdy wolf body, free from a reduced version of wolf Yan reincarnation.

The reason why it is not as huge as the former Wolf Yan is because it is limited by the strength of the two dogs.

After all, Wolf Yan is more than level 80, which is far from what the two dogs can achieve now.

Therefore, the two dogs are only in their own right, and they are neither able to speak like a meteorite wolf nor turn them into human beings.

But as long as the two dogs continue to grow, it is only a matter of time before they reach Wolf Yan.

What makes Honghong even more concerned is the characteristics of the two dogs who have no fear of magma after being transformed, and may be the unique ability of the meteorite clan-meteorite!

The so-called meteoritis is just like Xianwu to the immortal, to the underworld to the underworld, and the magic to the god... is the unique ability of the meteorite clan.

By combining ancient gas and magma, they created a unique style of meteor inflammation.

This meteoritis can only be mastered by the meteorite clan.

Just like when Chiyu solved Wolf Yan that day, the moves she showed were her own Xuan Cang Yan Yan.

Looking at the second-order variant of the second dog, Ye Hong was filled with emotion.

He watched how the two dogs changed from a **** crane in captivity to a golden lion, a blue sea arowana, and now a meteorite wolf.

"Even if you suddenly become a person one day, I won't feel a little strange."

Ye Hong patted the wolf head of Ergou and sighed.

Ergou crooked his head and mouth in confusion, but it seemed that he was inexplicably spitting out a magma because he was not yet familiar with body control.


The hot magma directly melted the floor into a big hole.

Ye Hong looked at the big hole in the floor and said blankly: "The compensation can only be deducted from your food expenses."


Two dogs complained of dissatisfaction immediately.

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