Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2855: Welcome back

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In the following days, the entire Tianshu tribe continued to be in chaos.

At the most exaggerated time, the blasting magma almost flew into the hotel.

Chiyu's icy voice sounded through the sky several times.

Being able to force her to shoot, it shows how serious this rebellion is.

However, for Ye Hong who has understood the history of the Meteorites, it is easy to understand the reason.

The meteorite clan was once the first powerful race in the ancient world, and it was suddenly closed for thousands of years. Many clan people have long been unable to bear this kind of life accompanied by magma.

Especially some meteorites who accidentally contacted the outside world like dust and light, felt that the land of Beidou was too conservative and even decaying, and wanted to change the current state.

Therefore, they will collude with foreigners and want to completely subvert the current Meteorite rule.

"It's a pity that you underestimated Chiyu as a woman."

Ye Hong stood alone in front of the window, looking up at the gradually calm sky battlefield, muttering to himself.

It seems that the situation of the Tianshu tribe has basically stabilized.

"Although she is narcissistic and arrogant, and her temper is still grumpy, her strength is..."

Just when Ye Hong was feeling alone, a playful voice sounded silently behind him: "But what is it?"

The voice seemed to ridicule, but Yehong only felt that he was alone in hell.

Ye Hong didn't change his face, and said with a solemn expression: "But his strength is unparalleled, and he is unparalleled in the world.

What's wrong with such a peerless powerhouse?

And that straightforward temper is simply the embellishment of her peerless looks.

Such a perfect woman, I am afraid that it is the only one in the world, and it is hard to find in a thousand years! "

Ye Hong said, turning his head, with a serious expression: "So, Elder Chiyu, can you knock on a door before coming in next time?"

That's right, it was Chiyu who appeared in Yehong's room like a ghost.

Only she has the ability to hide Ye Hong's investigation, and appears silently behind Ye Hong, and she happens to hear Ye Hong saying her whisper behind her.

Chi Yu felt deeply admired when he heard Ye Hong's silky transitional words.

"How thick is your kid's face so he can shoot the kind of **** just now without changing his face."

"The next word comes from the heart, why the hell?"

"It's done, don't be poor." Chi Yu waved impatiently and said lightly: "Know why I came to see you today?"

Ye Hong of course understood that Immediately handed the Xianchu Siju up.

After Chiyu took it, there was no nonsense, and the black flame that he saw that day was called, that is, Cangxuan meteorite.

After the Cangxuan meteorite covered the pendant of the Xianchu Siju, it didn't take long for the pendant to return to its original shape.

All the black smoke began to emerge from the kitchen utensils.

Seeing this familiar scene of Ye Hong, my heart was suddenly excited.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the voice of melancholy to come from the black smoke: "Meow me, how long have I slept again this time?"

Along with the sound, a little loli less than ten years old popped out of the black smoke.

She was wearing a black suspender that didn't know what material it was, and wrapped her petite body just right.

Two pointed hair buns stand on the top of the head like cat ears.

There are delicate and small bells tied around the neck, and the bell sounds from time to time.

As soon as she appeared, the little nose sniffed and sniffed in the air, and then muttered, "Is it the taste of the ancient world, do I return to the ancient world?"

When the black smoke disappeared, she saw Yehong in front of her at a glance.

Instantly widening his eyes, he pointed to Yehong and shouted, "You fool, Yehong, are you still alive?

Just happen, make Liuhe soup for me! "

Yehong didn't care about the arrogance of Little Loli, but felt a touch of touch.

That's right, this little loli is the fairy of the fairy cook, Linglong!

When Yehong had just arrived in the ancient world, Xuan Bing Xianjun was ambushed in the prison of exile.

If it weren't for Linglong and Ao Lu to save each other from death, Ye Hong might have already died outside the sky.

The life-saving benefactor was overbearing, and Ye Hong didn't care.

Before that, Ye Hong also learned how fragile Linglong's fate was in Yulongxianfu.

Linglong's parents are the black cat family from the orc and the humans from the fairyland.

Without being blessed by the families of both sides because of inter-ethnic union, it ended in depression, leaving Linglong alone.

So Ye Hong understands why the little guy has developed such a character.

Perhaps she was worried about being injured again, so she would try to make herself look bad.

Like a wandering hedgehog, he pointed the thorny side at anyone.

The soft side is never easy to show.

Ye Hong felt pitiful in his heart, reached out to embrace Linglong in his arms, and said softly, "Welcome back."

Linglong froze completely.

Perhaps this scene has never been experienced before, suddenly at a loss.

Then he faced the red-eared equator: "You, what nerve are you making?!"

"Yo! The combination of black cats and humans is really rare."

In the room, Chiyu's joking voice suddenly sounded.

Linglong just realized that there were other people in the room. He suddenly broke away from Ye Hong's arms and pointed at Chiyu and asked, "Who is this old woman?"

Could it be that your nanny is hiding other masters outside of me? "

Ye Hong's mouth was all smoked.

Although Linglong said that Yehong was her nanny, Yehong never admitted.

No matter what the problem is now...

How dare this little black cat call Chiyu an old woman? !

The temperature of the room seemed to suddenly drop by dozens of degrees.

Chiyu's cold eyes were fixed on Linglong's body, and her voice seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth: "Believe it or not, the old lady will seal you back to Xianchu Siju?"

Ling Long's body shuddered subconsciously, and then he noticed the breath of top power on Chiyu.

But he twisted his head and waved a small hand: "Forget it, I won't see you in general."

His mouth was still tough, but his body was honestly shrunk behind Yehong.

Yehong couldn't help but looked down at Linglong, and his ability to break through suddenly started.

"Ding! Trigger the guru-level seeing ability, trigger the guru-level effect [Dong Ruo Guan Huo]."

"Ding! After seeing through, the target type: ancient artifact fairy [name fairyland].

The target is good at abilities: food cooking, black cat fairy trick.

Fighting moves: Xuan Mao Xianwu.

It turned out that this little guy was only about the same level as Ye Hong.

No wonder the original Blue Star could not be seen, but now it can be recognized at a glance.

And Linglong seemed to find something, watching Ye Hong shouted, "How do you change so much?

How long have I slept with this sleep? "

Ye Honggang wanted to tell Linglong Tianwai after World War I, but realized that Chiyu was still here and couldn't help but hold back the words.

But Chiyu laughed sarcastically: "I thought you invented the Xianchu Siju, what do you do?"

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