Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 2860: For a long time, just to see you

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"You really are the son of the catastrophe."

Chi Yu looked at Ye Hong with a complex face.

At this time, Ye Hong's flesh was standing on the magma, but there was no influence at all.

His body was covered with a translucent black flame.

And these flames are the meteoric abilities that Ye Hong has just realized!

Meteoritis unique to him!

Because this meteoric abilities come from the Emperor's Blazing Meteoritis, Ye Hong decided to name his Meteoritis [Chiye Meteoritis].

Ye Hong was still trying the novel Ye Ye Meteor that I had just realized there, but she heard the words of Chi Yu suddenly and stumbled, almost falling into the sea of ​​magma.

He looked at Chiyu silently: "Don't you think so before?"

Chi Yu nodded honestly: "I did just hold the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor before, and I will take you to try it. How can I know that you can really use the abilities of other races..."

Ye Hong: ...

He felt that he would definitely be mad at her if he continued to talk to this ten-year-old witch.

So he walked to the altar and stretched out his hand toward the Emperor's Blazing Enlightenment Enemy for the second time.

After those gray-white flames met Yehong's translucent black flames, they seemed to see their loved ones and surrounded them kindly.

Ye Hong unimpededly touched the bamboo stick inserted into the altar, and then pulled hard out!


As if touching a switch, the entire altar began to roar and violently shook.

The frequency of magma sea jets around the area suddenly accelerated, as if a certain giant was gradually awakening on the bottom of the magma sea.

The frequency of magma spray is the breathing frequency of the Emperor, that is to say...


An earth-shattering dragon chant sounded from below.

Then cross the ground and reach the sky!

At this moment, all creatures located in the ruins of the meteorite heard the sound of the dragon chant.

A thousand miles away, under the sky, all life shuddered by this dragon chant.

The meteorite tribes stopped their work, seeming to feel, and worshiped in the direction of the Tianshu tribe.

Even the newly-born meteorite rabbits lie prone on the ground.

This is a natural instinct, and a ritual to the awakening of the Meteorite Supreme Master!

Inside the magma sea, beside the altar.

All the blazing flames receded inwards and gradually merged into a gray figure of flame.

A huge dragon with a length of thousands of meters!

Three pairs of giant wings spread behind them, with the power to cover the sky and the sun.

Each of the two huge eyeballs is as big as a room.

A spooky dragon's mouth, the roar of the dragon is like thunder and thunder, resounding through the world, attracting countless magma to it!

At the moment when he saw this figure, Chi Yu bowed his head respectfully, and his voice was full of surprises: "Welcome Your Majesty is back!"

The majestic dragon eye of the dragon first looked at Chiyu.

In the mouth, Hong Zhongdalu's general voice was issued: "Chief Elder, this seat thank you all the meteorites for everything you have paid for this millennium, and you have worked hard."

Chiyu's head was even lower, and his voice was moved: "Thank you, Your Majesty, this is where Chiyu is responsible."

Long Eye looked at Yehong just now, but there was a deep emotion in his voice: "Your life is long, the time is long, this seat finally waits for you, the son of the big robbery.

My name [Longyan] has been silent for thousands of years, just to meet you here today. "

This dragon is naturally the legendary meteorite clan king, one of the seven strongest in the world!

His real name is called Longyan!

And few people know this name.

Ye Hong was originally observing Long Yan's body, still wondering why it was different from what he saw in the picture.

Suddenly hearing Long Yan's words, he could not help but whispered and said: "What does the four words "Emperor of the Falling Emperor, Son of the Great Tribulation" mean?

Why am I the son of the catastrophe? "

The red jade next to him looked anxious and whispered: "Yehong, how can you be so disrespectful to your majesty?"

"It's okay." Long Yan shook his head at Chiyu and said in a deep voice: "Yehong is the savior of our entire meteorite clan, and its status is equivalent to this one.

In the future, this seat will inform the whole family, see Yehong as if meeting this seat. "

Chiyu should be quickly, bow his head respectfully.

A glance at the eye just saw Ye Hong squeeze her eyebrows at her.

He was so proud that Chiyu hated his teeth, but he couldn't help Yehong.

On the other side, Long Yan apologized to Ye Hong and said: "I'm sorry, this seat and Xuanyuan have an agreement to keep the child of the big cat a secret.

If you want to know the truth, ask Xuanyuan. "

Ye Hong pouted.

Yes, go around, you have to find the old man.

"Then let's discuss the matter of the Meteorite."

Helpless Ye Hong, can only turn the topic to the meteorite outside the sky.

Because it will matter whether he can return to Blue Star.

"At this point, you can rest assured that although the body has not yet been fully restored, the will has almost completely regained consciousness, and will soon bring the Meteorite back to control."

Hearing Longyan's pledge, Ye Hong seemed to eat a reassuring instant.

At the same time, he also understands why Long Yan looks different from the picture.

It turns out that this body is just a volition, not his body.

But it was just the will that made Ye Hong feel the pressure similar to that of Zuo Mian. How terrible Longyan should be in the heyday!

Ye Hong became more and more curious, who is the woman who stabbed Long Yan in the picture?

"King of Death King, can I ask you a question?"

Ye Hongshi couldn't help being curious, so she questioned her doubts.

The next red jade kept giving him anxious eyes, but Ye Hong didn't notice.

Hearing Ye Hong's question, Long Yan remained silent for a long time.

Then he sighed: "The woman you said is the wife of this seat."

The red jade next to him closed his eyes silently, and seemed to have known this for a long time.

Even though Ye Hong had this guess in mind, when Long Yan said it himself, it was inevitable that his mind would sway.

It turned out that it was really cross-ethnic love, no, it seemed to be inter-ethnic marriage.

Although the meteorite clan does not reproduce offspring in the same way as the human clan, no one said that the meteorite clan cannot reproduce the offspring by combining with the human clan women!

Ye Hong didn't continue to ask why Longyan's human wife stabbed him backhand.

It must be a very sad story for whatever reason.

At this time, Ye Hong's mind flashed the baby who was almost killed by Longyan's wife in the picture, but was finally taken away by Xuanyuan.

That is to say...

"Is that baby yours..." Ye Hong hesitated, not knowing whether to ask.

But Long Yan knew what he wanted to ask and nodded, "It is indeed my daughter."

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